This Jew wants to be President of the United States. He recently advocated universal basic income and is on a tour of the 50 states.
How do you feel about this?
This Jew wants to be President of the United States. He recently advocated universal basic income and is on a tour of the 50 states.
How do you feel about this?
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that pic looks super weird
Capitalism is such a shit system is what I think. This Jew who thought up a stupid website to link Harvard faternities and sororities is a multibillionaire because of stock speculation and in charge of that room full of genius physicists building virtual reality. Talk about the luckiest not the smartest man in charge.
Free botnets for everyone!
At first I thought, "isn't it irresponsible for a billionaire businessperson with nearly unparalleled access to people's personal lives AND one of the prominent information platforms to use that to push globalist political agendas"
But then I realized I was just plagued with toxic masculinity and now "I'm a Cuck for the Zuck"
Zuckerberg 2020
It would be symbolic. The ultimate cucking of America and thus the west. Having a jew openly running the country. Not even hiding their disgusting jewry any more.
It's the new movie theater.
What other solution will we have when automation wipes out most jobs? We need a futurist in office.
He's not really likeable now is he though?
how can he be president of the US when he is a "citizen of the world"?
I would love to see a Trump /Zuckerberg debate. Holy shit Trump would make him cry.
Trump would eat this faggot for breakfast.
President Zuckerberg=) Feels good!
Better , than what you have now ! If we compare jewiness !
He's socially inept, there's no way he can survive the debates
Hilary Clinton also started her campaign years in advance giving ample time for her past to be exposed.
Is he old enough?
This. It wouldn't even be a contest. It would be a massacre
I hope something unfortunate happens to him
he will be by 2020
Fug he's creepy
Please be real.
Well, I need money, so zuck 2020. Literally anyone is better than trump.
Just the fact that someone that owns many social media platforms becomes president scares me. Image the power he would have.
UBI is red pilled. Money is just digits on computers that is controlled by bankers and we are that paradigms bitch. It's pathetic.
You want to live in a world controlled by bean counter accounting faggots? Ffs that is the very definition of cuckdom.
Chump chance Dumbnald Plumpf will lose the next term because he betrayed all his promises, went neocon globalist shill and can't stop hiring his family into government.
Cuckerberg will be massively voted by Democrats and center leaning young republicans.
Explain your reasoning, fellow authentic poster.
He should give all facebook users universal paychecks.
I just told you, I need money. Do you really need a reason about trump? You fucking kidding me? That's like asking someones reasoning on why they don't like to be on fire.
>betrayed all his promises
Wall: began
Economy: better
Obamacare: BTFO
Jobs: returning
Isis: encircled in raqqa
military: Strengthened
Regulations: eliminated
budget: approaching balance
government: 100% republican
Trump is keeping more campaign promises than any president in 30 years.
Not an argument.
Kikes own JewSA completely for a rather long time. Why should it matter if talking head who simple does what owners say is one of them or just a god shabbos goy like Trump?
>Information hungry Jew who brokers data and tried to sell his child's name to break into the Chinese market wants to run the USA
We cyberpunk now.
Wow, don't fucking care, shove it up your ass then. I don't owe you anything. zuck 2020
Will you cry in the streets when he loses like hillary for being an out of touch globalist?
Who here /movingtopoland/
Nope, really don't give a fuck, just hope it's zuck at this point.
Trump proved Americans are stupid enough to vote for someone with ZERO experience. He just opened the door for every half-wit actor and rich moron the nation over to run.
>He recently advocated universal basic income
D-did you say basic income?
Definitely not.
>Having a jew openly running the country. Not even hiding their disgusting jewry any more.
unlike today right.
For what reasons?
Muh money isn't a reason because Basic Income is a communist pipe dream
We're like one step away from that, basically.
Praise kek
He has spoken the JEW cannot have America.
Except it is a reason. Muh money. Now ask me the same question 10 more times.
Get back to Stuffing your orifices with drugs Pedro
>thinks the Jew will just give him money
He's too autistic to become president
The most charismatic candidate always wins.
Can someone shop a merchant in this pic?
I personally will never vote for this asshole under any circumstances.
>ah yes, the goytrix is complete
>plug them in!
How does basic income get funded?
The united states is 20 trillion dollars in debt.
Advocating for BI is just pandering to poor people.
That pic sums up the 21st century perfectly.
>thinks I give a fuck about his opinion
Stop using it on stupid shit we don't need? It's not really that hard to understand.
Money is imaginary, 20 trillion doesn't really mean anything. Money isn't backed by anything.
I don't care about other people, fuck everybody, I just want mine.
I bet Facebook's success is artificially made. Just like they managed make Pollock's "art" a thing.
Please archive sites with a reputation for shilling and clickbait. Thank you.
That picture disgusts me, how people can look at AI,VR, etc... and be glad is beyond me.
It has legitimate uses in training and education. Once all the issues are worked out, it can potentially do horrifying damage as an entertainment medium.
He's too acoustic to every run for president and he would get absolutely slaughtered by his opponent for sping on everyone
Wouldn't it be a conflict of interest when he uses his web site to silence all of his critics by deleting their accounts?
That's right.
>Stop using it on stupid shit we don't need? It's not really that hard to understand.
Pretty sure the US has been trying to do that for years, and how well does you congress do?
>muh obama-nigger 20 trillion for drones and BLM parades and Obummercare
If the Dems hadn't run a criminal in a rigged election maybe Trump might not have won. It's not Trumps fault the Dems and their media shills ran an unlikable cunt for office and got all there shit exposed on Wikileaks.
u muffukin' right burger
You don't care about our opinion yet you come here and espouse this foolishness.
What attention seeking garbage you must be.
A billionaire would never run for president either.
Not even. It's an attempt to pander to liberal guilt and keep the poor sucking from the liberal teat instead of demanding real left policies.
How do I feel about this? Pretty great desu. If he runs the next time Trump will get the second term.
Nah, right now the Jew hides behind a goy face, but they seem to be getting more and more blatant.
desu i would rather vote for him than trump. Lets face it Trump is a fucking incompetent jew lower who sold him self to big money as fast as he could
I thought Kushner is going to be the next president? They're going to put two jews up there to complete against eachother?
VR sounds fun but (((they))) will use to for bad
Yeah, the Rock will win 2020 easy
Sugarmountian is a terrible public speaker. It will never happen.
If Zuck becomes president this would be even worse than Donald Trump.
At least Trump isn't malevolent.
>ZUCK: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard
>ZUCK: just ask
>ZUCK: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns
>FRIEND: what!? how’d you manage that one?
>ZUCK: people just submitted it
>ZUCK: i don’t know why
>ZUCK: they “trust me”
>ZUCK: dumb fucks
Always remember to archive sites renowned for bad journalism and clickbait. Thank you.
He realizes that "likes" aren't ballots, right?
can't. fucking. wait.
Hopefully he'll fuckup and we can use his campaign as an eye-opener to the programming that he has been engaging in--the enslavement of humanity against both their will and best interests.
I hope he runs so we can destroy him and expose the web of lies of which he plays an integral role. When he's done running 320,000,000 people will want him either dead or in prison.
Bring it on, Cuckerberg.
>I wonder if he'll steal the U.S. government for himself in the exact same way he stole the idea of FB from his intellectual superiors.