They finally managed to make a decent video again.
what are your thoughts? also, discuss what to do about the boers.
They finally managed to make a decent video again.
what are your thoughts? also, discuss what to do about the boers.
Other urls found in this thread:
>greentexting youtube links
Stop that
i cried like a bitch.
Always inspiring
sorry :(
ah yes the call to terrorism and terrorist action.
In to prison it goes.
Good thing I'm not living in Germany then.
Didn't cry, honest...
dude what they portray in the video is vandalism at best, I really doubt you'd get time in jail for that. even in Germany.
they are the living proof that terorism has nothing to do with race or religion. how nice of them.
I fucking love Murdoch Murdoch!!
Murdoch Bump
fuck sake :(
not afraid!
from the comments
>Things we can thank Jews for:
>The Death of 300 to 500 million white Europeans
>The Homosexual 'movement'
>slavery and organ trafficking in Yougoslavia
>Transgenders & Transhumanism
>'Critical Theory', Psychoanalysis and Freudian nonsense
>The Federal Reserve
>The WTO, IMF, and World Bank
>Iraq I
>Iraq II
>The coming war with Iran
>the 80 million Russian Christians sent to the Gulags to starve and be worked to death, between 1929 and 1953
>Eisenhower death camps
>Operation Gomorrah 1943
>Dresden 1945
>Turk genocide of Armenian Christians
>The Death of 6 million Ukranian's by starvation
>The Fall of Rome
>The French Revolution
>Paedophilia e.g. Hollywood & Kinseys paedophiles
>The atomic bomb
>Multiculturalism (but not for Israel!) and mass immigration
>The 'Holocaust' lie extorsion racket
I doubt he was being ironic. The alt right is more mental than I thought.
I think a lot of us can relate. When you realize the commercial strip mall dystopia we live in has robbed all life of meaning... and you get redpilled, you start to change no doubt. Great video.
oh shit
and yet white people aren't committing any terrorism
they're right about every one of those
am i really the only one who recognized the goebbels quote at the beginning?
I mean they're not wrong..
also nice trips you fucking kike.
All of those are correct polecuck
>well it's alittle hard so better stay home fugg :DD
these guys have impeccable music taste.
shit I knew there was something about those lines
I hate the video, but the audio is nice. Makes me want to grab a rifle and go to south Africa, but I know I'd be no more help than the Boers that are already there.
Wish I could be a great speaker like Hitler was, no one captures his fire anymore. All speeches almost seem like they are meant to be read in monotone. I want to hear a modern speech with yelling and passion.
That's some next level shit. Got me right in the feels
literally every single one of these is not a lie, you're just a stupid fucking poorlack
in fact, I'm billing to bet your year's salary (a stolen lighter) that the ONLY problems you have with this list, is the fact that you can't blame EVIL RUSSIA for half of these, since OBVIOUSLY "it" was the Russians and everything was the Russians.
It's very fucking dusty in this room all of a sudden. ;_____;
MM will almost certainly be in this thread
thx guise
it's incredible how much I feel this goebbels feel
It's not wrong.
FUCK OFF RACISM REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111~
I'm Jewish and can confirm that my people are responsible for all of these
Stop shilling your brother's crap here, Murdoch-chan.
Why do I relate with Goebbels? Isn't he the true father of the Holocaust? Are we living in a western wide Weimar republic?
(btw I'm not a holocaust denier, but I know it was grossly over exaggerated).
Does MM have any interview or anything of the sort online that you guys know of?
What the fuck? Goebbels is the propaganda minister.
>putting up flyers
>terrorist action
Because you live in a country where (((they))) are trying to suffocate the life out of you, whilst turning you into a slave and demanding that you smile for it too.
Two of them were on The Daily Shoah a while back. Couldn't tell you what episode but somebody will know.
Enjoy the refugees coming your way soon, igor
I's cringe. Some of it didn't make any sense. Cynicism giving way to stoicism--what is that even supposed to mean? The entire video is soulless, there's no substance in it so It comes off as whiny. The west is dying, let's go have a good cry.
Oh, I was thinking of Himmler, I don't know why I'm retarded forgive me.
Fucking loved it
liked the goebbels tribute
you are mistaking goebbels with himmler.
goebbels was propaganda minister while himmler was in control of the concentration camps, the police and the SS
can you even watch that in Germany?
Which one of these were not propagated by the Jew?
