What do you think of Hamas?

What do you think of Hamas?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hezbollah >>>>>> Hamas

This basically.

>Sand niggers
Fuck off nu/pol/

>Muh ebil muzzluhmzzz!
>The Jews are our greatest ally cuz dey kill dem!
You're nu/pol/, faggot. Go back to t_D

This is the reason you get bombed.....

I think it looks like a little Israel

Are Hamas gay?


Typical tricks, shlomo. It's your dog Isis who bombs us, not Hamas, not Hezbollah, they actually call them out on being the killers of goyim for you guys.

You are a retard if you think they will not kill christians after they finish with the jews

They make cool songs but they need to be removed too.


Subhuman goatfuckers and child-killers, cowards who hide in hospitals and schools.

All sandniggers support anti-""Western"" Civilization at some point, probably synergetic cheering Daesh for killing kuffar dogs. The same is for Hamas.

They currently don't just bomb more other westerns to not gather support for Israel and not bring the genocide of Muslim sand niggers in Gaza strip and other territories.

After they finish with the jews, the ones here shilling for open borders will stop doing that because they won't have a safe space to escape to.
After that, the only christian they'll manage to kill are shitskins or cuck idiots going to their shithole countries

They're cuddly but I prefer guinea pigs

Good for target practice

Also they make catchy songs occasionally

useful tool against the jewish HQ just like giraffe neck bashar

>Also they make catchy songs occasionally
>doesn't post a jewtube example
How many shekels for a link Shlomo?

That would be 19.99

This one became a meme here. The funny part is the lyrics, so i'm guessing you won't get it.


It has this as a part of it's 1988 covenant

The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

The thread

Wait, they make them in Hebrew? How good is their Hebrew?

It does sound catchy.

Sup Forums has always supported shias, they kill the sunnis before they have a chance to become refugees

>a saudi liking jew stuff
Like clockwork

>Hamas video
>Jew stuff
Just stick to making pasta, Luigi.


Pic related sums it up.
Yes, literally.