Has virtue signalling gone too far?
Has virtue signalling gone too far?
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>Holier Than Thou Tattoo
omg the kek is real
Where was a truck of peace when we needed one?
We just meme this into a regular thing, it's way better than a kikebook flag
>and a permanent display of their idiocy
For fucks sake, really ?
No 'Je suis Manshitty' tattoos yet ?
>People like this deserve the right to vote
>Free markets are a good idea because it gives people like this economic freedom
>These people deserve freedom
Defend this lolbertarians.
What's the big deal, morons branding themselves for the world to see. They should make it ducking compulsory so I know who to avoid
I literally can't.
Greatest argument against the (((Enlightenment))) and its values to be honest.
>daughter gets blown up by a rag head
>go get a tattoo just days after
We truly are fallen
the mum looks like a balding thumb
i try not to be classist given i was born on a council estate, but she is chavvy as fuck. the tattoo is classless.
I notice a lot of the dads and men involved in this event look like old mod scene scooter boys.
>One confirmed kill through progressivism
This is perfect.
Society is turning in a way so you can judge people by it's looks, and no by their character, because everything about their looks tells you about them
just bee yourself, I guess
You have to be pretty chavvy to let your daughter go to a concert on Sunday night on a school night unattended in the Muzzie capitol of the UK
why a worker bee?
Because they are mindless retards following a cult
>old mod scene scooter boys
First time I read something like that, thanks for popping my cherry there
This, it's like something out of a GTA game. Life as parody.
is it really a free market of ideas if the kikes have an iron grip on the what's allowed?
brits love tattoos. you can´t find a 20+ yr old brit without one.
just let me interject here for a moment. you are way too hard on this people. you do realise they are torn between their heart that says "gas the kikes, race war now" and their cucked brain that says "muh tolerance, hug a muslime". such things are literally just a coping mechanism.
Some annons did meme bee tatoo?
Yes. It's only a free market if every competitor is given an equal opportunity of entry without the use of state power interfering, or else it is corporatism.
Perhaps the west really does deserve everything we will get in the future.
is this the mark of the beast we keep hearing about
I see that, I bet they'll love them as well on their wrinkling old bodies. TI'm a metalhead for over 30 years now and thought about getting one or two, always decided against it somehow. Guess I was right,being not tattoed seems to be fucking rare these days.
The whole point of free market is that people like this will die when the welfare state is removed.
Too bad there is still such a thing as charity
That actually is the final redpill.
english males were a mistake
can't believe that guy was the same age as me
There is no such thing as charity. There's manipulators who pay out to engender populations
why does everyone in the UK look like a subhuman mutant?
bongs are all retards
I did a quick search and I was right. I notice the guy in the top right was wearing a fred perry shirt. That Olivia Campell parents. Maybe Skin City scooter club
"Rebirth from fire like a Phoenix "
I could do that
Disgusting, moral lacking subconscious idiots
>let's do absolutelly anything but actually solve the issue
>There is no such thing as charity
Jesus, you lolbertarians just don't quit do you? Everytime I hear you say something stupid ya keep talking.
>get a tattoo instead of demanding that no more girls get blown up
Seems about right.
i see bongs and i think, thank fuck i live here and not there. what a shit hole
Well, I finally reached the point were I'm no longer surprised by the left. Every god damn day they manage to make fools of themselves.
The best of their blood soaked the soil of two world wars
This is fucking insanity. MY GOD HITLER WAS RIGHT. You need a strong government to rain these fucking degenerates in.
So pissed off at the cucks in the West. We need another Hitler and this time he must win.
>worker bee tattoo meme
Friendly reminder to all the nu-fags, the bee and the beehive is a freemason meme.
Who's going to offer it? The church? These people despise the churches.
>Holier Than Thou tattoos for virtue signalling
this must be a meme, it's too perfect
God damn, British women are ugly. Props to you Brits for actually fucking them instead of going extinct
You haven't been to church in a while have you? They give out money to anyone who needs it, and in a free market private citizens have the right to do whatever they want with their money. Not every charity is set up by a church, and even if you got rid of welfare and charity these people would still take lower class jobs and still hold onto their beliefs.
Would you believe the britfags got mad at American WW2 pilots leaving none of these snaggle-toothed slags for them?
With free markets these people get a severely reduced say in anything, they don't get free shit and they will hold almost no economic power
These people hold power now through socialism and democracy, therefore we should argue against statism
When Europeans are attacked they buy tattoos and flowers.
Americans meanwhile buy more ammo and ponder over where to find more room on the AR-15 for another attachment.
they should be thanking you for improving their genes a bit
Can we gather all these cunts somewhere and give the terrorists a freebie? Just looking at their smug "Im helping" face's is enough to make me wanna neck them.
What's the issue? I think it's nice.
So you want a free market without the "free" part. Thats called corporatism not free market capitalism.
It's not that the lower class ought to have no rights, it's just that they don't deserve the right to vote. Minimizing them into economic units is degenerate Jew shit.
m8 i have to mearly say "bloody ell its fuckin 'ot over ere init mate?" in america and your women fight over my cock
you know its true.
>Defend this lolbertarians
1. Libertarianism doesn't mean universal suffrage
2. Everyone deserves freedom regardless of how retarded they are
3. If we stop subsidizing retarded people then there wouldn't be so many
Only if you look good and have the upper class accent. Cockney is a massive turn off
i hear somalis are dying by the pirateboatload because no one can organize the food shipments.
just the males? don't kid yourself. english women are universally known as among the ugliest hambeasts on the earth, where do you thing all our fat cows trace their ancestry? it sure isn't scandinavia. england was a fucking mistake.
i look alright
and i have my normal voice and the "phone voice" the posh accent you roll out lol
Now red-pilled male britbongs have a clear marker of who you shouldn't date/marry
1. Libertarians would disagree
2. Literally how
3. Getting rid of muh welfare will not stop charity
>Has virtue signalling gone too far?
Tattoos are just another way of knowing who to avoid in life desu
>Bee has always been at the same time royal/divine symbol (in Ancient lower Egypt for example, probably because of the golden honey) and a symbol of obedience, foresight and hard work. Moreover, as Napoleon had a large knowledge about antiquity, this is a reference about Virgil who saw in the hive the perfect social model.
bee has a lot of symbolism going back a long time so it sticks out for the choice of a tattoo
tattoos are disgusting and degenerate
they would of never became popular if afrikans never came here..
They got a Fly tattoo to help remember her dead kid?
this fucking hilarious, thanks man
no keep going I want mo
I really don't care, American women are stupid selfish mutts for the most part, take your fucking pick.
During WW2 though, those American pilots were taking the cream of the crop back to freedomland with them.
In the end, we're all fucked. Drowned in a tidal wave of mud water.
Motherfucker, show me one organization that actually does large scale "aid" that's not a front to make niggers vote democrat
God why is everyone such a fucking follower?
Looks like mostly white people. I might be OK with this, but I'm not sure.
They are not on welfare, they are unskilled workers mostly.
Not everyone is, the media just makes more bitcoins reporting this kind of shit. Clearly aimed at the elderly as well, otherwise any Newspaper relying on actual printing their shit would be out of business yesterday.
Mom's looking a little downy
>getting a tattoo four days after your child died
>as they waited in the scorching sun
this probably triggers me the most..what was it, like 22-23° ? Those poor fucking people, let us tattoo the pain away and be on the Telly and shit
Guess those local food drives done by small children are machiavellian conspiracies
>Has virtue signalling gone too far?
Went too far 5 years ago.