Why is race mixing encouraged?

Why is race mixing encouraged?

>Dad is a tall chiseled Aryan with bright blue eyes
>Mom is a fat faced Native American/European
>guess which genes I got
It's just not fair. All I can do is lift and study as hard as possible and MAYBE I'll get Chads leftovers. Even if I did start lifting people would think I'm compensating because I'm not handsome, what a joke.

Pic related, more extreme version of me

Weak chins are from mouth breathing during childhood, blame your parents for not telling you to breath through your nose.

You look like an inbred OP.

I don't mouth breath, it's all genetics

Feelsbad man, atleast you didn't get the Neanderthal genes I got
Give me a smaller forhead and bigger nose and I'd be a fucking Neanderthal

The only "bad" feature I have is a hooked nose, but that can be fixed.

Race mixing is encouraged to counter the threat of racial balkanization, which is a real possibility due to mass immigration.

Oh great it's another "I hate myself" thread. This isn't the board for that kind of thing fagit.

your dad has inbred hillbilly in him

it's not your moms fault. it's bad genetics but on the side you "think" is superior.
you think this ... also due to your genetics - this time, lower intelligence from the inbreeding.

This, listen to the poo they are experts in these matters.

>have strong cleft chin
>still a manlet

Your parents are narcissists. I guess you have a smart but low-motivation sibling for them to compare you against.

I could always get jaw surgery but it's still in my genes so there goes any hope of having kids. It's honestly such a mess, why can't eugenics be a thing already?

Also you look bretty good

He was a FOB German so I doubt it.

Why are you faggots posting full facial pictures of yourselves? This place is being monitored heavily....

If you go to an orthodontist they might be able to help you user. My best friend has your condition, he got jaw surgery and they gave him something called a 'bionator' to correct his jaw alignment. once you move the jaw forward is should correct most of the problem with your lower face. your not that bad, I've seen worse...
you could also get a sliding genioplasty if you save up. a few years of waiting is not so bad, user

a fob german whose own people shunned him so much that he married a native american?

german americans date other germans or other races that are genetically superior to their own.

namely, asians.

Also, native american's don't have weak chins. Seriously - that crap comes from inbreeding in european ancestry - look at european monarchy - same thing

Idk what you mean, he came to America and married my Mom

Thanks man, currently looking into this

>namely, asians.
Fuck out of here, faggot.
Asians are lol.
Go eat some tofu. I need you to be in feminine shape for monday.

>Neanderthal genetics arises as a result of mouth-breathing by Sapiens.
Your Nobel Prize in medicine awaits your paper, sir.

You can still be Eric Clapton.

Bro I sucked my thumb and mouthbreathed all throughout life. Now I shook myself out of it and started to be alpha and breathe through my nose, but my chin has always been chiseled in the image of the Gods.

Heres my skin color
Italian Spaniard mix

Your problems are more than just a mere underbite, there's some sort of a semi circle going on there. I'd reccomend growing a tremendous beard .

Why is this r9k tier bullshit on pol?

How to fix your Jaw.
Save these before the thread gets pruned.

Fresh OC.

Because having an identity crisis can lead to greatness.

For some.

For others they blame everyone else for their problems.

Mike Mew on youtube for more info
Good luck.

Not a poo but I love this pic

Surgery doesnt remove the shitty genes tho...

It sounds like a weak looking jaw is literally just a weak jaw muscle. Diet and exercise seem to fix it.

I would argue that your jaw is literally weak, and it's not your genetic appearance. Native Americans tend to have big, pronounced jaws, you should try the chewing gum thing and forcing your teeth to align.

Yeah man that's exactly it

>have strong jaw and chin
>have decent sized non-jew nose
>jaded shut in

I've wasted my potential.

What is mewing?

