What do you think about Ritalin ?
Do you know people who started to use some as an adult ? how does that affect them.
I just started taking 20mg/d and i'm wondering if i should stop . ask me anything ;)
What do you think about Ritalin ?
bullshit, get adderall.
>ask me anything
Adderall is better because it excites the reptilian complex more directly, hence the "Adder"
Oh lol, you think I'm joking.
What a blind fucking faggot.
what does this shit do?
I know a guy who was put on Ritalin at the age of 5 or so.
I should say I knew a guy. He wound up with a complicated cocktail of drugs and eventually overdosed. He was never able to get life right.
It's similar with many other people I've known who got mixed up on drugs. Only a few ever make it out with some scars.
Makes you more focused. Only if you have adhd you can get it
So its like meth or coke?
oh wah my thoughts wander oh wah i can't focus on boring shit
this is a normal state of existence. you don't need meth or any other form of the pharmaceutical jew. you need a new job, or you need to find something you're interested in. man up and knock this bullshit off.
Yes, it's similar. Adderall is literally methamphetamine salts.
I found Ritalin to be more fun. It almost has a certain kind of psychadelic flavor, similar to that sort of god complex you get from LSD.
>he says man up unironically
hee hee
>Have it prescribed to your kids
>Sell it to students instead
That's what I think about it.
it's not, meth gets thru the blood brain barrier much more easily than amphetamines.
>I just started and i'm wondering if i should stop
you sound like a weak minded wishy washy faggot desu. i dont think drugs will help this
Ritalin 10mg user here.
22 year-old medfag using it while studying.
It has half-life about 3 hours I guess. Do not use it everyday more than 1 month if you don't have adhd
Sup bitch tits, how you doin'?
I've been on it for several years. Trying to wean myself off of it right now. I don't think kids should use it, but I used it to finish college (was diagnosed with ADHD). I'm not sure I even believe in ADHD anymore, but I don't think I would have ever finished my degree without it desu. It has objectively improved my life, but I don't like to be dependent on things, which is the main reason I'm quitting.
I have a prescription for it but i also want to know more about it before selling it to students.
yes its like coke but that don't make me as horny.
i'm trying to "man up" but i couldn't find a job i got one the day after i started ritalin, i want to stop now but i have a prescription for it, its only been one week i started to took some and i already want to take more.
>tfw I'm not white so I'm literally wholly incapable of getting a prescription for Adderall or Ritalin
I don't know whether to feel good or bad about this, but I hear that it's great for cleaning your house or studying.
It's fine if you take it after your brain is already developed. The problem is giving it to kids.
Ethylphenidate is better for recreation.
Isopropylphenidate is better for study.
Amphetamine is better for both.
Methamphetamine is best alone.
Cocaine is best with friends.
Hexen is cheap-as-dirt cocaine.
a-PVP is the Satan of all drugs.
a-PHP is the archangel of all drugs.
4-MMC is the God of all drugs.
Are you aware that you're uping the topics by saying that ?
i'm aware we're on /pol but this is one of the board where there is some smart people and i want smart answers.
how does that affect testosterone ?
Try to get off it and sell it. Seriously. It will be a nice bit of tax free cash on the side.
(In addition to that it helps pay the salaries of about a tenth of my relatives since they work for novartis)
Maybe i should sell it to swiss student i wouldn't have that ethic problem then.
Is it hard to stop ? that's one off the thing that sacre me about that it have been years i'm trying to quit smoking and drinking but i never achieve that
yes, but im genuinely curious in the thread as i used to take dexedrine as a child, however it's not politics and so my previous post is valid
Can i put prescription drugs in the fridge?
I'm listening, please go on.
do you think dexedrine had bad effects on you or benefited you?
why are you on it? if you just started, get off or you will be on it for life.
I was put on Ritalin when I was 5. Thoughts? Anything I should know? Were my parents idiots?
i used to snort it recreationally. it's shit. gives anxiety, losing appetite, lack of sleep, and general hate of life, even more than usual.
I definitely noticed it making me more concentrated in school, it also made me a sort of zombie, I had no appetite and no interests and would essentially veg out after school, I would frequently be sick after meals also, I stopped taking it myself after about the 4th grade and started to sell it to classmates. All in all (aside from concentration and increased productivity in school) I think it had a negative effect on me. I sometimes consider taking it again if I were to go back to school though, which I think must mean it helped me concentrate enough to subconsciously remember it in that context (if that makes sense)
im a cocaine addict.
will it help me ???
Awesome drug. Helped me with my demotivation and narcolepsy. I would fall asleep standing while interviewing my patients. I'm also twice as productive. Never looked back
whats the best way to get=it ?
