Is the white race superior?
Quick question Sup Forums
Everybody knows the average White girls>>>>>>>>>>>> average Asian girl
Same couple on the left
Hello John Bettendorf aka eurasian tiger
go ahead and stay away from asians, more for me
No, only white males are superior.
Yes, it is.
>he thinks that it is a good thing that there are more for them
go ahead cucko. ruin your life
I kind of dig the slope chick.
I'd give her a root.
this is a slide thread
Whatever you say
i want to make kids with her and live in that farm
you worship white women who hate white men youre a simp? or blind
worshiping and giving white women any "rights" is the core of the downfall
>using sex appeal to validate ethnic superiority
you're only based as your drives
sad as fuck
who cares
Mhhmmmhhhh... vintage Brigitte.
>Average faggot OP
I would give all rights to white women any day rather than be a cuck and go for an asian
The woman on the right wants refugees, multiculturalism, votes left, likes communism, hates white people, won't have kids but will force you to use your taxes to pay for foreigner spawn.
Justify your fucking existence when you let your women fall so low cuck
Obviously, how is that even a question?
Each race is superior in its own environment and society.
hm do I want a whore of the western world or a trad-woman with good manners?
Yeah, I'll keep my asian waifu instead of your polluted filth tyvm
perfect body without the tattoos
There's a jew sympathizing with white peoples. And you tell, you will cuck yourself just to speak against him?
>The woman on the right wants refugees, multiculturalism, votes left, likes communism, hates white people, won't have kids but will force you to use your taxes to pay for foreigner spawn.
I would still chose her over a subhuman chink tbqh famerino
>Make up and Photoshop
so indians are superior at pooping and arabs at bombing?
Yes I can see it
To really see the difference between the non-fat average White female and the average Asian female, you really have to see them in the same picture.
>average white women
You do realise that we do (or atleast used to) live in white countries? We are well aware that the average white women looks nothing like that, and even if she does, she'll be a wreck by the time she's 27.
>you really have to see them in the same picture.
Same blonde girl on right with her Asian boyfriend
>>you really have to see them in the same picture.
I'd give all their bums a cheeky pinch 2bh
>>>you really have to see them in the same picture.
PEW PEW PEW. BTW : She is a conservative and owns guns.
Just so everyone knows the girl on the left is asian with blue contacts.
>the girl on the left is asian with blue contacts.
It is hilarious that you think this blue-eyed blonde is asian or looks anything like an asian female.
Why is that pic of shoe proof she is bald?
t. tom chan
even asian girls don't want you lel
How pathetic do you have to be to have other people's social media pics and videos on your computer?
Yes those eyelids are way to thick to be european.
>her boyfriend chick-leans
>even asian girls don't want you lel
what is even more funny that everytime user finds an 'asian' girl with a white guy she is the following :
1. SE Asian (like the filipino girl in your pic)
2. Ugly-as-shit as in your vids.
>white boys with yellow fever gmh
Get me hard?
What's with the spic mustache?
> average white
We don't look like that, the model in the picture is what (((they))) use to promote homosexuality and degeneracy.
In some aspects yes. Like obviously niggers are better at running fast and basketball and shit
>bong knows what chick-leaning is
I'm impressed, you guys don't usually have access to guns right?
Yes. But, we don't act like it. So, no.
The girl on the left is not white.
get me hot/horny I think
This is an average white woman
they are in college. it is hard for east asian men to have facial hair at that early age. it usually comes in alot later in life for east asians.
That is closer to the truth.
She has an asian boyfriend now.
fucking kek, thought I was the only one that noticed. Surprised a bong of all people noticed.
Why is he leaning his shoulders so far backwards?
He is gonna hurt himself.
A handsome couple
Sup Forums lives in this fantasy world where all white women are under 18 with 10 lbs of makeup on.
probably a fake relationship she out with him trying to cool down the heat
>look look! my bf is asian see!! I didn't mean any of that haha.. im a proud asian and filipinaaaa xD
Yes goy, ask these questions, pay no attention to us
Young couple
Old couple.
Join the biggest White-only discord: D2Mq3te !!
stop using projections to hide your insecurity. Do something with your life user, posting crap from YouTube to prove a point no one gives two shits about irl on a Chinese horse cooking forum is not good for your life. Some Asians like whites, some whites like Asians.
>implying the girl on the left is white
lol, that's so sad when asian grils try to be white. so so sad.
I'm white, I want to fuck white girls, blue eyes, red hair, short, petite, don't care about tits, just give me a bubble booty.
Superior? who give's a fuck.
white is better
> Muh woit woman
> muh osian wumon
Indian woman master race
My high school gf is now banging an mongoloid from Japan.
that kike lauren southern looks subhuman
Whites are actually superior at bombing. Arabs are just inferior
>The cute asian girl clique takes a graduation pick together.
That's seriously probably the only cute jap girls in that entire school probably the 1%. There's about 300 other girls in that school who look like the average jap woman "AKA ugly"
Average white 7.5 girl can compare to Asian 10/10 girl
Stopped at the "average" Asian being fatter than the White
The average asian is nowhere as fat as the one on the left.
I thought it was "give me head" until I invested a second to type it in my browser. It's "gives me hope"
I like how you attack him and the the guy openly spamming antiwhite shit. Nice job donald.
its obviously "gases my hebrews"
On what planet is the right one average?
There is nothing great about reptilian women. But that wont stop the beta's from acting like Asian women are superior.
They blow them away...white women just blow them away. Besides white women the best looking women on average are probably the best looking Hispanic women at a far second.
>its another us vs them thread
>what is plastic surgery?
White women are objectively superior.
Feel free to fuck as many asian girls as you want as your birthright as a white man is dominion.
Good looking Hispanic women are usually 75% or more white.
The good looking Hispanic women are pretty much white women with brown skin.
From bleh to meh. Wonderful
Wow they are so pure!
I want to marry these women, I hope they raise my daughters to be just like them!