>There are people on Sup Forums that unironically defend this
There are people on Sup Forums that unironically defend this
It's the equivalent to killing a mindless jellyfish
Because unwanted children is exactly what the world needs
exactly, who wastes their time defending a clump of waste cells. it doesn't even look white
If it keeps nigger, criminal, and welfare spawn in check I'll support it till i die.
>dead nigger baby
Only if it's nonwhite.
If it's a nigger.
Then, yeah.
So just like the average american then.
It's not that we enjoy abortion. It's simply the sobering realization that even if you outlawed safe medical abortion procedures, women would just use coat-hangers and injure themselves.
You can't arrest the women either, because they are doing something which is essentially equivalent to an animal gnawing its own leg off to escape from a trap. There's no criminal intent.
The pro-life position is mostly just a way for men to penalize women for being promiscuous, which explains why it is so popular on this board of unapologetic misogynists.
You have to go back newfag
Thats...not an abortion. That's a miscarriage.
amerifats b t f o
>an average Russian military conscript
>We were never sperm
>We were never eggs
>We were all that jellyfish shit once
I'm glad someone didn't see me as some fucking jelly shit to discard because "mother" made a mistake,
There's enough contraceptives, take responsibility and use them, abortion is no longer a necessary evil, it's fucking damage control for some selfish bitch who thinks her life is worth more than another's.
We are programmed to feel bad when a pregnancy does not lead to birth. This is a left-over from our tribal brain. We need to overcome that programming. Healthy families are more important than muh feelings. The more the fetus is close to a human being the worst it makes us feel and the more it becomes a gray legal area, but the basic principle is clear. Humans need to control their body. Human needs to control their reproduction.
So is killing a 1 year old, that doesn't make it right you spastic.
Not a good world for ANY child.
We should stop sending people to the machine.
desu killing 1 year olds should be o.k. as well
sometimes its hard to tell if its a bad batch or not
that could be so much better if she hid the glass ball
you know how I can tell you are an actual brit?
I agree that contraception should be used and abortion shouldnt be necessary but thats not the world we live in. Unwanted kids bor to shitty parents are most likely going to grow up to be burdens on society so abortion is a necessary evil
The people crying over "dead babies" are the exact same people crying about "nigger and spics" having more children than whites.
Until you start offering to care for these children, just be quiet on the issue.
>not supporting the retards holocaust
Why do you want healthy white couples to raise retarded useless children
>implying reproduction continues past reproducing
I used this think Christians were zealots then I looked into the eyes of one of these little alien snails. If a woman wants to have unprotected sex she should get her/his tubes tied rather than slaughtering the offspring. We have these things called condoms
no, it is not, because a jellyfish would not go on to develop human consciousness if allowed to live, you stupid fuck
Pro-choice is anti-science and anti-ethics.
I'm an atheist, almost entirely a materialist, and even I know that abortion is murder.
The only people who are pro-choice are those that have been so brainwashed that they accept it prima facie and never actually think about it on any sophisticated level.
Take the pill.
Wear rubbers.
It's not difficult to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
I'm not even pro-life, abortion gets rid of plenty unwanted children that would have a shit upbringing, but for the most part it's unnecessary these days.
Just relax and enjoy it for the visuals, user
I find that hard to believe,
I think those who end up being single mothers will continue being single mothers,
those who prefer abortions to "fucking up their life" raising a child at an early age are sensible enough to take a difficult path (depending on how long into the pregnancy) to prevent continuing their pregnancy, absent that choice, they probably would be smart enough not to get pregnant and stay on the pill, use condoms or have the injection etc
I feel that abortion is making people careless, because they can without consequence, at least to them.
The flag on my post?
I think abortions should be legal up to 9 years.
Be a great way to speed up that south african genocide I keep hearing about.
Hurrrr lets just kill them all then
We let people mutilate their genitals in order to pretend being the opposite sex despite their chromosomes and shoot up kids with hormones just because they want to wear a skit or play football.
I stopped caring and no longer fret where this will lead humanity
Yes, abortions are not a thing to boast about but they exist for a reason.
Poll approves abortion if the baby is black.
Would you rather have a thousand fatherless niggers or would you have thousand aborted niggers?
Until the doctor has it delivered or c_sectioned it out, and can call a time of birth, it's just a bunch of cells.
Dear god kill it with fire
I don't give a care if someone has an abortion just don't say it isn't killing a living thing. Unless you've had a kid and seen ultrasounds and been through the whole pregnancy ordeal then shet up. I'd rather not have shitty people make more shitty people just be honest about what it is.
