ETERNAL /V4G/ THREAD - cute edition

Thread dedicated to discussion about Visegrad group and Intermarium union

Funds and grants:
wiki page:
(((Economist))) cry how V4 is xenophobic:

News from V4 countries:
Czech Republic

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Fuck off wannabe special snowflake niggers

fuck off that one angry serb
go to your thread
have some wise words from your rodak

Intermarium means that Slovenia and Croatia add to V4?

By the way Russia, Belorus and Ukraine should unite. Baltic states should be ally of V6. The rest of the christian Balkan nations should unite too. So these alliances could be the last bastions of the white race...

Slovenia, Croatia, and maybe others, but basis is Poland, Czechy, Slovakia and Hungary
Belarus is almost-Russia, Ukraine is something else
Balkans are balkans and I don't feel confident enough to talk about them without knowing the matter well enough.
What's new in politics of land of langosz?

when will Austria and hungary reunite?

I do believe we already have some deal with Bulgaria and Romania,Anyway since you starting to make generals and i have not noticed it yet,have this picture kek.


thank you, I will use it in next /v4g/ I make
probably not

also, I should probably mention that Uzbekistan applied for joining V4 because reasons

>the eternal Russian should become even more powerful

The point of Intermarium is that low to mid tier nations united in a confederation are strong enough to resist high tier countries like Russia and Germany

Croats hate Balkan and Yugoslavia. We would really like to join Višegrad as long as other ex-yu countries can't join (except Slovenia).

The Socialist opposition leader wants to demolish the fence, and wants a common eu solutions to the migrant crisis. So his socialist party started to go below 10% according to the polls haha. I hope they'll never go back to the parliament.
I'm sorry but Austria is too cucked to unite us or the V4...

so this v4/intermarium meme is a fallback for EU/ZOG kikes for a time when EU will crumble totally, or just a alternative path to grind nation states into bigger commie-jewish shithole?

>Austria is too cucked to unite
I am sorry to hear this.


no, this is based Piłsudski plan to beat shit out of Germans and Russia
I would gladly welcome you guys into the fold, you are very serious nation
and Slovenia is damn fine too
ayy, our pro-EU politician had sex scandal and now no one takes him seriously
not that anybody took him seriously from the start, but now he somehow is even less respected
pic related


and V4 should care that Corbyn will die because what?
shitty get

Thank you for this group and the news, I appreciate it.

I love these threads, it is like we jerk off each other. Feels good.

-Opposition tried to impeach defense minister just befor NATO summit, failed miserably
-second biggest opposition party, .N, now, few years after elections, just invented its program. It consists increasing age of retirement, taking refugees, and not giving shekels for every 2nd child - basically what nobody wanted
-common people are still pissed about Polish victims of manchester terrorist attack
-Annual Mother's Day in Poland
-Archeologists found place where communists executed Polish soldiers and dissidents in jail on Łączka in Warszawa
-Rotmistrz Witold Pilecki, War and Resistance hero got some recognition

Only other country that we might consider other than Croatia or Slovenia in a longer timeframe is Serbia, but it is a lot more natural to add Austria, Croatia or Romania first.
Romania probably doesn't have a chance, because Hungary hates them and every member would have to approve new candidate
And when you will be in Visegrad before other countries, then you can just veto their application if such thing as expansion of Visegrad ever takes place

It always makes me wonder that we are living in crazy time
I never heard about Visegrad more than two years ago and then it kickstarted because Merkel invasion invitation
Now it makes my heart warm when I think of our based allies

Want V6, please.

Thread archived already, unfortunately. =(

lmao, i used to think intermarium was just memes and giggles, but then i read this on the wikipedia page:
>On 6 August 2015 Polish President Andrzej Duda, in his inaugural address, announced plans to build a regional alliance of Central and East European states, modeled on the Intermarium concept.[60][61][62]


>700 years with based Hungarians and later Slovenes, Slovaks, Czechs and Austrians
>no major conflicts

>70 years with serbs
>2 major conflicts

Are lesbians even real?

Join the biggest White-only server where eastern europeans are considered white: D2Mq3te
Save our white girls

Our cucked politicians would probably let Serbia in.

Brussels and Washington pressure would be too hard.

C'mon, Serbia in Visegrad is so distant, because Serbia doesn't even is in EU, only way we would let them in is when Race War begins or if we exit EU by ourselves

Hi guys, have some memes from /v4/ from Sup Forums. And to add something valuable I would like to say that if you really think that v4 is worth consideration you should start working for your future for yourself. What does it mean? Vote for pro-v4 candidates, open yourselves for over v4 countries and their cultures, forget about painfull past, if you are businessman think about staring financial relations with other v4 countries (if it is possible), visit them during holidays. Be a change you want to see, I am doing it already, are you? SLAVA!

I'm happy that Sup Forums is doing /v4/, please guys, keep it civilised, you are doing good work for know. Don't let the madness tearing Sup Forums apart get into your general!


thank you for your contribution
Who do you think is most pro V4/Intermarium politician in Poland?
considering I think it is Glorious Andrzej, President of Poland
I will take any help I can get, I made 3 previous "ETERNAL /V4G/" threads and I somehow recruited Uzbekistan person to our case

who /turánizmus/ here?

which one is alphonse elric?

I would w8 with choosing who we should support at least to referendum next year.

