Sup, Spaniards, what do you think of bullfighting ? Torture, or culture ?
Sup, Spaniards, what do you think of bullfighting ? Torture, or culture ?
At least the bulls are employed
as long as the livestock industry remains this can't be frowned upon desu
I don't like it, but I won't forbid it, not my culture. If we say it's in the name of animal suffering, we also have to put the same efforts in for our meat production, and that never ends.
Why not both?
Muslims behead christians because its part of their culture
Honestly, I don't like it.
culture and even better a great European tradition
if you don't like it don't watch it
What about foie gras?
At least this is a challenge between a man and a beast. It's an ancient majestic ritual.
I was at one last year in Pamplona for the running it was kinda gay. They wound the bulls neck muscles so it can't lift it's head before the bull fighter comes in. If your gonna do it make it a fair fight that's real shit.
It's training to swordfight the New French of new Ummayad Gaul.
What if we banned nature?
Neither of them I'd say but i lean for the "culture" label since it's a tradition we've managed (actually, conservatives) to keep rooted here. Also, whether the bull suffers is not a big deal. libtards eat processed food ,aka meat, eggs, etc, obtained by forcing animals to breed like crazy just to supply them (I say libtards cause no one here really cares about bullfighting, yet they will try to be correct and shit).
Culture, obviously.
Millions of animals live in horrible conditions for years just to die as meat and no one cares, but bullfighting is a big fucking deal. Fuck that.
call bullfighting culture is an excuse that the Spanish rednecks use to be able to say that they have culture.
In Spain you are reported to kick a dog, but if you do a show torturing an animal to death is legal.
The PP government (the most corrupt party in Europe) subsidizes bullfighting with public money.
Cutters (Portugal) are artists, the bullfighters are not.
In Spain only Catalonia and in the Canary Islands is prohibited bullfighting
Animal torture as a method of entertainment is not art
Personally, i don't like it. No point on seeing a man supposedly facing a bull and killing it. But meh, at least we have our traditions intact for now :^)
no more cruel than what happens in nature.
the question really might be is what is man's place in nature. Did mankind really leave the jungle? Maybe we just squared off the jungle bit by bit and sanitized it in chrome and air fresheners. Drove the jungle inward.
Culture of torture. I'll be honest, I don't like it.
>foie gras
Know that I'm against any form of animal suffering. The respect of non-human life is a timeless tradition of mankind, and only (((Abrahamic religions))) are known for their utter contempt for animals. No wonder that rites as savage as bullfighting are still of use in Spain, due to its historic colonisation by Moors. Even though the Reconquista freed Hispania from the Islamic menace, it seems that the sandnigger blood flowing in the veins of Spaniards still make them act like the shitskins they are.
It's a great tradition. You can't be against it if you haven't seen one.
There's bullfighting in southern France too.
I dot care for it,it is part of the culture Since it spans for millenia,i personally prefer the non killing kind of play l prefer running in San fermines or rejoneadores jumping around etc etc (i have ran the bulls twice in San fermines and had a lad killed near me)
Also i think if given the chance between living as a free range bull having all the cow pussy i want and being an alpha Chad who is gonna die fighting or some beta fag who never even is allowed out of his basement and will die a fat virgin...guess im not in the right place to make comparisons.. but to me it's at least more about the kind of life I have lived than the kind of death i have died and even so I would much rather try to fie fighting.
That being said I think it looks a bit gay and most toreros are brain dead retards but I see no difference in that to soccer players
The only ones who can be called artists are the "Recortadores".
They face to face with the bull without swords, nor banderillas, not arms.
Only the men and the bull.
>Most corrupt party in Europe
It's just as bad as Podemos, Jordi.
That's because Southern France is legitimately ours.
He doesn't know about cretan and minoic cultures,and how it was a pan Mediterranean thing that has nothing to do with moors since its o,de than islam or than the fall of the temple and the spread of the jews all over the world
Bullfighting is a great sport, shows mans dominance over the beasts. Of course leftist ethno masochists want to the beasts to defeat mankind. My grandfather was a bullfighter in 1970s Spain under Franco, proud of him
Only Occitania, Provence isn't yours, dearie.
Gulture, like you spit roasting frogs
Facing a canvas without a paintbrush doesn't make you more of an artist.
u lol
Podemos, Ciudadanos, Vox... dont steal money from the Spanish Nation to take it to Switzerland or Panama. (At the moment Vox, Ciudadanos y Podemos not stolen public money)
The false patriots of the PP, yes they have steal much money to the Spaniards
>Torture, or culture ?
>Implying those are exclusive
That too, keep the north.
The way is carried out today, a disgusting circus.
It could be culture if it was reformed to look more glorious.
