I was diagnosed with chronic lymphnodic leukemia and Sup Forums is all I have, no friends, terrible family, depression. Its all i have, my step mom had it too and it was horrible for everyone going through that, so i thought why not come here and let you decide how i end it instead of making my family suffer for a long time like before. Trips chooses. Pic Related
I was diagnosed with chronic lymphnodic leukemia and Sup Forums is all I have, no friends, terrible family, depression...
Other urls found in this thread:
Move to Greece, live at altitude, eat healthy local Greek food, recover from illness, live nice long happy life.
I say hang on, they might find a cure any time now.
Suicide by fighting Muslims
>chronic lymphnodic leukemia
Survival rate for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
A diagnosis of this cancer doesn’t mean a shorter life span. CLL has fewer new cases and annual deaths in the United States compared with other cancers like breast cancer or lung cancer. CLL also has a higher survival rate than many other cancers. The survival rate is 82.6 percent five years after a diagnosis. This means that 82 percent of people with the condition are alive five years after diagnosis.
good luck my brother, i hope you can make it just fine and live to see better days, we are always here for you senpai
Don't kill yourself.
Start praying to God and read your bible. I know it sounds weird, I didn't believe in God but it really helped me when I was going through a tough time and now I believe.
Trust me it helps.
I'd normally try to dissuade you but since the leukemia is likely to finish you off sooner or later, I'd say the best way to off yourself is to shoot yourself. Take something with a small caliber so it won't make such a mess, a /k/ommando can probably offer better advice. Do it when you're alone, and call 911 before pulling the trigger so that it's them who take care of your body and not your relatives, friends or neighbors who won't have to see you dead. Best of luck wished user.
Death in battle is the only honorable way to go.
nigga wtf don't kill yourself, you can be useful just fine, read a book, write a journal, write a book, learn something you always wanted to learn, learn people that share your vision, do meaningfull things. Or just buy all the drugs and fuck all the whores
never die without taking the entire world down with you
>Trips chooses
>first set of trips say: "Don't kill yourself"
OP, what did Kek mean by this?
do it
Get a real God?
Kill yourself Lambert.
>Take something with a small caliber so it won't make such a mess
For the love of god do not do this.
If you are going to kill yourself use something like a 12 gauge slug.
trips said don't kys. You should become on asset on whatever cause you believe in and inspire everyone. Remember that hitler lived in argentina after his whole life was crushed, don't give up just yet
That emily only faked cancer once YAHOOOOOOOOO Cx
Take those fake fucking gold chains off you stupid fucking whigger.
I think you should travel to Guerneville California and kill every balding, overweight schizo you find.
before you kill yourself do something that helps white people dont die without making an contribution to your people. if you arent going to kill yourself just push through it and work towards a whiter world somehow or not i wouldnt blame you for just being on welfare though.
>chronic lymphnodic leukemia
Blaze of glory
I wouldn't go as far as killing yourself I could under stand it if you are in non stop extreme pain but I would see what options you have and survival rate is 82.6 percent five years after a diagnosis. Just hang in here man
digits say don't kill yourself faggot
instead spend however much time you have left being truthful and honest about everything from this thread forward
normies hate honesty and a man with nothing to lose is free
Live pussy
those aren't trips you dumb fucking newfag
>those aren't trips
>doesn't see the triple six
>doesn't realize those count
>doesn't realize those especially count due to the Satan jokes
A .22 will bounce around in there and annihilate everything. It's good advice.
Spend a day doing all your favorite things you can do then Hemingway yourself listening to Hurt by Johnny Cash.
Live, you pussy.
Do a barrel roll
lurk more, your newfag is showing hard.
Find God brother, in these times we have many questions, God can answer them if you seek him out.
Bless you and many you find your answer through God.
I'd rather kill you.
Go OD on heroin
I personally wouldn't count them. Double doubles or a double couple is a thing. Arbitrarily picking digits after the single to start the chain is newfangled kek faggotry just so you dipshits can praise kek every other post instead of the allotted precentages you should be getting.
shooting yourself in the head with a .22 is a pretty agonizing way to die.
>doesn't know the rules of the game
>n-no you're the real newfag
Goddamn. You should be the one killing yourself, not OP.
disembowel yourself then eat your intestines. film please.
truck of peace
Pop rocks and Cola
Are you in constant pain?
