Do you believe the approval ratings that the media presents about Trump? Do you think that they are being skewed to help drive home the impeachment meme? Every time I see or hear about these I always think to myself, "well I voted for him and they didn't ask me if I approve." Who do they sample?
Trump approval ratings
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I don't know op why don't you look at that wall trump never built
It's nice that the left is anti war again. I hope they had a nice 8 years off
Remeber when the right pretended to care about Americans being killed by drones under obama?
theyre real most people dont like trump
deal with it
The polls can't be distinguished from fake news.
Were the polls during the campaign real?
I don't believe them because they've never asked me.
fake news. media companies have ruined consumer confidence in their """data""". those in power have lost forsaken their trust in the pursuit of power.
Yes, Hillary is so far ahead in the polls that she doesn't even think about Trump anymore.
Le pen is president of france
You know she won the popular vote right?
There's a very simple reason I support Trump: Democrats.
>Demonize white men and I'm a white guy.
>Give away all sorts of aid for the poor, yet a single person working a low wage job full time doesn't qualify for any of it. (Only illegals and people who don't pay taxes qualify)
>Give away free shit to women.
>Give away free shit to minorities.
Why would I support a Democrat ever? They don't offer me a thing. In fact, Democrats hate me because I'm a white guy.
Hillary is president of America.
yes they were actually. they were off by 1 point
hillary ended up at +2
Your an ungrateful fat fuck, you know that. You have a politician who is actually getting rid of illegals, and told Australia to fuck off regarding the asylum deal Obama brokered.
Try living in the UK, where we arrest girls who get raped by pakis. Where we have 600k immigrants a year. And both political parties will not do a god damn thing to address it
>Do you believe the approval ratings that the media presents about Trump?
You know the difference between winning an election and winning the popular vote, right?
No no no you see Le pen and right will take over all of Europe!
Gallup has him currently at 41% and Rasmussen at 44%. And he won't get over 50% because almost half the country hates him while the other half either loves or at least tolerates him.
No, they also said Obama had a high approval rating, yet the dems lost more seats under him than they have since 1922.
They lost again yesterday to a guy that bodyslammed some kike reporter.
Wow! I am so proud of her! She gets TWO lollipops.
Did this polls take into account the stupid electoral college that no other country has?
Fuck off you nigger loving cuckold, Trump is already upgrading old fences to actual blockades and in November, he will begin building the actual wall.
>Krystal Ball
Hillary is president. Polls are always reliable.
They were off by 2-4% on average, which is pretty significant. Only Rasmussen actually got the margin right. And in the state polls they totally fucked up.
I believe the actual approval ratings are considerably lower.
Ah, but that's not the issue. The issue is that most of America doesn't want trump.
>posting polls from sources proven by the wikileaks to have rigged if not completely fabricated polls
wew lad
Enjoying the h1 b visa trump green lighted?
>and in November, he will begin building the actual wall.
They did and first-past-the-post is a common system in many countries you dumb fuck.
Shit this will really effect down ballot Republicans like that Montana race...
Are other countries a federation of states?
Oh? When did this happen?
Yes trump is super popular right Reddit?
Hillary clearly won, right?
All I care about is Trump deporting illegals at the moment.
Back to re...ddit you cuck.
After the emercency budget which he signed where he received some funds to upgrade old fences to physical barriers.
>first past the post
>electoral college
You are a special kind of retard like most trump fags
>Person working for low wage doesn't qualify for aid
Gee, it's almost like they are trying to discourage Independence from the state. I wonder who thought of that idea.
* Vigorously rubs hands together *
> "this polls"
Fuck off, you uneducated piece of shit.
The Dems were touting their mythical "Blue Wall" and crowing about their EC advantage -- until they lost. If your argument is that the polling analysts failed to take into account the EC, then that just casts even more doubt on polling analysts' discernment, you stupid fucking nigger on the Demtard plantation.
It's similar and you are the most retarded redditor I've ever seen.
More people live in urban areas user. I know kids on here aren't that smart.
>Did this polls take into account the stupid electoral college that no other country has?
Yeah, it is pretty dumb. Mob rule is the way of the future. Vote from Facebook for 2020.
Half the population lives in suburbs, 15% in rural areas and 35% in cities. Trump won the first 2.
national polls were off by 1. some state poll missed by more mainly because a lot more democrats than anyone predicted stayed home and some trump voters didnt say they voted trump. Nate model gave trump 30% chance to win. 30% is literally 2:1. it happens all the time
this idea that all polling companies all colluded thogether in a secret room to give hillary more points to maybe discourage the opposition from voting is asinine
According to your unreliable polls.
>All I care about is Trump deporting illegals at the moment.
You really are stupid, you know that? The electoral college exists for a reason. I recommend you do some more research on the topic.
>national polls were off by 1.
Clinton won by 2.1%.
And here she was supposed to win by 4%.
>some state poll missed by more mainly because a lot more democrats than anyone predicted stayed home and some trump voters didnt say they voted trump.
Not some, a lot. Trump overperformed in almost every state.
>Nate model gave trump 30% chance to win. 30% is literally 2:1. it happens all the time
Less than 30 actually and it had him lose Florida and NC by a small margin and PA/WI/MI by a big margin.
>this idea that all polling companies all colluded thogether in a secret room to give hillary more points to maybe discourage the opposition from voting is asinine
It was known the black voter turnout would be down, yet most pollsters didn't care. So they must have colluded with the Clinton campaign for funds.
