They have a point, you know
They have a point, you know
Ban cannabis now!
Amazing. It's like you photo-shopped the word POTHEADS where MUSLIMS was meant to be.
But you didn't. This is real life.
Crisis actors smoke weed. No surprises there. They can't act for shit!
i thought intoxicants were haram?
yes good goy, ban more things, it's not Islam's fault
weed makes you psychotic, but only when combined with other intoxicants, like Islam.
There is a connection. Muslim communities are led by the top dog males, so those who celebrate terrorism and spread moral corruption through their cult, and those who engage in petty crime and drug dealing are often the same people.
It's not even specific to Europe, religious armed groups in northern Africa and the middle east are also like that. It's a conscious effort to ruin the society they are in. You could argue jews and christians do/did that as well. They are not much different in my book anyway. It simply turns out the main parasite is this particular brand of jewish sect.
All Muslims smoke pot. It grows freely in their homelands.
They also play fifa. They're arab neets.
Should we report /fifa/ general on Sup Forums to authorities?
The only way they can get to heaven and get 72 virgins after living a haram life is by suicide bombing or die by killing infidels
Marijuana is not an intoxicant.
I smoke Marijuana and I can confirm that it has a radicalizing effect
>tfw i'm a directionless underachiever pothead arab-american kid with gangster buddies
>does pot cause terrorism ?
They also eat beef, does eating beef lead to jihad ? we, as newspaper journalists, will be asking these and many more such nonsensical questions until the UK has sharia law.
yeah, they smoke the shit out of hashish and poppy, this is nothing new
IMO its the poppy that brings the demon out of them
>muh everything is theatre
>muh living in the Truman show
Fuck off shill.
yes it is you retard
Hezbollah chan pls
Quite the predicament the liberals have got themselves into here
Smoking cannabis is the one time I don't want to destroy civilization
I already want to ban marijuana anyway.
Anybody using drugs should be shot on sight
literally everyone
Everyone in Australia maybe.
I dont use ANY drugs.
Guinness is a drug mate
so you dont drink coffee, eat sugars, go out into the sun, take walks around plants or something along those lines?
Shit man, how do you even into feelings when you dont have molecules in your system?
If you grow up in a shit area you're likely to smoke weed a lot
As far as I'm concerned this is exactly the same as being an alcoholic
It's been proven multiple times weed is pretty much harmless
The only downside is it makes you lazy, so yeah, if you smoke weed everyday you're a piece of shit but smoking it occasionally at parties like once a month maybe is fine.
Let me remind you Sup Forums that
>correlation does not equal causation
>just because someone you don't like does something doesn't mean it's inherently bad
CAN'T ____________ THE MATEEN
Uhhhh, homeland security.
sugar isnt a drug its a nutrient, sunlight isnt a drug its not even a chemical, and being next to a fucking plant isnt a drug. Wtf is wrong with you?
I have feelings from naturally produced neurotransmitters not foreign exogenous chemicals that simulate neurotransmitters
And no I dont drink coffee.
Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink.
Good think I don't drink alcohol then.
You drug addicts constantly project whenever shit like this whenever I criticise drugs. I dont drink alcohol, YOU do you fucking mongoloid,you're criticising yourself.
Chris Morris is a fucking freak
See, if you don't understand how subtle molecular interactions occur and how many foreign, mind altering drugs enters your system, by you just being alive, maybe you should do a bit of studying before you decide to wage war against something you don't understand.
I don't drink alcohol
I thought the Ismailis were Shia?
Says the person that thinks fucking sugar is a drug. You dont understand the difference between chemicals your body adapted to process and chemicals that have drastic effects on your brain and consciousness.
Sugar is a drug. Your body only adapted a dependency, since sugar is found in many plants and we went from eating meats to plant material at some point in life.
And to say that sugar doesn't affect your consciousness is about as retarded as thinking you aren't drunk out of your starch filled little mind right now.
Sugar is a carbohydrate you retard. By your definition literally every chemical and physical property of anything in the entire universe is a drug.