I think my mom and dad mixed to make the master race honestly. My mom is Irish and British and my dad is Lebanese and Syrian.
>thick black hair that I probably will never end up losing due to genetics
>skin that's white but tans well in the summer
>strong and athletic, can run really fast, strong lower body and can build muscle easily like most middle eastern people
>5'11" thanks to my moms side
>intelligence probably from my moms side
>not a totally unprincipled bitch who accepts degeneracy (like most white people) because my dad instilled morals in me from growing up in a true honor culture like most Arabs

I think arab+european makes the master race honestly. I never had identity issues too because arabs and europeans are both Caucasoid so I don't have weird mixed features, like how hapas kids have slanty eyes and white skin so they don't know if they're more asian or white.

hey its leafy

thats bullshit

Lol you're so fucking ugly.

Look at related that's my girl my mom's German and dad mexican you're just a genetic failure

>master race
Sure thing manlet.

Stay strong brother. I look just like you. Nearly identical.

>tfw you are pure bred mongolian and absolutely gorgeous
Take the sauna pill guys.

Hey man im 6 feet with shoes on kek. And 5'11" is only manlet on Sup Forums or on /fit/ we're autists convince themselves you need to be over 6'2"

Ask any girl what their ideal height for a guy will be and they'll say probably around or above 5'11" nigger

What % injun was your mom? You look like a slav gone wrong

6'6 here with Northern Spanish/Northern Italian blood flowing through my veins, and strong shoulders.
Used to play as an offensive tackle.
You're a manlet, and you should feel bad, your genetics failed you, and you are untermensch, sorry user.

it's about priorities
why would even want used goods in the first place?

Just grow a beard around your chin bro. That's all you need

Love this thread. All the mutant freaks coming in here saying x with y is a superior mix. And guess what? They are that mix as well! LOL you low life mutant creatures are not superior. Don't hate on OP either because chances are you are much worse you ugly brown sub humans.

All of you have whore white mothers who couldn't help but feed her primal and degenerate desire for dark cock, not because she would produce a superior child. You are the product on animal instincts and animal intelligence. Get the fuck over it you abominations.

that's not your girl loser Jezus Christ you're even more pathetic than OPie

>6'6 here with Northern Spanish/Northern Italian blood flowing through my veins, and strong shoulders.

Lmao fucking lanket you look like an awkward fucking retard you know that right? My genetics didn't fail me im probably more attractive than most the retards on this board.

You're an awkward gangly faggot

>played as an offensive tackle
>bench over 350

Mewing means using your tongue to push up against the roof of your mouth while keeping your teeth gently pressed together.

The youtube videos are good.

>master race
Shitskin genetics

>other races that are genetically superior
>namely asians
lmao, asians are perhaps superior to niggers, but nothing else.

exact same situation here (female diaspora)
dad is blue eyed, conventionally attractive
mom is native american but has that really creased severe looking angular face, definitely not a pocahontas china doll

so of course i get her looks, and i'm 6'1, i'm aging like milk under a hot sun, and i got this nose out of fucking nowhere that has a massive bump in it. It's not a hooked nose but it is fuck ugly. The good thing is my jawline is well balanced, i have big bone structure and put on muscle easier than other females so I should birth fine looking sons.

Your dad is probably some awkward french Canadian faggot who wears socks and sandals or some shit. Glad my mom didn't decide to marry some weak white faggot so I didn't end up a pussy honestly

Socks and sandals are redpilled


>can't fight this fact
"But call him a manlet and look how he shrinks back, 'I've been found out!'"

Like I said 5'11" is only manlet to insecure internet faggots such as yourself who have no clue how girls perceive height IRL.

>master race

The problem is not race mixing

The problem is that both of your parents are ugly, or one of them is ugly

>how do genetics werk, lol?

Kill yourself

You get most of your genes from your mother.

Thats why all WMAF kids look like Asians. BMWF kids have physical European features with black skin.

People have been mixing forever. Real aryans are mutts. They have Arabic, Indian, and Chinese in them.

