Varg Vikernes

Stop Idolizing this scumbag.
He burned down several churches and he killed someone.
>inb4 self defense

Stabbing someone in the back 20+ times and then disposing of evidence isn't self defense, especially when you initiate the confrontation and you bring a knife with you.
He is literally a murderer.

I pay taxes to feed this and its bastards.

I disagree with the church burnings, but if what he says about that metal faggot trying to kill him (if), then stabbing him 20+ times was 100% justified.

The welfare shit is stupid as well.

>paying taxes to feed le ebin cease man and north african scum
jesus i would just be a neet if i lived in france

>muh churches

Go worship your fictitious Jew, cuck.

he stabbed him to his face.

I'm living like a monk, put money aside and I'll leave once I have enough to settle in a white country.

No, it isn't.

If you hear a rumor that someone is planning to kill you, you call the cops, buy a gun and avoid him. You don't go to his house and initiate a confrontation.

Preemptive strikes are not legal. You're not allowed to take the law into your own hands and kill someone for talking shit.

Nobody wants you frog. You should move to jewmerica a non white country

>not living like a decadent faggot
Good choice, Pierre.


I have polish grandparents, I'll move to Poland.

Posting anti-Islamic tweets is illegal too. I don't care what is legal. Just because the government says something is wrong doesn't mean it is.

Fuck off.

What a cuck. Varg is an alpha he doesnt care for your kike laws faggot

He probably cringes himself when he reads Vargsmal today. He hides that """""book""""" as his Christian name.

Refugees welcome

varg married a frog

I just have to pass a language test to have Polish citizenship. I'm no refugee.

Im not Varg

Posting anti-Islamic tweets is not illegal. Inadvisable if you would like to have a career, but not illegal.

>unless you live in a third world country that doesn't protect free speech.

I don't like Varg, but good Christ you are one beta cuck. Hope you die very soon.

>He burned down several churches
Institutions that teach Europeans to worship a Jewish religious figure, yes

>and he killed someone.
A communist criminal, yes.

Varg is the Man hail Odin Hail thor Hail the white race 1488 all day jeebis freak birch's... Behead all who insult The Count

Keep crying christcuck he has done more to save western civilization then any of you sad virgins will ever do in your entire lives.

He doesn't really hide it, why would he? It BTFOs christcuck subhuman scum hard

reminder that one of the french flag postes could be varg, be careful

Anything can be defined as hate speech these days (look at Katie Hopkins), which is an offence now.
Again, it's the law. It isn't morally-justifiable because it is a law.

He did his time and continues to work for the white race. You kike shills are pathetic with this moral faggotry youre trying to push.

Last time I was here somebody posted a video of Varg having his kids fight each others with shields and stick.
I'd just have to send this shit to childhood protection and he'd have his kids taken away.

No one has the right to take the law into their own hands.

Every person, regardless of their moral character, has the right to a trial by jury.
Even niggers.

Stop selling. You had me at burning churches. I'll have to check this dude out.

>You don't go to his house and initiate a confrontation

Yes, you do. You fucking faggot.

He never admitted the church burnings or found guilty, was he?

You're pathetic

If you don't think church burning and murder are cool then you're definitely a faggot normie t b h

Vikings slay enemys Vargs a fucking Viking fuck christ and commies too

killing communists is wrong, goyim

With the example of pre-emptive murder in "self defense," it isn't "the government telling you what to do," its centuries and centuries of legal and philosophical precedent and also damn common sense.

Bootlicker supreme. The cuck king

>Suck my cock
>Y-yes officer of course

Thats you

He justified them in one of his videos as though he did it. He probably did do it.

>He burned down several churches
Literally nothing wrong with that.

>and he killed someone
The fucker deserved it.

Western civilization is about hard work and being able to collaborate with each others to do greater things, not having kids like a nigger and doing jack shit of your life. Varg is arabized as fuck.

Do it faggot.


If somebody plans on torturing you, you have every right to fuck them up however you want to. The government just tries to disable people and make it an OBLIGATION to have THEM do everything for you and having to rely on them for almost everything rather than you doing things yourself.

>He burned down several churches
>he killed someone.
removed a commie

Also butthurt Christcuck detected.

>Western civilazation is about race mixing and civic nationalism and cuckoldry



>not a refugee

I like your optimism

I suggest you tell Varg all of that to his face.

Then we'll have one less commie piece of shit living on earth.

the jews are not sending their best today (;

(You) must be very lonely

he's a literal dindu.
>goes to prison for murder
>moves to another country
>lives off of their welfare
>still thinks he's above others and his opinion wants anything


And you must be a faggot

Im a proud Burzum fan and thulean perspectives supporter Varg is my hero im 33 from San Diego hes a great man with great talent and bestows wisdom of old fuck youre jewish god

I can be a citizen by law through my grandparents. I just reemigrate to the land of my ancestors, I'm not muslim, I'm a catholic, I don't belong in France.