I don't give a fuck about suffering. We all suffer, we all are going to die. I wish 15 minutes at the end of my life was all I had to suffer at the end of my life and in exchange I could just eat and fuck hot girls my entire life. Where is the torturre? Seriously, these fucking kids should get into real life.
soo epic for you but....
several armed men (with swords, puyas, banderillas, black banderillas ...) vs a bull
legaly, animals for meat productions must be sacrified rapid and with the less pain as possible
In laws reguling how animals mus be treated, theres allways an explicit exception to bullfightin, thats a contradicion and its not fair
It's still more than men vs. nothing
He doesn't even know Mithra and the Leontocephaline.
Moor rape baby LOL
I don't care but fuck those whiny pieces of shit who call for it to end. They tend to always be SJWs.
>if you don't like it don't watch it
you can say the same for any crime
Only the "Recortadores" are in front of the bull without arms
Don't know if it was mentioned already, but the bulls that are used in bullfighting live the absolute best life a bull can live. They're free range, can eat as much as they want, have access to a harem of cows all the time, and they're treated like royalty before the match. I learned about it from Sangre y Arena.
After watching a halal slaughter, I changed my mind on bullfighting. If you watch them side by side, the bull in the fight is less stressed. I think animal suffering is not merely about pain therefor, as the bull has evolved its physique and nature through conflict. It can take pain and puncture wounds, as far as the bull is concerned, it is in a fight, it doesnt realise unti the last minute that its going to lose, and this freedome of movement should be equated into our understanding of animal suffering also. It is calmer because its still able to make choices, but stick one in a barrel and slash its neck wide open whislt its being rolled upside down , and youll see a horror in the animals eyes that is not present in a bull fight. the animal understands the fight, it does not understand being upside down and alive in a halal abbatoir.
essencialy the fight is the cleanest way to kill a bull, a ritualistic death symbolic of thousands of years of spear hunting. each fight only lasts 15 minutes, and the bull only suffers flesh wounds up until the point where the sword goes in. Also, fighting bulls live on average 4 - 7 years, twice as long as meat cattle. they are also farmed in vast acres to keep them as wild as possible. Its also given the opportunity to kill its attacker. If I was a bull, Id choose death by fighting.
Art in fact. I love it
I don't like it. I get it's part of our culture, but throughout history there's many examples of cultural events that are seen as cruel and bizarre today. We have many other things to be proud of.
Recortadores (not toreros), the only brave men of bullfighting
The real Men VS Bull
I think it's pretty cool, definitely a hallmark of Spanish culture. Any Spain anons here ever go running with the bulls? I think it sounds cool but my friends tell me it's retarded.
Looks like a halal version of the real thing.
It's pretty cool, but you need to be fucking jacked since those things can kill you if you're not fast enough.
It's funny because every year a brit dies due to being retarded and jumping the fence.
In recent years it became more popular due to criticism. They were lacking young men to bullfight, but not any longer.
What do you think if in the EEUU torture "American eagles" to death in a show just for entertainment?
The bull is a symbol of Spain, and some bastards torture it in public. Fake patriots for me
If it was only about a man fighting a bull and the victor killing his opponent, I would say his culture (let's cut the animal rights bullshit, animals are inferior and shouldn't be given a fuck about unless they are useful to humans).
But it's a sham, a travesty; bulls are given drugs to be weaker and if a bull happens to win by miracle, not only don't they let the bull kill the torero, but they will even kill the bull. How is this supposed to be chivalrous tradition? How is this supposed to represent honour?
So, modern bullfighting can be seen as the equivalent of shitskins hitting weaker animals like cats for fun. I won't protest against it or whatever because I don't give a shit, but there is nothing glorious about it.
Kinda hard to torture an eagle cus it flies. Also what's EEUU?
Nasty way to go...
I have ran twice at San fermines, tips,don't get drunk make sure your shoes are the kind that don't get slippery if wet since the floor might be slippery due to it being cleaned with water beforehand look to some experienced fag and try to do as they do,it helps to know spanish and hear who has already ran more than once,when you hear the fireworks depending or where are you trying to run there might be some good 3 or more minutes of waiting just let the retard tourists run without trampling you by hidding (tourist start running as soon as the gates open when they hear the fireworks and run in panic)
Enjoy and remember just because a lot of bulls have gone it doesn't mean you're safe sometimes there are bulls that get delayed and might come afterwards.
To me it was a Meh experience I enjoyed it and i had an adrenaline rush knowing my life was at stake and i could die but afterwards you get high on adrenaline and it's kinda worth it
Its an art and culture
WHAT THE FUCK LIONESS, THE DICK FIRST????? WHILE HE'S ALIVE?????? I'm gonna write a letter to that blond girl who killed a lion and tell her she needs to gear up again.
United States in EjpaƱol I'm writing it like this because it triggers the catacuck?
It's culture, one of the oldest forms of entertainment dating back to Mesopotamia. I think it should be preserved as long as there are people who believe it should be. If everyone in Spain/Portugal agrees to get rid of it then I wouldn't mind.
Actually you guys have your own style of Bullfighting in southern France. Although it is based off the Spanish style.
Spaniards are degenerate savages, same as all of South Europe. Needless cruelty is the mark of impotent rage and a lack of self-empowerment.