I agree that she should. It's better to avoid something than to undo something. However that is an advice on how to do something better. We shouldn't confuse that for a reason to control other people through the government.
is that a white or black baby tho
Removing a tumor is killing a living thing.
Hahahaha oh wow. Fucking eat it, absorb stem cells, gain super strength
If abortion was illegal we would could have more white children.
Blacks usually have more children, lets say 3, and making abortions illegal might make them have 5 instead
Whites have fewer children, lets say 1, and making it illegal might make them have 2 instead.
40% increase for blacks and 100% increase for whites.
Check mate pro-choice scum
>inb4 thats 2 more blacks and only 1 white
We are getting outbred anyway we need all the help we can get
See Taci ma ca tiganu vad avortu ca un prezervativ mai bun. Vad tiganci bortoase tot anul dar mai niciodata nu vad un cacatel nou. Sau chiar daca vezi probabil c-o sa moara.
Imi place sa le vad plangand pentru atentie.
t. eleormanean
You can't compare an abortion to an animal gnawing off an appendage. There is an immediate danger for the animal that compels it to gnaw off its leg. A woman living in the pinnacle of western society is not in any immediate danger. She can give it to adoption, a foster family, members of her own family, or take care of the child itself at the expense of her being able to buy her new iPhone.
>But muh coat hangers
Historically, prostitutes were the majority users of coat hanger abortions. I'm not going to legalize infanticide so that a whore can reel in enough cash to get a flat screen.
>B-but your disempowering women's sexual liberty
Use a fucking rubber if you want to have fun.
no it's not, a tumor is not a sentient being or even alive it's a growth that has living cells and needs oxygen, you disingenuous shits gonna say next? cells die so lets kill people? it needs oxygen so it's got lungs? What is the leftist lens?
It's not sentient but it's alive.
Good argument Stanhope.
and a fetus cannot be considered sentient either
>posting a crucified puss
A child that hasn't developed a brain isn't a year old you fucking donkey
So if a man stabs a chic in the pussy with a coat hanger. No arrest then right!? Just in general if a guy stabs any woman he fucked, that should be cool too.
Nice try bitch. You had a ball in your hand the entire time. Do you even magic?
i dont defend them, they can die
If during pregnancy you can already tell the child is going to be a dead weight on society, an abortion should be mandatory.
>her body
>someone else's body
learn the difference
Defend what? That women have the right to do what they want with their own bodies? Yeah completely. Funny how it's always men who seem to be anti abortion, the fuck do they know?
>Historically, prostitutes were the majority users of coat hanger abortions.
Yep, that child was going to LOVE living in this world. I mean hell I was okay with abortion until you mentioned prostitutes! Just let people who'd be shitty parents have kids, man! Kids deserve a shitty upbringing!
>Stupid as fuck
>Would still fuck 10/10
you wouldnt carry a kid for 9 month just 'cause and they souldnt
Not an argument, the fetus is connected to the mother and reliant on her to stay "alive".
>whores using coat-hangers instead of wasting medical resources
sounds good to me
controling women's sexuality is the basis of any successful society.
first we subjugated the horse, then we subjugated the woman, then we subjugated ourselves into doing 8 hour shifts...
abortions need to be hard to get and socially ostracized if don't want your country's birth rates below replacement levels
>unapologetic misogynists
damn right
literally there are no situations in the West that a woman cannot get out of.
she can have completely unprotected, irresponsible sex with whoever she wishes, and if she's hit by nature and gets pregnant, she can get out of it.
if women can't handle the consequences of their actions, then i'm sorry but you're not going to be given any responsibilities.
you're children and the men are being irresponsible in letting you run wild like the children you are.
Are you insinuating that if you touch it and it moves it's less acceptable? things react to tactile information, doesn't mean it's consciously processing it in any way. it's autonomously reacting.
for example when a fresh corpse moves around you don't assume their alive... because we know what happens when death occurs and certain things happen to the body that make it appear like it's animated and alive and conscious when it's not.
>Wanting more people on earth
bruh are you serious? Traffic is fucking horrible lately. Concerts are packed. There's way too many homeless people.
The less people the better. The Spartans killed any kid that wasn't fit to serve the nation, I think it makes sense now. Low resources + High Demand = Destruction.
I don't know where I was going with that last sentence.
>Tfw no stupid wannabe magician gf
I see a detached parasite
>that shit eating grin at the end