Isis has stated that it will declare war on the west as of the beginning of Ramadan. Discuss the Ramadan Bombathon here. Ideas to prepare and such.
Ramadan Bombathon /RB/ General
Why dont they just not bomb? All they have to do is keep having their people migrate in masse as they have been and completely overrun the native populations, seems counteproductive to me.
Meanwhile the syrian army is raping them.
Islam is a religion of peace
Why isn't it called Ramadon Rumble like last year
stop stoking up fears. the vast majority of muslims are peaceful
Because bombing has the opposite effect you think it does. Libshits think they are being bombed because the borders aren't "open enough".
Fuck them and kill them shit skin subhumans need to be cleansed anyway so what if they openly show hostility it simple justifies immediate genocide and a purging of that breed of filth
This, the more ISIS bombs the more the left says "we need more open borders and more migrants to stop the bombing" which leads to more bombing because more ISIS agents get across. It's an endless cycle.
I hope it's just UK and France because the steak is going so well so far. Honestly, id be interested in how they'd react to a full scale epic happening with thousands of mudslimes participating
What is that post?
Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the RAMADAN RUMBLE MATCH
My god.....but.....but thats insane!
Oi fuck off mate lol, ah screw it, I want this shit to clash n be over with, let the fuckers come.
If anything it'll push the populist agenda to full force n they can have their moderate muzzie "brethren" back in their shithole of a desert.
reminder to take your neetbux and go buy a firearm and a fixed blade knife or two.
Link to article if anyone's interested.
Please archive sites with a reputation for shilling and clickbait. looks like we'll just have to fire up that MIC again...What a delightful coincidence!
How long until the CIA/Mossad/etc creates the next islamic terrorist group that they "lose control of"? ISIS is getting kind of old.
They werent at war before?
Isis don't want westernised muslims altering Islam. That's what will happen once the millions of sandnogs who emigrate acclimatise to western decadence. Western muslims will neuter islam. The creep is reciprocal.
stop shilling your news outlet you fucking degenerate
Because the point of these attacks is to create an artificial casus belli for the american war machine to make shitloads of profit. They're all fucking false flag attacks, created by intelligence agencies using dupes to carry them out. I can't believe it's fucking 2017 and people STILL can't grasp the fucking obvious yet.
"Libshits" are still getting bombed because morons like you unironically continue to believe the cover story, and when it's exposed you still don't care because you, as they, are willing to kill your own fucking citizens to push your evil agenda.
>this is what stormfags actually believe.
>ramadan bombathon
even when they release photos like this, no one gets a little suspicious
Clearly old ben kenobi
Goddamned Islamic wizards.
Not a stormfag in the slightest. Also
>Bitching about stormfront on Sup Forums
Spot the nucancer immigrant.
Because they know that most Muslims become secular in a free country. If you don't restrict free speech and access to information, religion dies.
I demand that (((moderate)))muslim communities in the west host anti ISIS marches throughout Ramadan.
well I'd prefer if they all became apostates, it's supposed to be against the law here to enforce the whole "kill all apostates" rule.
That's not a cycle that's a runaway feedback loop.