Also I will try to help you with those threads, I already copied your OP so if I found out there is no /V4G/ in catalogue I will start new one, although I'm not Sup Forumsack and I visit this board only from time to time. But I'm sure that if you won't lose your faith you will find helpers in time. Consider this: /britpol/ was only an experiment somewhere in the past :)

Ok, I got a work, have a nice discussions friends!

H-hey guys c-can I join

The one with no hand.

I am not sure, only time I was in Bulgaria, golden sands hooker stole my phone

>tfw you browse Sup Forums for Sup Forums threads and Sup Forums for Sup Forums threads
It's nice to have a Visegrad thread without shitposting turboautists for a change
Keep this general up anonku, you're doing God's work

im gonna give you a hand Karol, that would be edwin...
get you chinks cartoons right

>By the way Russia, Belorus and Ukraine should unite.
Why would you want to get rid of our buffer states and give more power to Russia?
Not to mention that Belarusians deserve a better fate than to be stuck with Ruskies and Upainians.

I agree. With Germanistan, Swedanistan, Francanistan growing, these countries will need to unit in order to survive, because soon all of Africa will be trying to get into Europe and the Muslim population keeps growing in these western countries


:( We are the forgotten.

Someone please post that zeman pepe. I forgot to save it from yesterdays threads

holy shit, all that butthurt and cherry-picking

lmao at the Lithuanian butterflies calling us gypsies.

>baba przebytecna
top fucking kek


Yo Hungary, how you feel about EU "making us" take immigrants?

why is the slovak language only one good slav language?
>it sounds best
>best grammar
>best phonetics

Hello Khazar

Hungarian influence? :^)

I'm half Hungarian and half Germanic, if shtf what are my chances of getting in hungary bros?

Quick rundown on Babiš

>newspapers bow to the Babiš

>in contact with tax evasion

>rumoured to possess hypnotic abilities

>control Česko with an iron, but fair fist

>own slaughterhouses and chicken coops all over the Republic

>direct descendant of the ancient financial blood line

>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Babišgrad will be be the first city)

>own basically every media editing research facility in the Czech Republic

>first designer EET terminals will be Babiš EET terminals

>said to have 9000+ IQ

>ancient Indian scriptures tell of angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him

>owns EET R&D labs around the world

>You likely have EET terminals inside you right now

>The Babiš is in regular communication with the Archangels Agro and Fert, forwarding the word of EET to the Media

>learned fluent Japanese in under a week to communicate with Okamura

>Nation states entrust their donut reserves with the Babiš. There's no gold in Dunkin Donuts, only Babiš Donuts

>the Babiš is 98 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.

>In reality, he is a timrless being existing in all points of time and space from the Babiš bang to the end of the universe

>The Babiš will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and tax evasion

>(and pope John Paul was Polish)

more info, my family left before the fall of the austro hungarian empire.



probably not
and why are hungo girls so fugly?

listen to this beautifully spoken slovak language by even more beautiful lady
ma fav polish song

why did you post a video of ibrahim majgas wife?

>not even using the right picture
Come on senpai, step up your shit.
Nowehere to close to this slovak national anthem.

If you can speak the language, you can blend in perfectly. If not, you might have problems with communication, but as long as you are not a shitskin/muslim/faggot, you are fine
the fuck is she? who the fuck marry this thing and bring it to my homeland???
karel got je buzerant

>just memes
I thought Trump was a meme and now he's a president
never underestimate the memes

you tell me vole.

>karel got je buzerant

>implying hes not both at the same time

Who are some based V4s?

Sup Forums memes will make poland a superpower

i want to believe

well I didn't know that

our president is meme incarnate too
are you asking who is V4?
Poland, Czechy, Slovakia and Hungary

Zeman was a president and now hes a meme
my fav part of this masterpiece

as in, who are some redpilled people in your cuntry?


Slovak culture in a nutshell

almost all of them, excludin PO, .N, PSL, SLD, and Razem supporters
so probably around 80% people are redpilled to some degree, with some people showing redpill overdose, like Janusz Korwin Mikke
also in V4 Kotleba needs to be mentioned
someone post 1488 donation cause I have no pic on this computer
>not posting the original version
ty knedlik jebany tucny

can only speak English, and only European blood for at least 600 years confirmed, moms side of family has common hungarn surname.

>t. cpckar

>This thread
Oh Yiss


*chwała, if anything.
Shit nigga, what are you doing?
Panslavist (a.k.a. russian) identity is in direct conflict with Visegradian identity, dummy.
V4 is not based on mere linguistic connections.
>Who do you think is most pro V4/Intermarium politician in Poland?
Fortunately the ones in charge. PiS and Kukiz15.

Like, does golf even exist in Eastern Europe? Golfing is a national past time here once you retire. Its nice to just head out on the green with some buddies, drink beers, smoke some dope, and make some shots.

Guys how do we solve the gypsy problem?

We provide the necessary transportation and you provide the Auschwitz.

bullets are cheaper

What do you think about this guy?

Now now, that would be no fun, just shooting them.

A fucking white male?

Write a proper rundown faggot

i got your back.

Yep. Some richfags play it, but hunting is a more popular pastime if you are rich.

Have some cigány culture for enrichment köcsög:

take them to some open area and just spray them with this


Im volunteering to be that one who pull the trigger