According to Alexa, there are more women on Sup Forums relative to their presence online than men. There are a lot of women on the internet.
Are these redpilled females or (((resistance))) lurkers/shitposters?
According to Alexa, there are more women on Sup Forums relative to their presence online than men. There are a lot of women on the internet.
Are these redpilled females or (((resistance))) lurkers/shitposters?
No way that's true
99% of them are traps
the other 1% need to get back in the kitchen
tits or gtfo
its how you know alexa is wrong
probably people just memeing.
You have to install a toolbar for that to work anyway.
Been a lot of bait/autistic screeching lately.
female (male)
They're lurking and laughing at most of us here.
My ex lurked /fit/ for half a decade to laugh at the "people" on there.
Alexa most likely thinks trannies are women.
>Ever getting involved with women who browse Sup Forums
No wonder she's an ex.
People do the same on porn sites, don't ever trust these types of statistics OP
Traps dont really count as women
Maybe nervous laughter.
Shut it down, OP
Everyone knows there are no women on Sup Forums
There are no women on the internet.
Are these those female (male) "people" that I've heard about?
All this shows is that women are more likely to have computers infected with spyware.
You have to think, this isn't just Sup Forums, it's Sup Forums in general. There are lots of girls that go on the /cgl/ board and probably the /lgbt/ board. Though even with all boards combined, this is still hard to believe.
That being said, I'm a female who browses Sup Forums.
Women post a lot more on /ck/, /an/, /soc/, etc.
It's weird how obsessed you guys are with the idea that they're all secretly trannies or whatever. There just aren't that many trannies in the world.
Pretty much everyone in my catering workshop browses /ck/ and they're all women.
attention whores who "browse" Sup Forums because they have irl male friends who told them about it and now they want to act like they're part of the cool club
Sup Forums's general toxicity is spread fairly evenly across all the boards.
>he as never been to /cgl/
It and /soc/ are like all women
Obviously, many of us are smug anime girls
They're pervs hanging on Sup Forums, hardly on Sup Forums
Trust me, I know this kinda shit
Attention whoring in /soc/. Sup Forums is 105 % men.
I'm a female that browses Sup Forums. It's way more common than you think. It's also not something that you tell other women. They're mostly lost.
But you guys literally turned me from a bluepilled degenerate whore to a broken and repentant woman ready to preserve the existence of our race and a future for our children. I read more books, so, so many more books. I picked up gardening and growing food. I started working out for myself rather than for likes. I am better for it.
Saging because this is a slide thread with no substance. His name was Seth Rich.
Also important to remember that no matter how much some parts of Sup Forums like to believe they're some kind of super secret cabal, Sup Forums is one of the most popular websites in the world, obviously plenty of women are going to use it, especially since a lot of boards cater to interests that are usually more female oriented, like /cgl/ and /y/
femanon here xdddd
once a degenerate whore always a degenerate whore
>Begone shemales
how did they collect this information?
prolly just means Sup Forums males are beta as fuck so google thinks u r wmen
Conclusion : Alexa is dumb as shit as is most weak AI.
>ppl who change for the better arent good,
yea ok, cus uve never done anything wrong in ur life.
Captcha tracking
>4chin is Sup Forums
How about killing yourself right fucking now, Drumpfitor?
>implying that since you and everyone else is an irredeemable degenerate, I must be as well
nah fuck off
Sup Forums is by far the largest board on Sup Forums
Aside from the fact the they occupy Sup Forums /lgbt/ /soc/ /r9k/ and are sjw Sup Forumsirgins
For the most part there gender is fucking irrelevant to any discussion they have here unless they are pulling a woman and have to uslessly attention whore to perma virgins to get a point across which only serves to derail a thread or make us feel depressed at the lack of people who ask for tits these days due ro reddit newfaggotry.
I got my ex on Sup Forums for a bit and had to explain that bringing up the fact that your a female every other post just makes you look like a vapid attention starved whore and if you want your fix of the social media herion go on facebook or instagram this isnt the place for it
>There are lots of girls that go on the /cgl/ board
and that's why it's such a shitty board
they mostly hang out on boards like /soc/
It only gets around 1000 more posts per hour than Sup Forums
Plus that doesn't mean that the people who browse Sup Forums are representative of the whole site.
Oh I didn't know that! How do I look?
Stupid frog.
Some of us just see how leftist mainstream media are and not necessarily want to be brainwashed.
How do they know what the gender of an anonymous imageboard user is?
The other boards are irrelevant
Sup Forums is anonymous tho
It's basically facebook for girls who are massive whores and have addiction issues.
Sup Forums is a degenerate website and I can always tell when a woman is posting, the posting style and "arguments" give it away. There are of course a lot of effeminate fags here that we mistake for women because they are so effeminate and combative, but that's the internet for you.
If this were true, why are there so few tits posted with datestamps?
They are just whores who flick their rock hard clits while fantasizing about being gang raped by shitskin niggers
There is AI that can determine whether a style of typing is more "masculine" or "feminine."
Red-pilled female here. Proud republican/trump supporter. Been here since the beginning.
it probably looks at speech patterns and frequency of certain words/phrases to determine that Sup Forums is full of puerile bitchy whiners, like a spoiled 14 year old girl, so that's how it came to decide that this place is female-dominant.
I first came to Sup Forums through a friend who lurked here in her spare time, so it could be true.