I don't about your drug laws but here that shit is heavily regulated because its a meth precursor. You need a psychiatrist to diagnose you and sign a form that you take to a bunker-esque pharmacy to get them. You could probably get them in the black market too. I hope you get off coke. Cheers
At last I truly see...
i havn't realy been diagnostised with adhd and i don't think this is a thing, but i can be realy impulsive and loose interest easely so i misse my last semester and stop studying, i struggled to find jobs because i loosed my confidence, i have been inactive for almost a year and started to become a ghost spending my time smoking weed and not doing anything, that lake of "brain gymnastic" made me felt into a vicious circle off mental inactivity.
I hoped that it could help me get out of that i found someone who prescribed me this but it took 6 months and by that time was going better but i'm still curious to see what it will do on me.
>I would fall asleep standing while interviewing my patients.
LoL! Are you a doctor with narcolepsy?
No it doesn't. It activates the prefrontal cortex.... It makes you disinterested in animalistic thoughts and behaviors (reptilian brain) and actually want to accomplish shit and work. It's the opposite of a "reptile center activator"
>its a meth precursor.
Lol, no it's not. Meth is created by a handful of different chemicals; ritalin/adderal is not one of them. Do you even cook?
Sorry I meant to say it has abuse potential
Yes. I'm not a surgeon though
>than amphetamines
you realize meth(amphetamine) is also one?
Good luck user, I know from experience that it can be really hard to develop discipline/organization after habituating to life on stims.
I don't find Ritalin the least bit helpful for ADHD; the few times I took it, it just made me a bit agitated, without any upside. Now amphetamines, they're far and away the best tool for focus and motivation I have encountered. Adderall, Dexedrine and Vyvanse are all basically the same, barring that Adderall produces more (shitty) peripheral stimulation. Vyvanse is formulated to be difficult to abuse; as someone who only uses these drugs as intended, that doesn't matter.
The first day I took Adderall, I flipped open my calculus textbook and instantly understood integrals in more depth than ever before. Math (and programming) can be oodles of fun on speed, and it gets so much better after calc.
Don'1 mess with this shit OP. After serotonin depletion you will feel like shit. Another dose will not help. Once my heart-rate went up to 190bpm and stayed this way for 3-4 hours.
SWIM used adderall in college amd would pay up to $1 a mg for it. Preferred it to ritalin.
I would just keep it around and use it as needed so as not to develop dependency/addiction/habituation. I couldn't imagine being on that stuff anyway.
Definitely helps one get ahead in school/work, but these drugs are amphetamines, so eventually it will stop turning you into superman and youll just take it to get outta bed. You get all thizzed out by it like it's bany-ecstasy if youre on it constantly for months. Then they can sell you antidepressants.
My Opinion: Keep it in your utility belt for when you have a daunting tasks and need to pull an all nighter/work doubletime/etc, but dont be like those weird kids in school who had to go to the nurses office to get it everyday at lunch, and were all weird
get 20MG of ADDERALL
do your homowerk tudy \s
Don't take Ritalin if you're under 21. Was forced to take that shit as a teenager and it gave me chronic depression/anxiety which I'm still struggling with.
The truth is doctors and medical professionals have no fucking clue how psychostimulats affect the mind of a still developing adolescent mind.
you're a fucking idiot mate. a 20 year old isn't a developing adolescent mind.
A winner approaches
i know ppl who take provigil, but theyre usually weird and hormonal beta males. one of them would just take that and drink soylent to live.
i hypothesize that provigil does something to make ppl depressed and maybe effects estrogen levels. that stuff was designed to be used only in emergency situations by special forces on missions.
I convinced a psych to script me modafinil once, but insurance wouldn't cover it and it would have cost me a fortune (~$900/month) to pay out of pocket. A real shame, I would love to try it. Other than keeping you awake, what does it do for attention? It seems like a much healthier long-term med than other prescription stims.
Take enough it'll make you wretch around like a meth head.
Modafinil is the poor man's/baby's first stimulant. Go all the way or go home.
I used it since i was 9 i think,stopped at 14 because it stopped having any effect whatsoever,i must have built up resistance to it or something because i need 30mg to even get barely any effect at all
It is healthier than Methylphenidate for sure. In the end, it works in a similar way but via different neurotransmitters and less directly, that's why it last a lot longer and it's healthier.
As any drug of these kind, it can become addictive, but way less than Methylphenhidate.
Although you should be prepared for being wake up 8 hours after taking a 200mg dose (one pill), it can be easily stopped with some Diphenhydramine (the old antihistamine) and/or Clonidine.
It makes you a little bit more aggressive, but I take it with mild opiates like Codeine and Tramadol, so I don't know.
