I've never seen a black person riding one. Always white people. They're also expensive. So they're more likely to be owned by white people and be a white person hobby.
Does Sup Forums approve of recumbent bikes?
I've never seen a black person riding one. Always white people. They're also expensive. So they're more likely to be owned by white people and be a white person hobby.
Does Sup Forums approve of recumbent bikes?
>pol approves of all cycling.
Its the whitest activity next to water polo, and hockey
I know squidward had one, so id get one OP
>all cycling.
All? Really? Even this?
Nice brrraaaapcycle. Normie girls really just have to be showing off their ass 24/7, don't they?
when they stay off the fucking road
yup. i sure as fuck don't approve. the road is for cars. got so many around here, and i'm often towing a wide trailer, so it's only a matter of time. they ride triple-wide and make no effort to get over at all.
fucking hate them. and of course they all dress up like they're lance armstrong. nice sponsor logos, guy. you're an overweight accountant.
they don't even have to pay to register their bikes or anything so they're using the roads without supporting the maintenance on them. they really don't belong on the road
it's the only kinda bike I can use because of my gout. I wouldn't call it "redpilled" exactly.
You need one to exercise if you have back problems, and blacks don't have the agency to use them
So it's fully approved.
I am pretty blackpilled after years in this shitfest worldview, but I do find some happiness when I forget about everything and get on my road bike, lean into the most forward position, start flicking the STI shifters for max cadence to marvel at the efficiency on my Strava heartrate-to-speed increasing by the day.
And I never, EVER, see a fellow cyclist that is not white on a road bike. Ever. Plenty of niggers with their trashy coalburner white gf's, dork niggers playing pokemon go, but no road bike niggers.
It is in this moment that I realize why the SS were men who participated in sport. Meanwhile, go to a gym, and you see tons of niggers - white and black and everything between - with their dicks guiding their hands to lift plates.
>blacks don't have the agency to use them
That sounds weird considering how many theft jokes there are about them.
Also, it's exclusively a white male sport. I never see even white women on road bikes. Just like niggers, I see the occasional frumpy Roastie on a mountain bike or bitch cruiser.
Proof women and niggers are on the same level. One's for breeding (as Napoleon said), the others are farm equipment humanity has kept around for some confused reason. After artificial wombs, just like we don't need the niggers for farmwork, we won't need women.
Sidewalks are not fucking flat. They fuck up your wheels and hurt your ass. Fuck you lard in a Toyota.
You're worse than a Canadian posting BLACKED. Pls go
Enjoy your hills.
>I've never seen a black person riding one.
>They're also expensive
Answered that question.
Go outside and find out.
These look fucking retarded.
>Still buying into the peddles paradigm
They fuck up your hips, people do enough sitting as is
Equestrian polo the most dangerous sport.
so this is the power of ancient /n/ b8
Do you even unifliz?
Introducing, they flizplane!
Afraid of heights? Coming soon, the flizboat! The finest in transport tech since blimptrain
Nah, no mention of cagers yet
Oh shit an /n/ thread
Cycling is for the h'white man
where might i procure some walletsalt?
Doesnt matter if you steal them though...
I think cycling gay as fuck but that buff nigga scooby on youtube goes hardcore with it so I dont know.
Skateboarding is more fun IMO. Too bad suburbs are shit for skateboarding and general population looks down on skateboarding.
I love you insecure betas with you braaaaaaap meme. It alerts me to all the fine pictures of ass.
Thank you for your service.
Masturbation is unhealthy.
Skateboarding is for wiggers and skinny jeans wearing faggots
I call it "idiot detector".