Why are Ashkenazi jews so superior?
Why are Ashkenazi jews so superior?
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>Why are Ashkenazi jews so superior?
They're God's Chosen People
Why are Tasmanian cherries the most delicious in the world?
(Because we don't test the other cherries! lol!!)
maybe all the infant 4skins and baby penis blood they've been consuming for 4K years.
I understand Newman, but Einstein was a thief and a liar.
>mfw i learned the secret of jewish power and respect it
German and Polish genetic infusion, plus strong ethno-nepotism. Von Neumann was a beast. Einstein's work on Special Relativity was almost entirely known and published by non-Jews before him. He is given a LOT of credit where he does not deserve it, due to the Jews' pushing a narrative.
Even easier than clarifying such lies and misunderstandings about Einstein is for me to simply list more proof for Ashkenazi superiority
Khazar Milkers
It doesn't matter, Khazars converted so many years ago and conversion was accepted.
Bohr Hertz Feynmann Gabor Gell-Mann Wigner Meitner Born Oppenheimer Cohen (what Cohen? Good question, I could be referring to any number of Cohens) ... I'm not even trying
All competent Jewish physicists with high ethnic German admixture. I had already granted implicitly that Ashkenazi Jews were intelligent and well-represented in the upper echelons of the various sciences. You are merely masterbating.
Your kike inferior complex is showing, user.
Einstein was an anti-Zionist who stole his theory as a patent clerk from another guy. And then he never produced another thing.
ya i believe it was one of the Cohens who discovered the magical powers of infant 4skins and penis blood.
>not a brainlet
his mathematical work is cute
Give this abo a cookie!
Haplogroup P Jews would be the only ones of potential Khazar ancestry. Like Robert Oppenheimer or Tony Kushner. Maybe Bibi. But Haplogroup P was in the Middle East for a long time before that "conversion event." It could have come from Anatolia, Hittites, etc.
Most Jewish men are J or E y-dna. P is found in higher concentration among Sephardic Jews.
Bohr's father was Swedish, fathered by a non-Jewish man.
Which Cohen invented proboscis reduction surgery?
>All competent Jewish physicists with high ethnic German admixture
"Competent" is clearly an understatement.
The main point is that Jews with German admixture did better than e.g. full Germans. So you can't say it's the German admixture that does it. It's not hurting much, but the main ingredient is the Ashkenazi.
> ashkenazi
it's a broad term to designate white european/turkic originated people who gradually adopted judaism, maybe some itnerbred so much that their faces are distinct from the rest but thats it
hereding jew status from a mother doesnt make you an ethnicity
von neumann was an european who simply hereded jew status form his mother but chose not to embrace it. he is not part of some distinct jew ethnicity
>The main point is that Jews with German admixture did better than e.g. full Germans.
I would be interested in seeing such a study, rather than a declaration pulled out of your asshole. They have their geniuses, but Ashkenazi Jews also have no shortage of reprobates and morons in their ranks.
If that were true then R1b, I, R1a would be dominant amongst Jewish men.
More Jews left Jewry than non-Jews joined Jewry.
Any non-Jewish white man with J, E1b1b y-chromosome may come from a Jewish man who dumped the Jews a long long time ago.
Cool... maybe also from the Amorites and Girgashites.
"Jewishness" is, in my estimation, a quality which is indeed inherited. It can serve as an example of "race", BUT the quality of being a Jew works very differently from the concept which most people usually understand as being "race". The Jews themselves merely say that they are "a people apart".
Reptilian blood
Do you think hitler called his party the nazis because he knew that ashkenazi Jews would be buttmad about it?
Their average IQ is about 1 SD above Germans. Their share of notable thinkers is well documented, just think of Fields medal or Nobel winners. I'd guess there's about as many Jews as non-Jewish Germans in these, even though there's a lot more Germans.
You can calculate your own expected rates, but I am sure you'll find it hard to come to a different conclusion.