What if you mix them? Do you get the Limitless drug?
I was on and off adderall, ritalin and several others for most of my childhood because like most kids born when I was the ADD craze was a thing and boomer helicopter parents shoved whatever meds down their kid's throat that would medicate them into shutting up and sitting still instead of parenting. Seriously. You don't see nonwhite kids getting ADD meds. Their parents realize that that squirming ball of energy is simply a fucking child.
It's horrible. It's horrible as an adult even, as I would have three pills well into college. I stopped taking them entirely several years ago. It's interesting that another user said reptilian, because that's how they made me feel. No laughter, no color, no soul. Just relentless, overwhelming purpose and a need to be consumed by it.
So yeah good for a night of cramming, I guess. But I'm pig the opinion that that kind of thing is way over diagnosed and fucks the kids up bad. It fucked me up. I've placed on honor roll/advanced courses all throughout my life, and on a particular drug they put me on, it had such a wild bell curve. It would make me so angry, just unreasonably angry and I'd lash out at my teachers and other students. The doctors didn't believe me when i said the pills made me crash. Which of course, was seen as unruly due to my ADD and forced more pills down my throat.
Give up the pharmaceutical Jew entirely, user.
It turns me into a sex addict in addition to focusing. I think I already am a slight one though at baseline...
im prescribed it and on it now
its okay to be honest but as
mentioned its better for rec.
I personally LOVE adderall. at east compared to Ritalin it feels more of a fuller stimulating foucs high
this is fucking shit. do not take this
dont take those, mass murder suicide pills.
Modafinil is not technically a stimulant. It's a waking drug and a nootropic. Very good stuff, should rightfully be OTC but governments gonna gov.
It combos well with a light caffeine dose(sub 200mg for semi-tolerant folks) plus l-theanine on the stack.
Look up Adrafinil as a potential and cheap "legal" alternative for US residents.
Any dopamine agonist/reuptake inhibitor/releasing agent is going to potentially cause aphrodisiac effects. Meth is particularly noted here. As are pyrovalerones.
>dat 4-day-long fap session on vaped a-PVP
Oh god damn it!
PS: Propylhexedrine can be fun if you know how to extract it and turn it into a hydrochloride salt.
Run away from this shit!
ty 4 info
is it better than coke ?????
Ritalin 70mg here. Went from unable to read the Bible to able to read the Bible.
It makes me sleepy though. More sleepy, less edgy, less angsty, more focus.
Adderall is better in that it is better with energy and motivation. Both is probably ideal.
Nope. Coke is roller coaster, hits pleasure centers; meth is okay actually. It's that there are no assurances of purity due to its illicitness, so you are far more likely to abuse yourself with it- if it weren't illicit, it wouldn't be as abusive.
The designer drugs concocted to outmaneuver legal "remedies" - not remedies at all, btw - are quite often absolute poison. Whenever there is an "eight ravers died from evil ecstasy this weekend" headline, it is 100% propaganda. Every time it is an MDMA cognate i.e. poison. Flocka, bathtub gin, bath salts, clorox tablets, cyanide, mustard gas, etc.
The drug war is a war indeed.
Just take breaks for a week or two m8
Meth is literally methylated adderall. You add a methyl group to it. That's all. You can make meth from adderall infinitely easier than with pseudoephedrine.
C'est pour devenir italien ?
It's crap and it destroys the brain
Not nearly as good for add or being productive as ritalin.
hon hon
>It combos well with a light caffeine dose(sub 200mg for semi-tolerant folks) plus l-theanine on the stack
Does drinking tea all day long suffice?
>aphrodisiac effects
Never noticed that with amps (Adderall, dexamp, Vyvanse, 4-FA, even MDMA or psychedelic amphetamemes like 2C-B) myself. If anything they make it boring to think about sex and a chore to do it. I hear meth, mephedrone and the like are very different in this respect though.
>Both is probably ideal.
Funny you should say that; they don't magnify each other's effectiveness much, but a few studies have indicated that taking methylphenidate/Ritalin some hours after an amphetamine dramatically reduces the amphetamine toxicity. Something about vesicular dopamine transport IIRC. Pretty whacky.
Speaking of toxicity, while meth is notably more neurotoxic than non-meth amphetamine, if it's used in reasonable doses it's not all that bad for your system. Meth addicts are stereotypically skinny and haggard mostly because they forget to eat, drink, and sleep.
>Do you know people who started to use some as an adult ?
I started taking it when I was 21.
>how does that affect them.
It allows me to function like a normal person, no more spacing out.>I just started taking 20mg/d and i'm wondering if i should stop
Do you have ADHD? If so keep taking them.