I say don't worry about ending it until the pain is too much. In fact, never think about it and enjoy your life. My heart is in terrible pain all day, and I've been sick for years. I just ignore the fact that I could die tomorrow because everyone can.
There is a kitten I named Batman who someone threw away at the grocery store wrapped in a plastic bag covered in cat food. He is still pretty traumatized but he is forgetting that his family was taken from him and he was dumped in a pit of hell and is now jumping around like Batman.
He could die at any time the way he likes to jump into trouble. I live in a bad neighborhood. But he doesn't give a fuck and I have a feeling he never will. He's still playing and ALIVE (for now).
Be alive while you're alive, user. We enjoyed your company. You family will survive so fuck em.
I'd tell you to go out like a hero on the way but I don't want to end up at the FBI explaining why it was a satire haha.
Just live til you die. And don't worry about all this other shit.
delete yourself
preferably with a .22
Start smoking and drinking and be miserable. If your miserable your lifespan will increase. My co-worker had breathing problems until I got him hooked on cigs and now he can run a marathon. Drinking can boost your will to fight.
die of old age
DITCH AMA (american murder association) go fully raw food, do sport. Only raw fruits, veggetables and seeds, no oil, full detoxification.
No bread, no pasta, no meat. No normie lifestyle.
Much walking, forest and mountain hiking.
If you want to live ofc.
All those people saying "dont do it" instead of respecting adult males decision. Not me.
Im from Finland. We know suicides by heart and by forests.
Heres how you do it.
Buy 1 liter of vodka and something to mix it with, i suggest lemon or orangesoda or juice.
Then you get sturdy rope and head to the forest.
Find a good tree, sit under it and start drinking.
When you feel ready, climb up the tree, tie the rope around the tree over branches (not in a brach, they snap) and in your neck.
Sit there and drink the rest of the vodka.
If youre alive when you wake or get more sober, you choose to see it till the end and no suicide, because of your hangover.
Otherwise the vodka and the rope does its job and you are released.
Bodyslam a cnn reporter until the police kill you
As if you could get your fat ass within striking distance before I dropped you with one 9mm shot to the head. You stupid fat fuck. Why haven't you killed yourself yet. I love how your own mother hates your guts. Piece of human excrement.
take out some of the pedopoliticians
>inb4 i get v&
Cancer is another hoax created by kikes with purpose of genociding the whities
>he doesnt know where to look for trips
he is so young it would be cute if it werent so stupid
Remove kebab
This is a great way to die BTW OP, highly recommend this garbage if you want to kill yourself, it will hurt a lot
>track down a chairman/ceo(whatever you get the point) of some corporation that dominates the market via a monopoly
>shoot him
>get killed by cops
you took the pic in a nice, warm looking home. I assume this isn't your own home you bought, as you look young as shit.
you have people who care about you, and are probably capable of doing so considering your condition. unless you molested and murdered someone, they care.
this depressive attitude of yours is easy to have, but it's going to only supplement the cancer. you gotta stay positive my dude, don't go convincing yourself everyone hates you. it's what kills complacent old people.
I'm not going to acknowledge your emo ass "how should I end it" bullshit.
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
- Dylan Thomas
Or in other words, refuse to give in to the claws of death. Rage against the inevitable, stand tall and refuse.
join local catholic religious community
Don't do it mate.
Kick that shit's ass.
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
Finland poster is a Communist kike. And this guy isn't still young. Fuck your depressing shit. He should have fun and kill you before he goes.
fuck off newfag
inb4 le jokerman, I was only pretending to be retarded!
no, don't do it, dude. There are memes you have yet to discover.
If you want to be a folk hero then go down fighting evil. I won't say what evil is that's for you to decide.
he already did it to me and called me a newfag like it wasn't painfully obvious
Fuck of controller kike. A free man can decide his fate, not you or community.
Right because this diet worked sooo great for Steve Jobs. Oh wait he died.
The helium suicide method.
If after a while, you don't see any chance of getting better, get a gun and shoot soros.
You'll be a true hero.
Blow up a mosque
Thoth has spoken.
>can't even inb4
>reddit spacing
What the fuck are you doing to my sides?
This. Poland works too just the South.
Cancer is a meme
fight the good fight my brother in arms.