>Muslim terrorist smokes weed - marijuana is to blame
>Muslim terrorist blows up concert mostly attended by women - misogyny is to blame
>Muslim terrorist shoots up gay bar - homophobia is to blame
literally anything except the obvious is to blame
This desu.. lmfao
Can't believe there is 0 focus in the suicide bombings in Colorado and Washington. Obviously the weed is to blame.
And so it is. Your experience in these 3D plane is exactly that, one lifelong trip through the eyes of a consciousness that can be radically changed by anything from molecular compounds to sounds to lightwaves.
This is life. By hopping on a high horse and saying you dont do drugs and claim to be better than a vast amount of people because of it is fucking insane.
Holy shit, you're a fucking idiot.
Me too same situation here except the gangster friends thing. Get some better friends you nog. I want to move back to my home country though I would unironically be more successful there instead of here. Sucks man America used to be the land of opportunity
>Quite the predicament the liberals have got themselves into here
liberals need to start accepting diversity and legalize cockfighting
Thinking consuming some sugar and having a slight insulin and dopamine response to it is equivalent to intaking a chemical that acts as neurotransmitter once it reaches your brain is retarded.
it is honestly hilarious how suicide bombers are always the biggest degenerate club crawling STD riddled druggies
>garbage tabloid newspapers are always clickbait cancer fake news
>except when they throw in some conservative ideas of course then they're entirely right
Weed is a edible plant
You obviously dont have kids. Trust me sugar most certainly does have drastic effects on the brain and body. Try putting down the textbooks for once and go do some real life observations and interactions
How do you even get through life as a Mick being this utterly bitter and joyless? The only thing you've got going for you is that you're generally a good laugh, it must be hellish
Shut the fuck up I know what taking sugar feels like and its not the same as getting drunk or high you fucking moron.
Yeah because drug users are known for being such a happy bunch with low rates of depression and anxiety.
>look up highsexual
tfw stoners are getting fagged up
Im thinking Islam has a lot more to do with it user
desu its brilliant in a Joker/Batman kind of way, how his mercenaries were all crazies who he promised drugs. Like the cartels in mexico who recruit outside rehab clinics. No sane person would do this. and the suicide bombers usually do MDMA before an attack to get hype. Thus, the always 'dead eyes' as reported by survivors.
Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone)
All the ones I know are fine desu
Yeah and every nigger I know is so smart. In fact, my buddy Tyrone is on his way to perform 25 brain surgeries right now but the white cops probably gonna stop him on his way there :(
You can piss bile all you want, real life > sitting around bingeing wikipedia articles and frothing about degenerates
>Tobacco increases testosterone and GH
Holy shit you are dumb
That sounds to me like you are trying to justify smoking
Have you ever what seen kids that smoke a lot (like 10 years old) happens? They hardly grow
And men with higher testosterone are more likely to smoke out of the general population but smoking 100% decreases testosterone
Kids that smoke weed grow long hair, and look like skinny girls. Guys that smoke tobacco become short stocky guys.
Tobaccos is degenerate as fuck but its a lot better for you than weed, I posted that because I know weed smokers love insulting tobacco to make themselves feel better about their vice.
In real life weed smokers are fucking morons.
Yeah most of them are, but so are most people so what you gonna do
As I said, put down the textbooks and go get some research. You sound like one of those drug 'experts' who have never done any, just read a lot of books. You knowledge is worthless without personal experience.
A study in new zealand showed that 1 joint has a greater chance at inducing cancer and lung related diseases than a whole pack of smokes. That and smokes don't give you fucking GAY URGES.
Most people are a LOT smarter than weed smokers. Weed is most popular in left wing commie states and countries for a reason.
You're trying to avoid arguing your position and just insulting my experience.
If I tell you I've done drugs, you'll say Im just bitter and shouldve been more careful and shouldn't blame the drug, if I tell you I've never done drugs, you'll tell me that I dont have a right to talk about things I have no experience of.
You're making libtard arguments.
Sounds to me like you've just got a bug up your arse about it, you'll be telling me everyone who smokes worships the devil next. It's popular just about everywhere like booze which means a wide cross section of people smoke it, most people are pretty dumb. Who gives a shit.
Most smart people don;t like weed because it over-stimulates their already over active mind causing paranoia and unease. Dumb people can easily relax on it because they have nothing going on up there in the first place. If your only troubles are figuring out which Kardashian you want to fuck then weed aint gonna slow you down.