>here's your reply

Well, he is a world famous musician who moved the genre to its limits which he basically invented.

What have you done?

he goes on welfare because that money would go to niggers if not. Also he wish for the economy to go to shit so the war can break out, duh,,,,,,,

>world famous musician
He is a degenerate making shit music for other degenerates. He is the equivalent of what a rapper is to niggers.

Catholics dont belong in europe. Move to the desert

Do it Pierre. I bet he doesn't even take them to school, social services would have a field day

>This much salt, cathocuck.

>Varg Vikernes
>Stop Idolizing this scumbag.
>He burned down several churches and he killed someone.
>>inb4 self defense

>Stabbing someone in the back 20+ times and then disposing of evidence isn't self defense, especially when you initiate the confrontation and you bring a knife with you.
>He is literally a murderer.

You don't know what paganism is amerifat but your whole nation is filled with psychos.
Go eat some burgers.

Varg has more musicians specifically worshipping his unique style than the vast majority of mainstream artists
He is extremely renowned, only a pretentious faggot with no talent and a 5 inch dick would deny his musical genius

>man playing with his children
>child abuse
Die, you beta cunt. "Men" like you are the reason why the West is filled with pampered beta males.

>implying you get to decide who lives in europe
>implying you have the authority to make anyone move

ya that excuse makes it all better that he lives like a "we wuz" nig

I never liked this guy even before I found out he did all that shit. He is an ignorant prick. Don't get why he's popular here.

Look at this fucking refugees welcome cuck. Dont you have a based black man to suck off cuck? Europe for europeans. And europeans are pagan. America for everybody

your a faggit that talks shit about stuff you dont know shit about.

hes retard.

no one here takes him serious, we just laugh at him. the only leader we take serious is kim jong un and assad. rest is meme and larping.


I like Burzum but Varg is clearly up his own ass.

>I bet he doesn't even take them to schoo
Knowing France, he is watched by a town social worker who makes sure the kids have everything they need (food, etc...), because in every town there is a service for basket cases like Varg.
And he can't homeschool his kids as him or his wife must have degrees to be a teacher, so they most likely go to school at least 1 day per week.

He is on terror watchlist in France, and French law is very protective of children so I'm sure it could be a reason to take them away, even more when the grand parents tried to get custody (according to Louis Cachet). It's not what I think but what the judge thinks.

He is up his own ass but he's also right on many things

So you support these actions of the French government?

It's just shitty rock music. He can barely play the guitar, as you can see in one of his videos.

Go on the old youtube and watch the Lost Wisdom video Burzum FUCKING ROCKS! I wear a burzum shirt 2 times a week and my battle jacket is coverd with his patches i wish a nigger or jew Would step to me i got gripfast steele toes fir dat ass with white laces of course

Why would you want to separate a man and his children though? What is wrong with you?

Only SJWs hate Varg, ''oh no, he killed someone! he's racist! he's mean! he doesn't accept my religion created by middle easterns!''
You're like the virtue signalling lying whores and beta nu-male faggots that piss and moan about Trump grabbing women by their pussies
Always trying to demonize people for not being a nu-male

I don't give a shit, in the next years I'll have moved to a white country. France is a shithole and will be an islamic country in the next couple decades.

Do you fags actually believe in thor and praise trees? Religion is not an identity you retards.

You are literally what is wrong with this world. Please do the planet a favor and end yourself as soon as possible.

I don't know much about him other than he's an edgy anti-Christian prick who burnt down historical sites and murdered someone and claimed WE WUZ EGEEPTIUNZ. Should I know more? Do I have a reason to? Sounds like a typical nigger. If he was black you'd hate and/or laugh at him.
Huh a church is cucked. Wtf I love murderers/arsonists now!!

I don't want that. I just implied he is retarded posting this shit when he is on terror watchlist. He looks like he is training his kids for terrorism.

>have Polish citizenship

Without practicing guitar for years, he is better at it than you will ever be. Only playing drums on his first day, he was better than you'll ever be. I bet he was better than you will ever be on his first day of playing guitar
Kill yourself, talentless nu-male


no I praise perkele. Do you actually worship some death kike on a cross?

He's a retard who thinks that anyone without blue eyes is a nigger. Fuck him

Where do I mention this "civic nationalism" nonsense ? Are you too hungry because of ramadan so you have hallucinations ?

Why does this even matter? BB King would blow Varg out of the water, so what?

Yeah he totally preaches degeneracy on his BM and ambient tracks

A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good.

I don't agree with him on everything. But i respect the man as an artist and as an individual. He really grew on me in his latest video. He is one of the most interesting guys on youtube.


You asked the whole world?

Why do finnish faggpts hate us so much?

>t. brown eyes

Making rock and roll (or metal or whatever variant of nigger music you'd call it) is degenerate in itself.