Do you judge people by their flag?

If so, what do you think about
A. German flag posters,
B. American flag posters,
C. British flag posters,
D. French flag posters

A. Ahmed
B. Commie
C. Ahmed
D. Ahmed

Interesting, I would have said

A. Rules
B. Guns & Illiterates
C. Assholes & Muhammads
D. Ahmeds

A. Don't write off post instantly based on flag in spite of the cuck/mohammed/merkel memes, great respect for their true culture [not (((culture)))]
B. Literal toss up, might as well be synonymous with a joker in a deck of cards
C. Either super based or totally cucked, no in between
D. Almost Canada tier for the most part, but still always give a chance

Flags are just like fabric dude

No, I judge people by the quality of their posts.

Of course you would, that's why German opinions around here are worth fuck all.

Yes I do

>A. German flag posters,
Chimp out easily, also worst edgy larpers
>B. American flag posters,
Some highly intelligent posters, the rest dumber than my left shoe
>C. British flag posters,
Very well informed and most of the time have reasoned discussions with them, few obvious immigrants can give them a bad name
>D. French flag posters
Most are very clearly North Africans and not even trying too hard to hide it

A. Annoying baitposters
B. Mixed bag, either the greatest posters on this board, or r/t_d civnat kekolds
C. Funny, they're okay
D. Horrid

A. Mohammed
B. Tyrone
C. Mohammed
D. Mohammed

No not soley by the flag. But when i see your stereotypical post by X flag. I cant but roll my eyes and say the fucking jews did this.

A. National traitors that are giving their nation away for free and they deserve every bad thing that happens to them.
B. Masters of the universe.
C. Arrogant fucks that hold no real power anymore and latch onto pass accomplishments as if that gives them a free pass. Also National traitors that are giving their nation away for free and they deserve every bad thing that happens to them.
D. National traitors that are giving their nation away for free and they deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

C. Assholes & Muhammads & Retards

A. Turk
B. Negroid
C. Paki
D. Algerian

A. shitskins
B. niggers
C. niggers
D. niggers

>>C. British flag posters,
>Very well informed and most of the time have reasoned discussions with them
>Saudi flag

Yes, Allahu Akbar to you, Muhammad. You need to defend your British Islamist friends, don't you?

I automatically disregard German flags since 90% of them are pro EU shills

your proxy is leaking hard as fuck my nig

Case in point:

B. is the correct answer. It is not a nationality.

please stop psoting a fix your shit
a few gems amongst the waves of shit
probably as depressed about our government as i am right now
Opinion disgarded

A. Will mercy kill in ww3, too much suffering (sorry about that)
B. I can eat more burgers than you
C. See A
D. See A

Usually not, I judge by the comment.
>A.either shitskins or cucks
>B.either greatest allies or retards who can't solve something as simple as 2+2
>C.Now that I think about it bongs are usually pretty based
>D.Fags and northafricans

I don't judge unless I have a reason but I'm never surprised by the flag.

A. Cucks and traitors
B, Dumb and proud about it
C. Either extreme left ot right, no inbetween
D. Annoying and arrogant

Be aware that this does not apply to all, as I have noted decent posters form all of these at times.

A. Rapefugees Welcome
B. 60%
C. Cunt
D. Mohammad

I don't really trust any of you.

the (((italian))) flags

A. My brothers whom I love
B. My brothers whom I love
C. My brothers whom I love
D. My brothers whom I love

A) Cucked or Fucked
B) Blue or Red
C) Currently fucking melting - fuck this weather amarite
D) Cucked or Frustrated af

Fuck this globalist agenda, amarite

He's right you know.


A: Scum of the earth
B: Enlightened irreverent urbane paragons of virtue to the free world
C: Cucked
D: Nafris who pissed away their only chance of salvation

Im actually surprised by how similar we all are despite coming from all around the world

A. Edgy kraut scum who get immediately triggered at everything
B. Mixed bag
C. eyy
D. Pussys

If you really think I'm going to take offense from someone whose leaders have to apologise annually for not winning a war they didn't really start then it really goes to show who the real retard is.

A. I think very little, very insecure, high shame levels, often in denial with delusions of grandeur.
B. I don't tend to judge yanks by flag alone as they're too varied.
C. Again high degree of variance anyone that uses "lad" instantly gets written of as northern filth.
D. Surprisingly based, desperately in need of liberating again due to the subhumans east of them ganging up to suppress their superiority.

Everyone adapts to their environment. When you're environment is Sup Forums, you become the Sup Forums.

A. Cucked Subhumans
B. Larping Subhumans
C. Deranged Subhumans
D. Surrendering Subhumans
If I think about it, French are actually the worst since they are arrogant as fuck aslong as they are having the upper-hand, but as soon as they are going down they suck dicks even harder than G*rmans.


>A. German flag posters,
>B. American flag posters,
>C. British flag posters,
>D. French flag posters
No just skin color since it 99.9999999999999999% of the time reflect behavior and other attributes. But also what about the characters using proxies? I's sure their all mostly white and asian as I don't picture a stupid nigger even knowing what a proxy is. They'd probably say it's racism. Also I'm sure a lot of the shareblue and harbara hook nose queers, pedos and manly heeb women use them for deception purposes, like they all do on the dying social media networks.

>Do you judge people by their flag?
No, they're all the same under allah

A. Quality
B. Shitpost
C. Probably a shitpost
D. Quality

What is this, I am so confused right now

No I love you all equally. Pls come to sweden and take my money and fuck my gf.