Don't overthink. Ashkenazi is definitely biological.
sure, but that doesnt work when they attempt to partake in racial superiority arguments, which trust me they love to. thats the whole point of the myth of the ashkenazi.
>>I would be interested in seeing such a study
Topkek, and where is your study proving that the smarter Jews are Jews with high German admixture?
There was considerable intermarraige between Jews and Germans in the early 20th century. Why aren't the half German/half Jew children doing as well as the purely Jewish children with all that supposedly intelligent German admixture? (You can check the parentage of the smart Jews; they are by far most of the time purely Jewish).
Jews have high IQ. Get over it.
PS - I have done the relatively simple math involved in calculating the number of IQ 140+ individuals from the Jewish population and from the European population; and it just so happens that if you take the Jewish IQ to be ~1SD above the European average, and you couple that with the global population of Jews and the global population of Europeans, you see that there are roughly (on the same order of magnitude) as many Jews with IQ 140+ as Europeans with IQ 140+ on this planet. Given that this is broadly the IQ range required to start winning highly prestigious academic prizes, it seems to fit with what we see in the Nobel prize or similar prizes, where Jews and Europeans win roughly the same (i.e. same order of magnitude) number of those prizes.
>Their average IQ is about 1 SD above Germans.
This seems equivalent to claiming that the typical Ashkenazi Jew has an IQ of around 120, which does not comport with my experience. Do you have a source for the claim?
Einstein was a thief and an idiot. Couldn't even pass a Uni entrance exam. Stole everything credited to him.
Called out by a real genius who really invented and discovered very important things, Nikola Tesla.
"Einstein is a beggar wrapped in purple robes, a fool".
You are saying that Mizrahi Jews are, on average, just as intelligent as Ashkenazi Jews? I've never heard anyone make that claim before. Is there any evidence at all for that?
To be fair, Einstein seemed somewhat intellectually uncomfortable with the celebrity and stature which was being given to him by the Jewish press, at least in the early years of his rise to fame. This is just my impression.
Einstein makes pol so uncomfortable, these fanfic alternative histories about how he never accomplished anything are hilarious.
There is reason to challenge his status with regard to almost the entirety of the Special Theory, and with regard to some parts of the General Theory, but detractors can take this too far. I *will* say that his name would not be known to the masses, were it not for Jewish publishers' constant promotion of him in the early years of his rise to prominence.
The SD of IQ is 15 points.
Ashkenazi IQ being in the range of 112-115 is extremely well established.
Your personal anecdotes are ... less well established.
For a random source, consider ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
I think they're a bit sad.
And it's not as if it wasn't trivial to find a mountain of other extremely brilliant Jewish scientists.
Let's be realist about race for a change!
There is no German admixture in people like Einstein, Oppenheimer etc. They're Ashkenazi in ethnicity, German in nationality.
No they aren't. Mizrahi=Glorified Arabs
No. They are not. They converted to judaism.
God's Chosen People are the descent of Abraham.
R1b and R1a in particular are dominant. Look up Ashkenazi Levites.
for the same reason we have a big nose - genetics.
t. 130 I.Q.
>[Ashkenazi Jew] average IQ is about 1 SD above Germans. ()
>The SD of IQ is 15 points.
>Ashkenazi IQ being in the range of 112-115 is extremely well established. ()
Just to be clear, this implies an ethnic German (non-Jew) average IQ of about 98. I would be very interested in seeing such a study. On what basis do you claim that ethnic German non-Jews have an average IQ which is 1 standard deviation below the average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews?
Because they're whites who descended from Khazaria in Eastern Europe.
>Mexican intellectuals
> Why are Ashkenazi jews so superior?
They're not.
Mongols are.
>Why are Ashkenazi jews so superior?
Because if you are too stupid get into Harvard on your own your family can make a donation and your stupidity is no longer a problem.
And because of tribal nepotism your family's criminal past isn't a problem either.
They've only broken the laws of of the goyim, you know.
Because the smartest jews had children.