Sup Forums summed up in one image

Sup Forums summed up in one image

trump is still a better president for trump supporters than hilldawg would have been

Replace Trump with Hillary/Bernie/Obama and Fox with CNN and poof, you have the left.

OP summed up in one image

And I guess this comparison makes the hypocrisy of some trump supporters completely ok..

you slipped up and meant "The_Donald" but instead wrote Sup Forums

Takes away one more thing libtards use to complain about not getting their way.

Its like the body slamming issue. We really don't care, real people are imperfect. We like an imperfect person more than a robot sell out.

that looks like Smeagol

"Occupy democrats" should really be a bannable offense, I havent seen one OP who's posted one unironically without shitting up this board with blatant b8

>occupy democrats

the "top 10% of blacks are smarter than half of all whites" one is pretty good

OP is the left summed up:
1. Failure to engage in meaningful debate.
2. Blanket criticism of all Trump supporters as being stupid/illogical.

if you are replying to threads like this without adding "sage" to your post you should think more about what you are doing with your life. being on Sup Forums is bad enough but not using sage when you should?

fucking sage


Whereas in the halls of pol, meaningful debate is encouraged at every opportunity while blanket criticism of the opposition is deeply nuanced without reduction to them being stupid/illogical.

I meant, "Reeeeeeee!"

Stay classy pol. These and the Seth Rich threads are like evergreen entertainment for those of us otherwise despondent with Trump. Even if your humor isn't intentional, it's still much appreciated.

Wow are you worried about getting downvoted or shadowbanned?

Seriously, gas yourself.

admonishing other anons to sage must be the lowest level of being a Sup Forumsack, no? i mean is there a less valuable use of your precious time?

Who here likes fox? Anyone? I didn't think so you fucking kike shill. Great non argument now go walk into traffic.

>go to left board
>get "benned"
>go to right board
>be disagreed with, but that's basically the same as being banned, right?

Surprisingly, no! I have a life outside of masturbating to hentai. I realize that makes me the extreme minority here. I'm OK with it, user.

Appreciate the concern though.

You aren't in the minority, you just can't defend your positions so you get fucking destroyed.

Hey that's hurtful. I don't appreciate it! Please consider taking it back, user. Praise kek and shadilay, my cuckniggers.

> thinks Trump supporters act like Obama supporters because that's how everyone is supposed to act

Ever since I said to my mother, "So, Comey's a hero again now?" after he was fired by Trump, she literally puts her fingers in her ears, shuts her eyes, and starts screaming "FAKE NEWS!" over and over whenever she sees me.

And she honestly thought she was winning everyone else's respect by doing this. You wouldn't believe the look of shock on her face when the state took her away to be sectioned.

I honestly watch CNN more than Fox News! I like Anderson, and his cute faggot ass.

this image triggers my stupid


I don't see how it's any worse than saying Bill Clinton could have raped women but can still be a good feminist, which is what Wonkette and other femtards did. Or reducing the sickening tiered justice system to "But her emails!" as if people aren't spending years in prison for doing a fraction of what Hillary did.

That doesn't make the apologetics from Trump supporters OK, but it's hardly unique to them.

I don't care what trump does. I just wanted him to win so I could watch Libtards cry and have a mental break down and watch them go insane.

It was amazing to see.

Gonna be a long 8 years for you, bruv desudesu.

someone's safe space feels threatened.

poor special snowflake. it'll be OK.

>blanket criticism of the opposition is deeply nuanced without reduction to them being stupid/illogical.
what is logical about nitpicking the buy who best represents your interests



>occupy democrats
opinion discarded

Omg, thank god that this Mudslime cunt killed a gigantic faggot like this.


this image would be more accurate if it stopped after the first sentence. media is full of shit. you know this but choose to ignore it because honesty means nothing to a leftist.

I honestly get frustrated at these Fox News memes. Fox News shills for NeoCons and Never Trumpers. It just gets a little irksome that these people still believe that most Trump supporters are glued to Fox News. They seem to believe all Republicans didn't hate Trump during the primaries and even after his nomination.

hahaha ok user.

please refer back to the post in which I replied to.

and your meme made me uncomfortable. was that your intent? shame on you, if so!#


>Fox News shills for NeoCons and Never Trumpers.


dude. bro. dude. F&F talks DIRECTLY to the president every morning because they know he's watching. Hannity is a Never Trump shill? C'mon mate, you're in over your head.

remember, we voted for not hillary and had little hope beyond that. that said, he's pussing out on north korea, he's cucked by nato, and where's our goddamn wall?!? i realize we're not even a year in but he NEEDS to get going on something ffs.


The network by and large. I haven't watched Fox News in a couple years and yet I voted Trump. I guess I'm not part of the people getting called out in this occupy post, though, because I don't feel compelled to defend everything Trump says or does.

No. But every left wrong retard thinks all dissenting opinions are pro-Trump and exclusively from Fox News.

did you read the text? leftie candidates are all actually good with words and don't say a bunch of dumb shit, so there is no particular time for a leftie to say "Bernie didn't say that!" for instance.

so being overtly bad is better than not being overtly bad?

Trump never said that....fake news!
Okay he did say that....but he didn't mean that! 4-D chess! Okay he did mean that....but you didn't understand that because you're a libtard cuck! Praise Kek! xD

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>let's drain his political capital by talking about nothing but Russia until we manufacture a case for impeachment

*/ptg/ summed up in one image


hehe well at least he will survive those 8 years unlike most trump supporters who will no longer afford healthcare xD

yeah it's civil war at that point. most of the right is cool with that so they won't do it because they're whiny leftist fags.

that's the other thing, the fucking gop only unites to fuck over their voter base. they have majorities and have done nothing except try to make healthcare more expensive. there's a million other things they should be doing, but they have to be good goys for their wallstreet healthcare masters.