You get a slight majority of your genes from your mother, but genes you get from your father are more likely to be expressed (60-70% of active genes come from your father since they're less likely to be methylated)

Who said I was upset about it? You're the one making a big deal about it. Most likely because other than being above 6 feet you're probably unlikable, ugly, socially awkward, and a huge faggot IRL. So one decent feature is what you cling to

You're an abomination though man and you should probably admit it

Both of them are objectively attractive


>"But call him a manlet and look how he shrinks back, 'I've been found out!'"

Simmer down bois, the only height that matters is down there

>can't deny this fact
>resorts to insults
You won't grow anymore, "master race", your genetics are failed.

The only number that matters is the one with the dollar sign before it.

Ok but why would I lie on an anonymous forum

>Euro-Arab is master race
Why are you even on this board you half breed.

Not even worried about it I fuck more girls than you

To talk politics and trigger basement dwellers every now and then

>i fuck more girls than you!
Does it make you feel bigger, lying on the internet like this? You'll always be a manlet made from shitskin genetics.

Sure thing buddy whatever you say

Glad you agree, manlet.

Aryan masterrace is a meme

You might look ugly by current standards, it doesn't mean you have bad genes
Race mixing actually makes you stronger genetically, all memes aside
Chads get dumb ass superficial sluts that will cuck them eventually
Smart ugly boys get the best girls, they just have to try harder

Just act confident even when you feel like shit and you'll realize it doesn't matter if you don't look like doom guy or johnny bravo

Oh man that chin.

This is one of he gayest posts I've seen on Sup Forums, in all these years. All but the last sentence sound like to total rationalization of a genetic failure (last one does also but at least it's good advice).

How easy is it to fuck bitches in Turkey?

Un-fucking-lucky mate

Around uni campuses, very.

Gotta agree with the Turk on this one. That post was pretty fucking pathetic.

there is nothing for you. dont reproduce

Do you have brothers/sisters?

Are they chinlets too?

Maybe they are not expressed in you, but you still carry the 'handsome genes' of your parents.

>genetic failure
It is science subhuman nigger
Inbreeding doesn't make you stronger in case you didn't know
You might look ugly and weak because your mom is ugly and weak, it doesn't you don't also bear your dad's superior genes

Look at dog breeds, mutts and street dogs are more resilient and live longer

Thinking superior looks mean anything just make you sound like an insecure bitch

>make you sound like an insecure bitch
and also a literal faggot if I may had because you seem so eager to call my post gay

Aussie education at it's best.

Marrying a person of your own race isn't inbreeding though. Also mixed race people have more health problems on average. Your "science" is liberal memes.

You know people can image search?, dumbass

Interbreeding between ethnic groups within your own race is beneficial, interbreeding with members of another race is always negative. Your stupid ass "hybrid vigor" theory was pushed hardcore by scientists back in the day, but it was such a colossal lie that even Jew backed scientists had to come out and admit it was absurd. Nice try though.

It's not guaranteed the kid will exhibit the same chin structure. Depends on his wife genes too. Surgery is a great option to improve OP's self-esteem. Why should he go through life unhappy with his appearance when he has options? He didn't choose his body

There are tons of Euros with that sort of chin. In fact, most Native American have super manly chins. You're an idiot and you're ugly as fuck. Literal subhuman.

Inbreeding with a lower race is always a negative, makes uglier, dumber, less moral people.

Looks, though not everything, are very obviously important...and not in and of themselves. People who are more physically attractive tend to be more intelligent, more moral, and more well adjusted. This is a pagan understanding that is validated by modern biology studies. The ugly smart geek thing is a meme.

You'll see the truth of this as you grow up you ugly fuck.

>blowing wind exposes balding
Kek every time

Than he would lie to his wife, by showing that he has valid/ strong genes ! While giving -that- chin to his children !! If he keeps -that- chin no woman wants him, and the gene dies out !!

Your disgusting chin does not belong to either race.

Speak for yourself

I'm mixed and have white skin, blonde hair,
and blue eyes and also I'm 6'3