Ebonics are not inferior. There is no such thing as superior or proper language. Check your privilege and Western chauvinism crackers
Ebonics are not inferior. There is no such thing as superior or proper language...
Can't watch a video with a guy who is as low test as that. Sorry.
Sounds like a leftist dork.
Scared that it will challenge your racist imperialist eurocentric notions? Ebonics are just as valid as the works of Shakespeare or Mark Twain deal w/it racist
Ebonics has become even more retarded these last few years. I work with a black dude who texts me emoticons instead of words, it's so fucking retarded I feel like I'm communicating with a disabled person who has to use picture to communicate because they can't process words.
I don't even dislike him as a person, just can't stand the way he messages and texts.
you know I don't like throwing around the word cuck, but if that isn't a cuck voice in the video idk what is
>they had to invent a habitual tense
> I work with a black dude
>I don't even dislike him as a person
I guess I would almost say he's a based black man
>nigger talk being anything other than lazy niggers cutting words out
shigy digy my dude
>based black man
No watch the video there is no such thing as a "proper" language check your privilege.
Importing blacks was a mistake. Americans were dumb from the get go.
>people start talking a certain way
>name it english
>become colonial empire
>enslave niggers
>niggers start speaking your language like retards
>get equal rights despite being 60 IQ retarded children
>start yelling MUH DIALECT IS PROPER
>retarded leftists start repeating nigger retardation
shigy digy my man
Greatest African American innovation since peanut butter you mad white boi?
guccifags emoji game is strong but his spelling lacks thought
How does Greek handle habitual aspect?
It has a dedicated imperfect tense which kind of mimics that
where's your counter argument faggot?
Oh look its another nigger hate thread.