Existed back when horse and buggy ensured counting votes took forever so they decided to say fuck democrat and go with that system. Any other country views us as a laughing stock for a "democray"
>muh anger from staunchest supporters
I support guest worker visas as long as they only stay as guests. If sanctuary cities are defunded, they won't be a problem.
No one cares what you think. Migrant workers are a bigger problem than illegal immigrants. Illegals just settle in their shanty towns and work minimum wage. Economic migrants take real jobs and should promptly fuck off.
>Any other country views us as a laughing stock for a "democray"
You're a retarded nigger who believes every other country has a simple plurality system. Clinton won the plurality of the vote, which means in other democracies there would be a 2nd round without spoiler candidates. And in even other democracies, the president is a figurehead without much power.
Yeah, let's just forget about the media blitz giving Hillary a 99% chance of winning. Let's just forget about where NYT's dial was on Election Day.
Maybe yours ;^)
Yet you faggots keep linking the same and only article about this from a known biased source.
Kys. kike
>I support guest worker visas as long as they only stay as guests. If sanctuary cities are defunded, they won't be a problem.
They take jobs you stupid fucking kraut. Shit actual Americans could do. Stop fellating Drumpf's 70 year old dick for 5 seconds and realize illegal Mexicans aren't even a problem unless your goal is to be a hotel cleaner or a fruit picker. The problem is people from China and India taking skilled jobs.
>it's been a few months and a multi-year project isn't done yet
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
If the wall isn't being built by 2020 then there is a problem .
Only faggots would complain that years of work weren't done in 4 months
>1.9% off
Actually it's kind of normal. Nate gave 30% chance, a fair chance.
>So they must have colluded with the Clinton campaign for funds.
Then why did the same polling companies start giving Trump good chances near the end of the campaign, when it really matters?
This is just nutjob conspiracies
land mass =/= population you uneducated hick
Are those Americans in the pic?
I'm fine with droning shitskins
They still have to go through a lot of trouble to actually get one because the company has to prove there is no suited American for that job.
>Then why did the same polling companies start giving Trump good chances near the end of the campaign, when it really matters?
Because they get rated in that time period and if you have Clinton winning by 12% and she only "wins" by 2%, they get an F rating.
My favorite part is when they compare his numbers to past presidents when the country was far less polarized and far more white.
(((Donald Trump))) I doubt he'll even build a wall, but even if he doesn't I think he should at least enact a law where those in favor of lower wages and a billion immigrants and rapists should be FORCED to give them their own little starbux jobs (if they even have jobs) and also be FORCED to put them up in their own homes, I know most antifags and leftists crybabies do live with their folks, but so what? They always are just SO worried about what others do since they are insecure with the fact that they don't matter to the world. They will eventually be destroyed right along with their Israeli masters they suck off.
Most people actually do live in Trumpland since suburbs are less red than cities are blue.
Skewed, just like them reporting his likelihood of becoming president. Never trust the MSM again.
>I'm fine with droning shitskins
Then you should be fine with them retaliating and coming into your country as refugees. You can't have it both ways you fat fuck. Also that's money that could pay for real shit but it's going to your MAGApede friends in Israel. Just go back T_D.
Always archive clickbaiters.
huff po is super biased far left rag. it has nothing to do with polling. their analysis was a joke just like their site is
>Clinton won by 2.1%.
it depend where you check
regardless its well within the magin of error
>Not some, a lot. Trump overperformed in almost every state.
he did barely better than romney in key states if i recall correctly. its been like 6 months my memory isnt fresh on that topic
Sure trump marginally outperformed what was predicted but the main story was how hillary underperformed
>less than 30
>It was known the black voter turnout would be down, yet most pollsters didn't care. So they must have colluded with the Clinton campaign for funds.
random accusation based on nothing
If Bush and Obama are any indication, all an incumbent needs is 40% approval to get reelected.
I believe they're fairly accurate.
Trump's approval rating dropped amongst white voters shortly after he put on the yarmulke.
literally keeping half-assed jobs
on top of that now we are stealing jobs from Canada as well.
and soon Chump will give our narco government the thumbs up to ravage central america and sell their lolis to russian oligarchs and saudi princes.
>They still have to go through a lot of trouble to actually get one because the company has to prove there is no suited American for that job.
In practice they prove it by putting some outlandish requirements that nobody actually has, then say "Oops you better let us take an Indian who has the skills and will do it for less and won't complain."
H1-B and H2-B need to go. fuck them
Always archive clickbaiters.
Is this a bot response?
>regardless its well within the magin of error
Not in a congregate of polls.
>he did barely better than romney in key states if i recall correctly. its been like 6 months my memory isnt fresh on that topic
He did a lot better in NC, FL, OH, IA, PA, WI, MI, MN, NH, ME and NM.
Trump has 41% amongst all Americans according to Gallup (the poll that the media always likes to cite) and 44% amongst likely voters according to Rasmussen.
Well good to know because I'm looking for a job in the US.
are you a retarded person?
>Because they get rated in that time period and if you have Clinton winning by 12% and she only "wins" by 2%, they get an F rating.
And with this you gave the illusion of Trump rising, it gave the illusion that Trump might actually do it. It galvanized Trump supporters and gave the trump sympathizers reasons to actually go and vote.
It only helped Trump.
Gallup polls are based off of 1500 people
Also according to their polls Obama had an approval rating of 40% a few months before he won his second election
No I'm not because all the spikes include the suburbs and close counties.
For example, Trump lost NYC, but he won LI, which is part of that big big spike.
1500 people are a good enough sample but I'm as confident as you that Trump will be reelected.
Can you read motherfucker? They take people from India. Not Germany. You require a first world standard, they don't.