Paternity testing banned in France

>If those samples were found in the post by officials on their way to foreign laboratories, the French men who sent them could theoretically face a year in prison and a 15,000 Euro fine.

Just imagine, your wife has a black kid and you can't do shit about it :^)

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So you'd be forced to pay for your wife's son even if you don't want to?


Good thing you can always push her down some stairs.

Why did they do this?

Trying to keep the family unit together, I see

Because the French government doesnt want to pay for these little bastards.

How long till Eurabia burns?

>Eurabia is a political neologism, a portmanteau of Europe and Arabia, used to describe a conspiracy theory of globalist elements, allegedly led by French and Arab powers, to Islamise and Arabise Europe, thereby weakening its existing culture and undermining a previous alignment with the U.S. and Israel.[1][2]

That's it. Time to pay France a visit. I hope one of you cucks ends up redpilling my illegitimate kids.

>conspiracy theory
It's just a theory. In order to be a conspiracy there would have to be secrecy, and European Left is very open about their future plans for Europeans.

I got it from wikipedia man.

Continental Europe doesn't seem free at all to me. It's like a prison compared to here.

well, i googled the term and found a lot of commercial proposal ranging from 159EUR. If it's illegal, it's still possible to make some for a quite low price.

>were found in the post by officials on their way to foreign laboratories
But that's not going to happen right? Your government isn't allowed to go through your mail without a warrant, right France?

Don't try to find an explanation (((coprporate))) media monopoly.
The fucking nazis are the only ones telling the truth these days.

It's mostly for niggers so they can rest in France.
Makes me mad.

lol because privacy and human rights are just perfect in the US, right?

>the French men who sent them
Why do they assume it's men? Women can also seek DNA tests.

Based Uruguayan. Playing the fiddle while the world burns.

> inb4 TheRedPill

At the very least they wouldn't do it without a warrant in the US, and if they did the evidence would be inadmissible in court. It's a felony to go through other people's mail here.

The French law says "no DNA test without a court order and the mother's consent". She has the last part down pat.

Because female immorality must never be acknowledged.

The cuckoldry rate is astronomic, and it push be benificial to perform paternity tests at every live birth

But when between 10-50% of children are the product of cuckoldry you end up with a huge problem.

that's why all those DNA commercials have the guy finding out he wasn't German after all!!!!! Because they figured out the true rate of cuckolding basically assures your not related to your great great grandfather.

More reason for male birth control to be a number 1 priority and arrive this year...

Goodbye white race

But if the wife gives birth to a black baby with a muslime beard, the man must pay alimony for "his" child...

If I were French, I would look into moving to Quebec yesterday.

Canada doesn't accept white immigrants.

Hitler was ..dare i say it.. RIGHT?

What the motherfuck is this fucking shit?

Lately is like a fucking competition in Europe to see who is more cucked


In this case France is literally promoting cuckoldry.

Why act so surprised? Gynocentrism is running amok in western civilization. Women allowed to maximize their reproductive strategy by legally cuckolding a man is to be expected. Expect things to get much worse.


The cuckolded man could always convert to Islam where he can cite his religious values as being an excuse to stone her to death for adultery as is standard Sharia punishment in beautiful islamic nations like Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia's puppet nations and in lands being held by the Islamic State.

Let France burn. They deserve it. How in the fuck can you not be allowed to check the paternity of your child? We should not save them this time.

pretty obvious desu


so um, is this cultish behavior
like "The Family" kind of shit
is france being run by a cult?

Hatred of men.

Nigga it's 4% not 10-15%. I mean thats still retardedly high... but still.

>is this cultish behavior
Sort of, the government has psychologists who say that fatherhood is determined by society, not biology. Sort of like how some girls can have penises and some boys can have vaginas. Orwellian newspeak, all of it.


>culture and continent in shambles
>spreads overseas
>blame the colonies

The French Revolution really fucked up France. Turn to Christ and you will be saved.


It's 10~15%

How does this works in practice. Imagine a girl claim that Macron is the father of her child. Would he then be forced to pay child support? or could a court decide that he was not the father, even though the female claimed him to be - without DNA evidence?.

Holy Shit.

For special cases you get a court order, for high profile individuals, but for the common working man, he's fucked.

I looked up the opinion of French people on this. They say "it's not about protecting the mother or the father, but the children." I mean I can kind of see the point of not wanting more kids raised by single mothers with government subsidies. But geez that's unfair to the men.



society decides that you're your wife's son father!



Wouldn't even think this was even possible. It's absurd. I would rather kill people than raise a child that is not mine. Consider yourselves warned.

how about obvious cases. like the father and the mother both having blue eyes, and the child has brown eyes or is black and the parents are white.?

"But the children" is used against everything, including free speech and guns. I think it's mainly a feminist (anti-male) thing.
>Get married
>Have kids with the pool boy or whoever else strikes your fancy
>Make hubby pay for the kids until they're adults

Personally never encountered this case, i live in the countryside and barely see any blacks, although the occasional white woman with 2~3 black kids and no father, ever.

its not obvious because race is a social construct!
so if you dare to question that, you'll get prison for being racist!

and prison again for daring to ask if your son is actually yours!


Say that part again?

