What's Sup Forums's opinion on Joseph McCarthy?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Joseph McCarthy?

Cheesehead here: Sen. McCarthy was probably the most based congressman in modern US history!

Blacklisted By History should be essential Sup Forums reading.

McCarthy was a true American patriot and hero.


This. He was also proven right as time went on.

>Joseph McCarthy
who is this old low-energy-looking cuck?

fucking based. called out commies left, right and centre. (((they))) drove him to madness, making him drink like a fish and eventually croak

There's a reason why every part of the state beyond Milwaukee and Madison city limits think he was ahead of his time!

Why are the irish so based? :^)

He was right...

Tragic that (((they))) managed to silence him and prevent us from acting on what he found.
Our country and way of life is in grave jeopardy today because we failed to purge the communists from America.

An American hero, when the funding of Hollywood propaganda comes from foreign nations it is no longer free speech.
We need another McCarthy to get the Chinese communists out of Hollywood, boycotts won't work when something is funded elsewhere.

He also shot up morphine, provided by the FBN...

I used to think he was a paranoid nut job, but he was right. Went after the minnows instead of the big fish too much though

Well you are a base people...

based as fuck

he was the Sup Forums of his time in the fact that he was always right.

ummm only the most badass commie fighter you've ever seen. faggit

The only based Irish are the ones who left your foggy bog German province you think is an actual country. If Joe McCarthy had his way he would have put all of your marxist " freedom fighters" up against a wall and shot them.

Why are there Joseph McCarthy threads every other day?

Last hope of America, too bad he was shoah'd.

The rest is (((history)))

He did absolutely nothing wrong