He's sincerely trying to better the world. He believes his own bullshit.
Robert Cruz
It's all about the end goal.
Jonathan Parker
It's quite simple. He stirs up descent, bets against the market, and makes a shitload of money.
Ayden Lee
He's not that Jewish if you ask me.
Lucas Jackson
he's one of the american state department's minions. he gives shekels to ngos in target countries with the aim of "democracy promotion" by "regime change" (violent street fighting with the aim of toppling the leader). the us of ass wants to spread liberalism all over the globe.
Kayden Howard
Pol is 18+ board. If you can't into basic economics of destabilization you gotta go back to containment.
Cameron Fisher
Well there is the crazy theory that he is trying to recreate the glory days of his youth, when he sold other Jews out to the Nazis. But he knows that if you want people to go full Nazi, you need a Weimar Republic first, hence his funding.
Dominic Butler
Most people can't into basic economics and vote.
I couldn't either buy was inspired by the recent election.
Take the real redpill /pol
Jace Wilson
Soros is a hero that Sup Forums should love. Don't believe me? Listen.
>Soros was once a nazi and commented on how it was the best time of his lives >Soros knows how the nazi party gained so much power, because degeneracy prior to nazi germany was INSANE (child prostitutes, beastiality ect) >Soros is accelerating degeneracy out of control so the west wakes up instead of being boiled slowly
Anyone who hates soros is a fucking idiot. He's trying to save us, you god damn morons. These commies would be boiling us slowly in the pot without us realizing, but he's trying to create MORE degeneracy so we fight back.
He's playing the smart game.
Jason Peterson
He wants to eradicate borders and create a one world government. That's his end-game.
He wants this for one of two reasons, or possibly both:
1) He believes, logically in fact, that the best way to eradicate any form of racism or classism is for us to all be on a level playing field. If there was no such thing as a "better" country in terms of money or social policies and everywhere ran exactly the same way - a Western-influenced way, specifically - then a lot of the world's issues regarding poverty, famine and overcrowding simply disappear.
2) As a rich man with influence, a one-world government guarantees a man like him and his progeny ultimate power for the duration of human civilisation.
He is wrong for two reasons:
1) The death of the nation state is not going to end certain problems that are endemic to the regions and there will always be the more desirable place to be, whether it's due to climate or pre-existing infrastructure.
2) Once there's only one government, all it takes is the "wrong" person to come to power and we could have centuries of the "wrong" type of politics with nowhere to escape to as areas attempting to form new nation states and break off of centralised control would be decried as undesirables and instantly crushed by the might of the world army.
The reason you know he's not actually doing this for the betterment of society is because he doesn't put his money into things that could actually help people in the here and now - it all goes into political and social scheming and brainwashing programs.
Put simply, with the vast wealth he has he could quite easily pay for infrastructure to bring clean drinking water to the villages of Africa. He could pay for all of India's slums to be knocked down and rebuilt with clean water and sanitation services. He doesn't do these things.
Juan James
I'm starting to realize that the more I look into it
Jose Nelson
Is that why he consistently bets against the currency of nations that he attempts to destabilize in the stock market?
Ayden Morris
He is strongly motivated by Karl Popper's "The Open Society and Its Enemies"
Jose Roberts
He does that in order to make more money to use to further his plan. I'm serious, he's that twisted.
Liam Perry
Jew here.
I'd call him a rat, but that would be an insult to rats as they are not hideous creatures like Soros is. This person is a slimy, self serving globalist scumbag who is simply investing money into destroying every country he inhabits.
He even reported fellow Jews to the N*zis when he was a kid. His end goal is for him to win and everyone else to lose.
Hope Trump. Putin and Bibi tag team the farreter cunt.
Christopher Sanchez
Robert Green
ITT, all of you idiots who don't know your history.
See You want him to be the boogeyman, because it's easier to believe some evil jew is orchestrating all of this, instead of the real truth.
Our nations are in decline, like every single empire before them and we are filled with commie traitors who want to see our collapse. The enemies are your neighbors and friends, the ones who believe the government is their parent.
Sure, some kikes are up to no good, but soros is a man doing great evil for an even greater cause. Of course if you all researched him a little more you would know about his nazi roots and where his true loyalty lies.
Liam Perry
Jews got the niggers to commit arson and rioting 100+ American cities.
Allegedly it reflects a "conspiracy of interests" rather than a "conspiracy of intent."
Nolan Campbell
Jews are nation-wreckers, and that is how they have always been known throughout history. Here is a list of some of the Leftist Commie Jews (not nationalistic Zionists) who directly worked toward putting an end to the white people of South Africa:
These Jews turned South Africa into the Negro calamity it has become today. Of course, it's much the same story for the U.S., but slower and with a different kosher cast. White folks need to understand that Blacks organize NOTHING. It is the Jews who organize them against white Gentiles.
Joe Slovo (Jew #5 on my list) was the South African Communist Party leader, and it was he who held the hearts and minds of the movement's most violent anti-white activists. They sang songs about him:
>"Hey, Joe Slovo, we are going to shoot them. We'll go in with our guns."
>"Here is a message from Joe Slovo— [...] Kill the Boers, our father. Kill the Boers, young man. Communist party victory. Joe Slovo, our father [...]"
>"We, the members of M. K., have pledged ourselves to kill them — the Whites." (Joe Slovo is the one in the green shirt at 2:45)
Jaxson Taylor
durrr two sides of the same coin
Hudson Stewart
Jews do not believe in an afterlife, rather they believe that they live through their children.
White Europeans BTFO'd Jews for millennia. To get their Satanic revenge on the goyim, Jews (always a very literate people) wrote history such that they were never the slave-driver, they were only the expulsed. The so-called "Dark Ages" were caused by roaming hoardes of stateless barbarians, not mercenary bands hired by the Jews to extort and punish the victims of their parasitic usury practices.
He is doing what they have done for millennia.
Daniel Scott
Jews like "bet against" economies and then crash them and then come in from the outside and buy things for cheap when the economy is at it's lowest.
Angel Nguyen
Messiah complex believes he's the one to fulfill some stupid jew prophesy and he's not the only one who thinks himself as some sorta chosen one.
Grayson Wood
he's a jew jews look for destruction, they don't want peace
Jacob Diaz
Just another zionist scum that needs to die.
Sebastian Nguyen
You can he read on his strategy from the guy himself. He believes Popper's philosophy helps him with finnace or something like that.
He has left his skelletons out in the open a long time ago, it's just that he doesn't get that much attention. I think he might even resent that.
Kayden Allen
Soros isn't proud of his nazi collaboration, he just said he didn't feel guilty about it because he couldn't save those people anyway.