Boogie is getting weight loss surgery in July...

Boogie is getting weight loss surgery in July. He has to shop around with several doctors before he was able to find one willing to operate on him, it's a risky surgery. He is getting gastric bypass surgery, which is extremely risky for someone his size. He has to stay on a liquid only diet for awhile after the surgery or risk death. What are the odds he'll be dead in a few months?

>get surgery
>go on diet

Can't he just skip step one, or is he curious how painful the death will be? Hunger hormones come from stored fat as well at information from the stomach, so he'll still be drooling for weeks.

>Boogie is getting weight loss surgery


>Boogie, It says here that you eat entire jars of mayo in a single sitting

I've known morbidly obese people who had the surgery done, obeyed the dietary instructions religiously, and slimmed all the way down in a short period of time with no major complications. Dunno how frequent that is.

From my understanding you have to diet and exercise along with the surgery. If you continue eating like a pig after the surgery you'll put all the weight back on in a year or two.

Tweet him pictures of delicious solid food.

I hope he dies on the fucking table.

seriously, who IS his enabler? Is the meme about his wife marrying him for a 5 year payout true?


... so either he doesn't need the surgery and should just try go on a liquid diet for a while or he honestly can't control himself and isn't going to be able to stay on liquids.


>Is the meme about his wife marrying him for a 5 year payout true?

He'll die during surgery

I think it's quite common the surgery works, because they literally cannot each more than about a chicken eggs size worth of food at a time.

The surgery is a last ditch attempt for people without the willpower to stop eating of their own accord. The biggest problem he faces is that it's extremely unsafe to do that kind of surgery at his weight of around 500lbs, normally you need to get down into the 250-300 range before they'll do it.

So he's shopped around to find a doctor who is willing to put his life at risk because he can't diet down to the necessary weight.

I dunno about this guy, I mean with his YT income so high he's paid more into the system than he's taken out, I think he's addressed that, so keeping him around making money and paying into the system actually makes financial sense if you think about it.

I've watched his vids about his childhood and he went through atrocious abuse by his mother which explains why he's like this, you'd probably be like him if you'd had his experience as well, worth keeping in mind.


** eat, sorry I'm really pissed

None of the people I knew were as heavy as he is. Don't know the exact figures but definitely not 500lbs.


>be too lazy to lose weight for a safe surgery
>shop around until you find a doctor without scruples to do a dangerous one

He's having it done on a whaling ship. If he dies he'll be sushi in Japan within 8 hours.

Kanye's mum recommended him from the grave.

This fat fuck lacks any type of self control. Hopefully he'll binge and his lapband will burst or better yet, his stomach will. Leaking poison into his system, causing sepsis and death.


Digits confirm he will die in August

Why doesn't he just pay someone to stop him from eating? Like just have a guy slap food out of his hands and chastise him constantly.

why does everyone in pol obsessed with this landwhale

Why doesn't he just get the lap band?

Isn't that less risky?

Gastric bypass involves cutting up the stomach.

Why do you guys hate fat people so much?

i've seen it before, he'll be dead in 5 years desu

He is also like 550 pounds. He's probably too fat to drive or get around on his own. That means somebody has to be bringing him food constantly to maintain his weight. He has to eat at least 5000 calories a day just to maintain all that fat. It's most likely his wife. If she really cared about him she would stop giving him so much food and force his to lose weight.

Won't this hurt his image? Will he still be as popular on Youtube if he's skinny?


Imagine knowing better but you still compulsively vote democrat and constantly spew antifa propaganda. It's like that but with food.

it will hurt his image cuz he'll be died

how couldn't it be?
his dick is literally inverted and he's a man child
there's a reason he only got married once he was big on youtube

thats a good point desu

He apparently has had sex at his weight. I wonder how that went

>who is his enabler

there's a team of them.
papa john, dr. oetker, and little caesar.

Shills love throwing this e-celeb fuck in our face, lets at least make it interesting by monetizing his misery. Anyone wanna make odds on Boogie's Bariatric outcome?

I'm surprised he hasn't died already.


>liquid diet

Mayo is technically a liquid. This fat fuck is going to get more fat.

>Boogie dead by September
I don't really mind paying for his surgery so long as it ends his miserable life

Death is the greatest form of weight loss

Think for a second about what you just said. You say he has has payed MORE into the system than he has taken out. Yet, he has also said HE CANNOT survive without Obamacare. Now reconcile these two facts. He has payed more into the system than he has taken out, yet without Obamacare he can't afford health insurance.

If both of these statements are true, and I highly doubt they are, then he would have been better off simply not having insurance, period. He could have simply payed his own way the whole way through and been fine.

Is there anywhere to bet on him surviving? I'd be willing to bet some money that he'll be dead before 2018.

He'll just start liquidising mars bars in heavy cream.

His entire youtube follower base as well as close friends and his wife.

no seriously he has an entourage of fat nerds and a fat wife as well as fat fans who fund his fat lifestyle.

All he needs to eat is a bullet

He would be better off just cutting his fucking legs off and leaving him without a means to reach food then they could feed his fat ass on a regulated schedule and having his legs cut off will improve his strained blood circulation

He'll just get fat again if it's that lap-band shit. I've seen it happen

When he dies they will render down his fat and make a million candles to sale too fans so they can raise money for fat awareness or some bull shit

Its risky because the fat fuck actually needs to stop eating or the whole thing blows up in his stomach.

he's repeating boogie's meme about how he had to pay more in medicare taxes than for his doctor bills in a year. assuming he is ever able to enroll in medicare he will use such a disproportionate amount of it i doubt his lifetime contribution will amount to 10% of what he winds up costing.


Also, he will start drinking all of his calories. I've seen it. It's very bad. Now instead of food making you fat, it's shit like soda and iced tea to fill the cravings

>obeyed the dietary instructions religiously

This would be the key thing, and that fat fuck sure as hell isn't going to be able to do that.

That would be really cool if he died

super fat people like him are mentally ill. he's even been to therapy and it hasn't helped. he can't control himself.

>drinking his calories

don't put it past him, he probably pioneered that.


Literally all he has to do is eat less, eat healthier things and drink water while getting up off his fat arse. That's it.