>retard tourists start running as soon as the rocket goes off
Are you supposed to wait until after the bulls have passed?
Fighting to death is different from being slaughtered, fight is honorable, the bull is honored to fight, with no stress.
What do you expect of carnivores?
It doesn't matter really
It's just a show so moral crusaders (SJW) can protrests against backwards retards who enjoy it
Normal people don't care about bullfighting, they have better things to do
You sound like a faggot tbqh. Catalan, I bet.
finally I get to post this.
in Texas it is legal to control pest species like feral hogs using any legal means
I don't like it, but I'm not a big supporter of forbidding things.
>says the literal snow nigger who use to raid defenseless christian monasteries.
No but sat least don't start running until you see the bulls,you see they use a rocket to signal they have released the bulls,as soon as that happens tourist start running regardless of there being literally nothing to run for but is a stress relief and they are kind of panicked and trust me it's the human instinct kicking it so it's kind of hard to not get funny feet,don't get in the middle and stand or you'll get trampled just let them pass and depending on were you are (i was in the middle section)I had some good 2 minutes of waiting till I saw the bulls,then I started running and i sprinted when I had them behind and at my side,they are faster so only stay in front if you know you can do it and only for a few seconds,be careful of others people who are panicked and run for their lives won't doubt to push you into harms way again be careful if around tourists.
Wait, I thought it was Northerners who were all degenerate cucks.
Don't you have more pressing issues at home? France,
So if people don't like it, then it's dead culture. Majority of people of specific race have to accept some phenomena for it to be culture, else it's history. Brazil for example denied Indian culture and replaced it with Christianity.
Based Texas, best state in the nation.
More bullfighters getting rekt, amigo
Muerte a estos hijos de puta!
>feral hogs
Sounds delicious.
Christians looted whole planet and besides you are comparing modern times with ancient times. Get some brains moron.
Is it savage? Sure it is, I don't think anyone would argue that the bull enjoys it, but all of these liberals that cry over it, don't cry over cows being killed for meat.
When i was a kid i used to go to the village for summer, there were a lot of cows, bulls, calfs, they were very friendly and cute, we ran around on the fields with literally hundreds of them, you could come up to a giant horned monster bull and pet him, and he would not mind. It pains my heart to see them suffer, anyone who thinks its fun or acceptable is heartless, or had no childhood.
This is like when the fucking leafs start to fag post about gun control in the USA. Fuckers overrun by terrorist, but have feelies about their neighbors culture and laws.
it's disgusting and only subhumans would try to defend it. but it's true that a lot of people aren't against torture and killing for pleasure in other cases (eating meat) and they could be a bit more consistent
Not the same breed od bulls, I dont want u to go to a field full of spanish brave bulls. They are sons of wild fierce european uros. I run and do "recortes" to bulls since 16 and brave cows since 12 and they are agressive as fuck
where the fuck do you live russia, in jurassic park? holy kek
Wow! You must be such a badass!
Do you know it is illegal in California to import, sell or process foie gras, because it is torture. I think France should stop torturing geese. What do you think world, is the production of foie gras animal torture.
Torture culture.
Satanic sacrificial ritual.
Don't tell him it should be fun to see some russian going to pet one toro de lidiathey are like mike brown gentle giants
>several armed men (with swords, puyas, banderillas, black banderillas ...) vs a bull
Modern people have lost touch with nature and have forgotten just how weak they are in the face of it's fury. A fully grown bull can weigh in excess of 2000 pounds, that's the equivalent of ten two hundred pound men.
Why exactly do you find it shocking that it is not the custom to send one man alone off to fight such a beast? Stop thinking that you are so much smarter and braver than those who came before you.
Any legal means - including full auto if you can afford it. Ah - meh freedom. Wouldn't live anywhere else.
>looting and pillaging
>manning up cause the popo distracted
Niggers are weak.
>betas on rampage
What a waste to kill wild animals and not eat them.
It's good because the Bull stands a chance. It's also a healthy reminder that the world is cruel and fucked up. Eating a burger is just as bad as this. Also tweeting leftist shit from a phone that was shipped to you on a plane that probably sucked in a few birds through those turbines.
You can't be compassionate if you hide suffering instead of facing it
>California as a moral example
>hur dur we must be nice to Muslim culture!
is this world for real?
how you feel if bolivia said you guys should no more Vaquejada.
If bullfighting was outlawed wouldn't most of the bulls in Spain be euthanized? It's what happens to most greyhounds in areas in the US that outlaw dog races. The animal was bred for a purpose, if that purpose no longer exists it's no longer economically feasible to keep feeding and housing it,
It's a cultural thing. It's like trying to take away the ameritards' guns, they will immediately sperg if you point out that having a military grade weapon for city self defense is completely retarded. I don't like it, don't approve of it, don't watch it, but don't criticize it. Its just as retarded as frenchies having 3 hours of lunch, africans doing voodoo and muslims praying 80 times a day.