John :O

>Cuckold flag preference starter kit

1. Scum who should be nuked, easily assblasted.
2. Fucking based.
3. Ayyyy
4. Barely on Sup Forums anymore...

A. optimists (in the face of mainstream G*rman politics)
B. dumb
C. energetic
D. weird

A. Cucks
B. Illiterate rednecks
C. Two kinds: a) pretentious faggots, b) inbred degenerates
D. Communist fags

>If I think about it, French are actually the worst since they are arrogant as fuck aslong as they are having the upper-hand, but as soon as they are going down they suck dicks even harder than G*rmans.

The Eternal Anglo turk poster strikes again...

When we stopped tying the french up on the continent and it regularly took on everything east of it to Poland with varying degrees of success. The French may have had a pretty poor performance during WW2 but in the end they still came out as victors, whats more before WW2 they have a very admirable record, the same cannot be said for the HRE.

Town rapist, is that you??

The inbred degenerates are the pretentious upper class faggots.

>A. German flag posters,
Filthy roach pretending to be kraut.

>B. American flag posters,
Could be anything.

>C. British flag posters,
Filthy roach pretending to be limey.

>D. French flag posters
Filthy roach pretending to be baguette.

A. EU cucks
B. the_donald posters
C. aus-lite
D. surrender monkeys

A. Sausage
B. Beef
C. Fish
D. Baguettes

A. Turk
B. Mexican
C. Paki
D. Algerian

A. Don't know, not a very special personality, they seem ok.
B/C. I know they will answer me something like "cuck"/"surrender monkey" so I don't speak with them very often, it's pointless.
D. Not a lot of french, sometimes quite boring.


A: Edgy
B: Underage
C: Bantz
D: Baguette

Based Frenchie, we love you guys. United we stand against the Anglos and Burgers.

american flag = tryone or rodreguez pretending to be white

A. Autistic cunts
B. Fat cunts
C. Our cunts
D. Smelly cunts

Based Swede. We Europeans need to stick together in the face of arrogant Brits and shitposting Burgers.

Stay strong, Swede. Your girls are still the best.

A. Turks
B. Reddit
C. Quintessentially
D. Shitposters without a cause

On average

High IQ and edgy

Low IQ and brainwashed

Med IQ and degenerate

Med IQ and arrogant

>unironically finds himself in a place to judge other men
How load are the moans coming from your room, Sven?

Death to EU
Death to arabs

what about me u guys?

Dat ID tho

A. Turk
B. I love rifles
C. Either Ahmed or Harry
D. Ahmed



A. 65% are cucked
B. 35% are cucked
C. 20% are cucked
D. 40% Sad/depressed, 25% Cucked

C. Fvck the EU!
D. Time to cry about the election.

Our opinions are mirror images Britbro

Flag checks out.

A relevant.
B relevant.
C relevant.
D relevant.
Any others not relevant.

A. Degenerate eurotrash achmeds
B. The sole remaining hope of the west
C. Some are alight, but a lot are just like A.
D. Even worse than most goddamn eurotrash countries, and thats saying something. Fucking hell.

Like you

A.Keep fighting
B.Keep fighting
C.Keep fighting
D.I'm sorry


>A. German flag posters,
they all shill for the EU
>B. American flag posters,
their ignorance is astonishing
>C. British flag posters,
they believe they still rule things
>D. French flag posters
they handle the bants



A. shit
B. fat
C. cunts
D. gay

Best post

Why unknown and not Andorra?

>German flag posters
Either extremely based or cucked beyond repair, there seems to be nothing in between.
>American flag posters
All over the place, not a real distinct type.
>British flag posters
Decent banter, mostly pretty based.
>French flag posters
(sand-) niggers

A. Mohamed
B. T_D
C. Usually the best posts
D. Mohamed Salim Habibi

>Hans and Sven team up

Your flag is just a state of mind

>A. German flag posters,

>B. American flag posters,

>C. British flag posters,

>D. French flag posters

andorra doesn't really exist

a) Despair and loathing
b) Despair
c) Despair
d) Despair

I keep hoping something will give me hope, Americas fanatical patriotism and self-belief being the brightest light at the moment, but I have no hope. None.

Germans are the worst though, they seem happy with that's happening. At least the French, as much as they vote wrong, don't seem to revel in it. A shame considering Germans are a fantastic nation, but the ghost of hitler rules that country almost as much as Sweden, the fear of nationalism somehow inherently leading to genocide is baffling.

Non native english speaking posters are generally better informed. Dumb French or Germans for example won't go out their way to post in an English forum.

Americans seem the most diverse and are often religious.

Brits seem to put more effort in than most trying to be humorous.

A. Master race
B. Uneducated ignorant degenerates/zealots
C. Le_Crescent.png
D. Faggots

People, this man knows. Look at his post. It is the best one on this thread.

A. Shitskins.
B. Dumb zionists.
C. Master Race.
D. hahahaha

Yes, I do.
>Autistic people, that put science and praxis over anything else.
>Loud and obnoxious, yet cool.
>Inbreed Classicists cunts.
>Liberal smug snobs.

A. pretentious
B. dumb as hell
C. aight
D. A+B with a dash of broken engrish


sorry but you made me pick up the few countries I have no problem with.

A. Fuck G*rmans
B. Fuck Amerihaes
C. Proper gents
D. meh