>Are we living in a western wide Weimar republic?
yes, and Weimerica is the epicenter
>(btw I'm not a holocaust denier, but I know it was grossly over exaggerated).
thats what a holocaust denier is user
Oh look... Cock-suckin NATSOCs that worship a tiny Jew-mut and extole the virtues of Socialism like a bunch of good jew puppets... Fuckin psuedo-pillers... Just the other dirty side of the authoritarian Heeb shekel... Fuckin posers...
Best birthday gift ever
Thanks Murdoch.
Oh shiet is this episode SFW ? I won't be able to watch it for fucking HOURS if not.
Well then I guess I'm one of you now. It only took 2 years to go from a libertarian to a holocaust denying, almost fascist.
It's hard, because I still believe in the values of libertarianism, but I know it's a self defeating ideology. Plus now I'm a lot more racist.
I love these cunts so much
>all those goebbels quotes
Little do you alt right fuckers know:
All of that meaningful life, good traditions, good family, all that stuff you guys yearn for ... the elites already have it. And they protect it for themselves: they don't preach what they practice.
Stereotypical self hating Jew
So do you pseudo-pillers have fantasies about wearing your cute matching uniforms? Taking orders from Alphas? Having a small group of men rule you? Or better yet, just one big, strong, masculine Alpha? You fucks are commies who worship a tiny Ashkenazi with a silly mustache...
it's actually fairly sfw.
more so than usual at least, so you better fucking watch it. it's good.
this is so sad
I'm not self-hating. I'm smarter and better looking than most of the people here
Murdoch if you're in this thread you should make a feature length movie, you're talented as fuck with the animation you do and it's bothering me that they're condensed to several minute meme videos when you have such potential to make something truly emotionally engaging to better help the nice guy natsoc movement.
This is grade fucking A propaganda. Holy shit. Let's fucking build, boys.
the holohoax didn't happen you gullible fuck
Are you guys serious? The speech is good, the music is good, but the animation is cringe tier. It's too memey, and a full length movie would be unwatchable.
It's not racism when it's backed up by facts
racism is blind illogical hatred
Damn they're getting better at this.
kys kike shill
Fucking inspiring! Take that message men, better yourselves, feed the pill to everyone in your life!
We're not out yet and we're not afraid!
dont let chan cuck you bra. ive been here 4 years and i still know universal health care would be the best thing ever to happen to my country. this does not conflict with my hatred of niggers
Needs to happen.
Whites are being massacred in South Africa. In March 2017 alone there were 72 farm attacks and 43 murders.Whites in SA are officially on the genocide watch list.
Jacob Zuma called for all the whites in South Africa to be "buried" and that was in March 2017. The president of SA said that. No wonder the AWB are rising again from 5000 members in 2008 to over 29,000 in 2016.
A snippet of a classic rally that rings very true today:
One mans terrorism is another mans resistance against an oppressor/traitor leadership/political differences etc
It's not so black and white. It's very grey based on perception.
Attacking government(including their offshoots),police and military is legitimate. Attacking strictly civilian is not.
Those are the moral guidelines but most resistance groups today are non white and most target civilians due to the "softness" of target.
what obvious bating
please kys
oh and back to plebbit
They have a 40 min episode and its awesome.
>saves some old nigger lady
>muh libertarianism
fucking lmfao, classic cuck
super based
Right i wish we could be more like the fit left
Hey guys. Having fun without me? Understandable. Have a good day.
It has a uniquely cinematic touch to it. Reminds me of stuff like waking life and mind game (2004)
this, they could make a fucking awesome podcast tho
one day..one day, these vids will be shown in a museum... in a better world built by our blood sweat and tears! T_T \o HAIL VICTORY!
fuck off nigger
>putting up fliers on race and iq
Are you shitting me? That's grounds for capital punishment in Germanistan.
i thought poles were based
Join the biggest White-only discord: D2Mq3te
I didn't come here to feel
yeah no, you brown eyed balkannigger is not white
u need some wojak pics bra?
I'm jewish ass well. It's all true.
South Park got pretty successful at this tier.
>muh racial hierarchies
>muh biodiversity
>muh ancestors
Cute video. But if anyone anytime near gets an idea of executing this IRL, we, liberal "cucks" will make sure your threats will be taken VERY seriously. Keep your autistic race war in your moms basements.
>They finally managed to make a decent video again.
Their last video was the funniest yet
Also since Aydin Paladin arrived on the scene I am not sure who is my waifu anymore.
But romanian proxies are cheaper...