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Jesus Christ, even Greece is putting most of Europe to shame. Sad!
God I fucking hate canada
Hmm this thread seems to be going along a little too well for my taste....
We don't expect anything less from you snow niggers.
FInland easily meets NATO defence budget standards. We don't join because we don't like to be commanded by NATO. so FUCK YOU.
It's 1,8% this year and 2% next year.
We're getting there.
But its rather sad actually that because of Trump's transnational approach to everything and by getting Americans to regard NATO as some kind of Mar-A-Lago with membership fees and annual dues.
Trump has done Putin's work handily.
Poland truly is Gods gift to Europe. You guys and the Austrians are the only Euros I've ever gotten along with are
All the countries paying their share are trying to keep out kebab... Coincidence?
hello faggots
Yes, but do you have your tank quota met yet?
Truth: we don't want to be a NATO frontline against Russia.
what good NATO has done since it was founded?
lets start a /fsg/ - fair share general.
So fat cheetoh Hitler goes to KSA, sells them huge amounts of weapons, and then comes to NATO whining that we don't spend enough on weapons. What a goddamn cocksucker Quit selling your American weapons to KSA you Burgershitking! About time we, as Europeans, tell Trump to fuck off and start our own weapon factories instead of spending it all on the rustbelt wankers of the USA!!! FUCK
Fuck, that picture brings some comfy memories
korea and shit
Came here to post a congrats to little esti. Go you.
No wonder why Trump was so friendly with Greece and super angry with the other European cucks
That is one point. But would you like Finland to be involved in middle-east, if NATO decides bomb there, like they did in Libya in 2011 to overthrow Gaddafi?
natossa ja suomessa lasketaan eri tavalla. muistaaksen suomi on aika lähellä jos asiat suhteuttaa.
In NATO or not, you are a front-line to Russia, you think those Russian citizens of yours aren't just waiting for a civil war like those in Ukraine?
we have very little russian citizen in Finland compared to Ukraine. That's not an issue here.
We actually pay 0.89% of our GDP.
And that is before you consider foreign aide - which comes out of our military spending.
> Luxembourg
Seriously don't they have like 1 jet
So they participate in missions with their 1 jet. And sometimes their full military shows up and they need to hire a taxi to transport them.
Fair comment, though we'll see how Russia conducts itself over the following years, hopefully it's just Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, but somehow I doubt it.
Is your government planning on taking some Refugees from eastern Russia? those persecuted gay folk by chance?
and Ukraine was once under Soviet Union whilst Finland never were. Finland truly is the best.
Considering we pay for the entire Polish defense spending, I guess we should be white and Poland should be orange.
Didn't we up it to 1.8% last year with the goal being 2% next year?
Damn the woman in the red dress with the long hair looks like she wants to have Trump's babies. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović? The Croats have fought kebab (successfully) for centuries so she knows what a real Western man is.
There actually are no mandatory quotas, even the 2% never really was a thing before Trump. It's just the recommended amount.
Although we started moving towards 2% in 2014, after Ukraine happened, because we want to be good members, so other don't have an excuse not to help us.
I don't get why Western Europe is in NATO anyway, they're leftist liberals cucked by Putin.
Notice how the more cucked a nation is, its more likely to betray its allies.
>when you prefer paying for ahmed and his 20 kids than for your own safety
Greece doesn't count because 2.4% of 0 is still 0.
You can only post in this thread if you pay your fair share
> Trump has done Putin's work
> by requiring NATO members to quit starving their military to give gibs to refugees and dying boomers
Come at me amigo :^)
This year, Romania have approved to increase the military budget to 2% of GDP. The original picture can be changed for Romania's share.
Pay your quota, faggot.
Your'e gunna pay soon European Mexico, and back pay to amigo.
Norway, Sweden.. when they get rid of their sand-niggers, Finland and Iceland should form their own defence-pact that would make sense. We have quite good army combined.
No need to fight in middle-east which has nothing to do with northern european countrys.
What about if a country has many Russians as Latvian Non-Citizens (an actual group of subjects with non-citizen passports and no political power, they can't vote, etc).
They're neither Russian or Latvian citizens. We've had about 250,000 of them for 25 years.
What then?
Except for sponsoring leftist Jewish politicians in their defense, Russia hasn't done anything. That's the power of NATO.
>based kowalski
Make me do it!
Hah that means 0.6 % of the GDp being spend on nonexisting weapons or overpriced pieces of junk from the trash yard of western armies or simply going into the pockets of corrupt politicians or generals.....nice.
fucking retarded that the poles of all people are the yuropoors with their shit together, they pay their bills and have no muslims
>But its rather sad actually that because of Trump's transnational approach to everything and by getting Americans to regard NATO as some kind of Mar-A-Lago with membership fees and annual dues.