Holland - Left Wing
Canada - Left Wing
California - Left Wing
Portugal - Left Wing
Germany - Left Wing
Colarado - Left Wing
Washinton - Left Wing
Starting to see a pattern?
Hitchens was right again!
No it does slow you down. I'll post some studies but weed advocates will just be like "muh life experience" because literally NOTHING will convince them that weed is bad.
You cant use your life experience in an argument becausae mine contradicts that. It's the exact same argument liberals use when they say "Muslims arent bad my friend Abdul wouldnt hurt a fly"
Wanna know what's funny though?
Assassins was originally used to describe Muslims who used weed. Before the Mongols killed them all.
This tbqhwu
If people only smoked in those places you'd have a point, the only difference is they're more permissive about it. I'm not even arguing with you that most stoners are retarded libs, they absolutely are, I just think it's ridiculous to act as if using the stuff invariably turns you into a dreadlocked yoghurt knitter. If that was the case every single person I grew up with would have changed their name to Moonwillow by now, it's preposterous.
What are you trying to say here? Smoking weed makes you want to fuck men? If you are speaking from experience then I have bad news for you
And I'm not buying the cancer study for a second
Cannabis contains CBD; a substance well known to curb the growth of tumours.
Tobacco contains tar - and you know the rest
You might also want to consider that tobacco companies have a vested interest in producing studies that show false or at least gerrymandered data
>Holland left wing
Um no but your dopamine response system will be damaged aswell as your memory.
Weed users become left wing because it makes you dumb and left wingers are dumb.
Also theres a matter of both your sensitivity and your starting point. If someone with an IQ of 155 loses 5 IQ points they'll still be above average.
youre stupid
I ment slow down metaphorically, as in not hold you back from enjoying the high. Thats why niggers love it so much. If you are intelligent then your over active mind produces paranoid thoughts and the like, causing you to not enjoy the high.
If I use it heavily yeah of course it'll be damaging, there's nothing unique about that.
Ok. So I know a doctor who smokes. I know lawyers who smoke.
You can counter that with your own life experience - you may not know a single successful marijuana smoker.
Nevertheless, the fact that there are successful people in the world who smoke marijuana and that I know a few does not cease to exist because you don't know of any.
So what then?
I personally think whatever objective effects marijuana has, ultimately it us up to the volition of the user as to how productive he/she will be. What ever happened to personal accountability? Marijuana doesn't "make" anyone do anything.
Look up high sexual on Google and read the fucking testimonials you faggot. I aint touching weed with a ten foot poll.
Actually you just need to use it occasionally to cause significant reductions in brain size if you're under 25. If you're over 25 you need to smoke daily to cause the same reductions though yeah.
It causes short term damage for about a month afterwards aswell. And occasional use damages your lungs
Just because someone is a doctor or a lawyer does not mean they can not be naive and ignorant. Trust, there is plenty of retards in those fields. Look at Bush, the faggot is a harvard graduate, is obama not as well?
There's no predicament and only you are nervous
It does make you do shit. It literally interferes with the organ that you use to decide to do shit.
Drug use is bad for society and makes it tend to vote for left wing, globalist governments.
How long have you been on Sup Forums? You should know how subject to influence people are if you've been on here longer than a couple of months.
I never said its impossible for weed smokers to be lawyers. Black people can be lawyers to that doesnt refute their average IQ being 80.
Those guys are gay regardless of the effect of weed
They probably just feel more comfortable being a faggot when they're high
>I'm not going to drive a car because gay men also drive cars
Literally you right now
UK education system everyone
No wonder you retards have issues knowing how to properly brush your teeth too
>And I'm not buying the cancer study for a second
Yea of course not, you like being selective with information to confirm your bias, as sign of low intelligence.
>Tobacco contains tar
AHAHAHAHA and weed doesn't? See this is the problem with you fucking pot heads, just look up the information and maybe you'll be shocked to find the myriad of toxic substances found in weed. You might even find that weed contains all the toxic substances that you cry about regarding smokes, most in HIGHER CONCENTRATION. Or just keep getting high and ignore the truth, who gives a fuck, you sure don't.