That being said there arent as many female posters. Still though, I think this is the perfect post to drop a 'teehee silly boys', for thinking we werent very prominent here.
Nope. Biological female here. Republican.
Because women have a hard time extracting monetary resources out of people on this site so there is no value in them posting tits if they can get the same attention from males via tinder and facebook and can put a face to a name and get chad insta likes. Not saying it hasn't happened but there is literally no value in them posting tits for a thread that dissappears in a few hours and they're tts being immortalized on 4plebs
doesn't that just confirm that we are all faggots?
Its a disgrace that they do not go to the rallies, the protests, etc.
>Everyone knows there are no women on Sup Forums
I am a woman here. I have been contributing news links and memes to Sup Forums since day one. I am a based Trump supporter, registered Republican, and not a degenerate. Married, good career, take care of myself, in shape, attractive, and white. in my 30s
you arent based and you dont need to post multiple times attention whoring you dumb cunt
I was a registered Libertarian all my life until this past election year. I didn't like the pandering to the democrats by the lib party, so my form of resistance was re-registering as republican. I feel that the republican party in some ways has shifted to more libertarian ideology than in the usual past.
>I am a woman here
>labeling yourself
>jumping party to party
>not forming your own ideas
>you arent based and you dont need to post multiple times attention whoring you dumb cunt
Sorry that real women won't give you attention, you little faggot. Go jerkoff on Sup Forums if you're gonna act like a little loser. Attention whoring requires a public persona. This is anonymous.
It's true but 90% of them browse retarded boards like Sup Forums and /vg/
The way I know they're women is because they keep calling female video game characters with big boobs 'creepy'
We're not in the world
We're on Sup Forums
>Look at this thread again
>Take another look at Sup Forums catalog
>Numerous bait threads about women, sex, virginity, some with an ethnic slant to them
Really makes me think.
This post is ABOUT the possibility of women being on Sup Forums. I am providing relevant information. It's not my problem that repressed fag women-haters don't like it.
Attention whoring on here csn be anonymous all you have to do is insert x about your gender or brag about x physical trait that may or may not be relevant to the topic at hand. As soon as you reveal an iota about your person during discussion you are no longer user and you are probably blogposting for yous
>those Asian girl threads
It all makes sense now.
The only boards with significant female populations are /cgl/, /soc/ and Sup Forums
your flag is more interesting than some faggot larping as a roastie anyway
Perhaps because it's the truth. I don't threaten my man to withhold sex, I am not one of those people. I love having sex with him, no matter what mood I'm in and even after an argumnent. However, I know how pathetic little fags who cant get laid act, and your words are a telltale sign of that. It doesn't take rocket science to figure that out. You're probably fat too. Obese unattractive men are the ones who press for anti-woman shit on this board.
All you had to do was say it once and not call that other guy a "fag woman hater" now you are using typical gendered insults/social shaming towards him which alot of women tend to do online and it makes people take you less seriously.
Thread actually yielded results.
I think they could be coming from reddit/tumblr and attempting to subvert us like Communists by slowly bringing us back to the table in support of women. They will always interject some emotion into the posts on Sup Forums. They are not logical. Just be wary and know your convictions.
go to tumblr with ur blogposts
/d/. apex /d/egenerates are all female
>. I have been contributing news links and memes to Sup Forums since day one
Then you should already know. Tits, timestamp or gtfo
>Attention whoring on here csn be anonymous all you have to do is insert x about your gender or brag about x physical trait that may or may not be relevant to the topic at hand. As soon as you reveal an iota about your person during discussion you are no longer user and you are probably blogposting for yous
See even more social ingroup shaming and unwarranted insults. This is why people attack women on here its for shit like that and if your too blind to see that ill pray for you. Or your a very good larper and i give you A+
>All you had to do was say it once and not call that other guy a "fag woman hater" now you are using typical gendered insults/social shaming towards him which alot of women tend to do online and it makes people take you less seriously.
Okay, social justice warrior. All of a sudden it's now inappropriate to throw insults back at people on this board? Bahaha go to bed.
>Obese unattractive men are the ones who press for anti-woman shit on this board.
That's not true. I'm 6' 180 and get called handsome all the time. I have "Stacys" as these guys call them here, smile and stare at me all the time when I go out (which is very rare) and jealous short guys give me the death stare.
I've been single basically my whole life (I'm 25 now and still a virgin) because I don't like whores, and most women have turned into whores.
I wanted a wife and kids at 18 to build a life around. They all just turned into sluts. It's unattractive.
the fact that your roast is so toasted right now is why women shouldnt try to get involved in political conversations anyway. ur hysterical
Probably they stay condensed into a couple of boards like the one with the food, travel, fashion etc. That would be the majority. Some of them, because by nature they are degenerates, would lurk into lgbt and the rest are spread out acting as pro refugees anti white whores. Nothing new, nothing worth of a thread.
PS: All childless.
And you got that point across now your acting like a cunt and doing the good ole shame routine of he's a perma virgin etc.. to that other guy which is now completely irelevant to the topic. However one might say these posts of yours are a great example of why to ignore people who "claim" they are women
>not having a qt3.14 to browse Sup Forums with on friday night
Life is suffering.
>social ingroup shaming
SJW detected. "Shaming" now inappropriate on Sup Forums. Tonga Shitskin not even white.