Well, it is an organisation with a kind of annual dues. Also, don't get me wrong, but living in the Baltics I would't complain - if any NATO region is potentially endangered, it's definitely you with your large Russian minority.
Your Non-country would be rolled over by Russia if USA pulled out of NATO. Here's to hoping that scenario comes true. Ironically Russia would save the white race in Europe from (((itself))).
Based Poland.
Pay the 2% but it keep the spending, investment and hiring as national and local as possible: you can also sneak it a lot of STEM style education in your military budgets.
They've invaded before, and I know you scared them off with your beast ass sniper Hayha and propping them up like decoration after you were done with them but if Finland leaves Nato and Russia looks for a new target, I think Georgia will be next, then Finland, I doubt Russia will go for the other USSR states until Nato is weakened.
Of course this is all assuming he wants expand his land, but I don't know what would give us that idea.
>fucking Greece pays more than most european countries haggling them to pay back their debts
I'm sorry.
Its not "paying" to anyone, its the amount country invests in its own defense. That was my point.
Of course, its good that Trump motivates, but its not like those West Europe countries have a need to do it anyway.
Why Poland and Greece are so similar in many things?
wtf i love polackens now.Kurwa!!
It is time for the EU to stop putting money in the American military-industrial complex and support our own weapons industry. We have FN in Belgium. If Russia comes, we will fight like Houthis (except we will wear shoes).
>fucking Greece pays more than most european countries
Ahhhm, you do know where Greece gets its money from, right? ALL of Greece's military spending comes straight from Germany. ALL of it.
>we have very little russian citizen in Finland compared to Ukraine. That's not an issue here.
And did you have a significant Russian minority in the late 1939?
Why the fuck is roachland still in NATO?
And still Greece has the biggest and largest army in the EU only behind UK.And now UK is not in the EU
Stay triggered faggot
We need to fuck off out of NATO. Bring our troops home and put bases near the poorest communities.
Agreed! pay more for your military and less for Muslims to stay in your country and rape your women.
north ATLANTIC treaty organization
Whatcha doing here Turkroaches?
Thanks for the tanks and subs son
An army is useless if you have no money to feed/pay them with in war.
I'm not sure, but I think that this financial crisis was partially caused by their large military budget - eg. they bought over ten German submarines, if I remember correctly.
peloponnesian 2 when
they still use the subversion system Yuri talked about, only now they use it to promote the lie Russia is a nationalist paradise.
Poland truly best goy
you shouldve been paying 2 the whole fucking time, eurotrash
Russia is Finlands enemy historically. That is to do with the fact that Soviet Russia attacked Finland under false flag operation called "Shelling of Mainila", which Soviet Russia claimed that Finland had bombed their land. That lead to Winter War.
This false flag is well studied.
then defend yourself, kraut.
What Trump is doing is great. Here the government is already talking about increasing military spending, which we definitely need.
What's that smell also ? Ah yes the smell of I dont give a fuck about NATO my country has nukes we dont need your sorry alliance to defend ourselves.
Russian minority in Finland is still very low compared to native Finns. It's like "handfull".
Next year 2%
til why greece is broke
>Iceland, a NATO member, has no military
Do not bully the Iceland.
>Greeks will only pay 'denbts' to the US for NATO protection.
>Greeks refuse to pay back 'denbts' to Germany.
>UK Pays it's fair share for US NATO protection.
>UK voted for Brexit despite German aggression.
>Poland pays it's fair share for US NATO protection.
>Poland is refusing to let Germany bully them with their aggression.
>Estonia,as poor as they are,still manage to pay their fair share for US NATO protection.
>Of course the US is paying highest amount while we have 22/23 freeloaders.
The US only has 4 true European allies that aren't ripping us off.Europe talks shit about America,but can't even pay their debts for protection.I say we should stop protecting countries that only pay 1.7% and below.
UK,Poland,Estonia,and Greece are America's true allies.
Isn't it 2,16% now?
why should they
they live on an island that has very little to offer so no1 actually cares what happens there
it would just be wasting your money and only military power you would might want is one that would help your allies
Georgia was already their target - first rime in 1992, just after Georgia regained independence, see the "Abkhaz"–Georgian conflict, and then in 2008, see the "Ossetian"-Georgian conflict. Also - Finland was also a Russian target in 1918, see pic related.
Actually your "true" European allies want to fuck off NATO as well because you are selling them bad overpriced shit.
Norway putting in 1,5% is a much bigger contribution than Estonia or Greece's contributions, though.
Lithuania 1.8% (2017)
I mean that not having any Russian minority is not a reason that Russia cannot "defend" its "minority" in your country, it's not that they care about any actual legitimacy.
Best buds for life
Not to mention we actually get more of value from allying with Iceland than from most of the euros. What's 2% of Iceland's GDP compared to some of the most strategic base positioning possible during the cold war?