"you're your wife's son father"

Oh my god the liberals are killing the english language. "The son father" jeeeeesusssss christh

>article has no author, date or sources


That's what i'm saying, imagine your baby turns out black, you're not faced with the fact that :
>your wife cheated on you
>she's a race traitor
>you have to raise little jamal
>the real father still gets to fuck your wife
>nothing you can do about it

let that sink in..

you're now* fuck.

>nothing you can do about it

I would do something


Nobody check the Hitler 88? May Kek strike you down and spare based Vichi Frenchman here.

>cheating wife
grounds for divorce.
>race traitor
>have to raise
I'd make it look like an accident.
>real father
he can have the ex-wife
>nothing you can do
nothing but go to thailand and let the little cunt fall off a dodgy rollercoaster

>I'd make it look like an accident.
Lost hard, thank you.

france truly disgusts me. i hope one day it gets nuked by american made, american ordered nukes. because its what you deserve.

Can i move to America before you do that?
Thanks brother.


This country never stops me to wonder


Drown the baby for one. That's an easy start.

It's not hard even without a paternity test to figure out if it's your kid. Some traits like having a widows peak, eye color, and attached earlobes are dead giveaways. You can still get yourself tested to see your own gene frequencies and calculate the probability that "your child" is actually yours.

Honestly if my wife popped out a black kid it probably wouldn't live to its first birthday. Then I would be like "Oh wow I'm so traumatized from our baby's death that I need to divorce you and start over." I have a prenup (because I'm not retarded) that basically denies her any sort of monetary compensation as long as she is still making above $24000 a year on the year we get divorced.

Wouldn't even feel bad about it after a betrayal like that.

You'd probably be appreciated in Louisiana.

You cucks. Stop reading fake news and reacting like outraged little bitches. Paternity tests are illegal in France, unless ordered by a judge in the context of a paternity contestation ; ie. if you go to court. It only means you need to actually contest your alimony/child support in court in order to legally get a paternity test. I swear you thin-skinned motherfuckers are getting on my nerves.

I would mock France but this is disgusting, native men are second class citizens legally and enslaved to pay the brunt of the tax burden for Ahmed. If that weren't enough, now Ahmed can fuck your wife and you've the legal responsibility to pay for their offspring...

What if some randomly acquainted woman claims your the father of her child too? Fucking disgusting, do something you goddamn cheese eating fucks, for the love of god.

Murder the nigger or beat the hell out of your wife obviously.

Cucking men is a woman's right.

I think I'm going to convert to radical Islam now.

>claim to have predisposition to genetic disease
>want to know if your "child" will inherit it

Dans quel cadre peut-on effectuer un test de paternité ?

Vérifié le 20 août 2015 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Premier ministre), Ministère en charge de la justice

Le test de paternité est autorisé uniquement dans le cadre d'une procédure judiciaire visant à établir ou contester un lien de filiation, ou encore à obtenir ou supprimer des subsides. Le consentement du père présumé est obligatoire. Procéder à un test de paternité en dehors de ce cadre est illégal.


In what context can a paternity test be conducted?

Verified on 20 August 2015 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry in charge of Justice

Paternity testing is permitted only in the context of legal proceedings to establish or dispute parentage, or to obtain or remove subsidies [alimony or child support]. The consent of the alleged father is compulsory. A paternity test outside this framework is illegal.

>go to thailand and let the little cunt fall off a dodgy rollercoaster

Also an epithet directed at European nations to deride their importation of non-whites from the Middle East. Leave it to kikepedia to dessicate terms down into withered husks so as to facilitate your acceptance of new, programmed opinions.

Can someone tell me what in the fuck is wrong with the French? All through history and still now they are fucking retards. I just don't understand them.


>paternity tests are banned in France
Holy shit. It's that SJW article come to life. Let no French Fries post here in peace again.

better than your cuckistan shit culture

Is there any benefits (for men) to getting married anymore? Don't fall for the matrimony jew.

fuck. If anything paternity tests should be mandatory after every birth.

So people are thin skinned for thinking that banning paternity tests is creepy? What world are you from?

>not the deepest of burgundies.
Fuck me harder, Onii-chan!

lolz the goyim will stop that.

This is still retarded as fuck. If you suspect the child is not yours you actually have to initiate legal proceedings just to get a simple paternity test done.
In a country where common sense prevailed you would be able to confirm your suspicions with a paternity test and THEN initiate legal proceedings.
Any woman in France can claim you are the father of their child and you wou have to attend court hearings, pay for lawyers and jump through hoops. Fuck that

My own aunt did it to her first husband, so it's definitely high enough that some cunt you know pulled it. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's me, fuck, who knows if mommy is really a lying whore?

>you can't do shit about it
you can start tying nooses

That's a common misconception. The postal inspection service can inspect the contents of any item that goes through the mail at any time with or without probable cause. We do random checks from suspicious senders or packaging all the time.

and what about the kid?


>>cheating wife
>grounds for divorce.
Yeah, and she gets to laugh all the way to the bank, where she'll empty your savings before driving back to your house in your car and then fucking her new man in your bed while you live in a motel and take the bus.

They are not banned. It is like you cannot read...
If your newborn is black you can ask à test through a judge.

ahaha no

A court can (and will, if the judge is on board) toss out a prenup like old garbage