Seriously do you kek fags know how ridiculous you both look and sound? You should be fucking embarassed for yourselves, everyone else certainly is. It accomplishes nothing to further our agenda and it contaminates the reputation of this board. Its a massive fucking childish stain, and all of you "kekistani" autists should be taken out back and put down. You see what happens when you go out and LARP as 'epic based stick man' you get your asses beat, and your shitty flags stolen.
Ditch the meme magic shit
Ditch the "praise kek" garbage
Ditch the shadilay autism
Fucking embarassing
Seriously do you kek fags know how ridiculous you both look and sound? You should be fucking embarassed for yourselves...
>kek fag goes downtown
Lol triggered?
op, its mostly faggots who have never faced any adversity ever. let them continue being retards and they will get fucked up sooner or later.
As always, once plebbit normies get a hold on something they drive it into the ground
Consider this a board META thread because the state of Sup Forums in 2016-2017 is appalling
it's not our fault reddit stole our memes and infused them with unfunny autism
the same thing happened with rage comics
I thought the ridiculousness of it was sort of the whole point?
God id consider myself more "normal" then these people. Fucking insufferable
No theyre totally unironic about it, which is the scary part
This. Who the fuck was taking any of this nonsense seriously. Faggots ITT sound like Matt Furey.
They ruin fucking everything by taking it to an absurd level
u mad?
take this thread to r_thedonald
>No theyre totally unironic about it
Is this.... the power of Shareblue?
>Sup Forums
>introverted autism
>extroverted autism
whenever you see some fucking faggot spewing memes in public, it's because they're from reddit
hey look there is some faggot here that hinks Sup Forums is srs bsns
>whenever you see some fucking faggot spewing memes in public, it's because they're from reddit
nah faggots did this long before there was a reddit
Two years ago these kids were Tumblr wobblers. Now they're our useful idiots on the Normie front.
Big picture, faggots.
b-but they are slowly red pilling people hur dur
You know what, it is a bit silly, but it really REALLY pisses you kikes off so I'm going to allow it.
>Implying memes were born on Sup Forums/reddit
This was Shareblue's plan, to stop us from using meme magic.
Kekfags are the epitome of nu/pol/. They also love shitposting eceleb worship like that dumb anorexic newfag occultist retard.
Hell no
who else thinks this 5 month youtuber is totally based XDDDDD!!!!????!?!?
i dont think anyone who has been on Sup Forums since before the_donald takes this shit seriously. this is reddit trying to be right wing.
Autist are incapable of shame meaning they cannot know when they are being socially weird. This is why autist tend to act very strange.
are there seriously people on Sup Forums who join in with this complete faggotry
>used to be
she still looks like one
it's anonymous all over again. fucking cancer
no time to change styles when there's money to be made
the face of Sup Forums
The world is a fucked up place. The only way to stay sane in this world is to make fun of it in an insane way.
This shit is literally the exact same as WE R LEEJUN. In 5 years you're going to look back on this faggotry and hate yourself.
they serve a purpose, why do you care?
what do you expect from people who are supposedly pro-white, but name their country in a shitskin fashion by calling it "-stan". Go to Pakistan if you love stan so fucking much.
praise kek
No their normies
This is your future, Trumpets. you deserve nothing more than this
It's sad, really
looks like a funny and cool guy TBQH
Nice false flag T_D
As an old WoW player who said "kek" like 6-7 years ago all the way up to last year I'm mostly just irked that I no longer have access to the word without being associated with faggotry.
t. Dan the kekistani
toppest kek
Didn't kek come from some Turkish snack, meaning "cake"? Prolly saw it in 2013 for the first time.
It has nothing to do with pepe or T_D
Hey guys /k/ here. Thinking about hosting a meet. I'm going to bake brownies, you guys want in?
reminder that pol is satire
old pol already got what they want from drumpf and want him impeached
nupol are the faggots who still support drumpf
then [s4s] adopted it, then Sup Forums
now it's extremely unfunny
You oppressive communist fag. The Kekistanis have been oppressed for years. You realize that by discriminating against us you perpetuate this destructive cultural racism?
Praise Kek.
It came originally from World of Warcraft. "lol" was translated as "kek" when said by the Horde to Alliance.
its just some paid reddit shills by the CIA in an attempt to undermine the advantage Sup Forums holds in the current meme war.
Lok'tar ogar
It's in Sup Forums's reactionary nature to oppose Trump because he is the president now.
Which is why I'm pretty sure 90% of current Trumpets here originate from Reddit and T_D. Leave, by the way.
I see
ok Dan
Makes a thread crying about kekistan. OP confirmed deepthroater of nigger cock. Btw gas liberal kikes
>First they ignore you
>Then they laugh at you
>Then they fight you
>Then you win
T_D obviously had an impact, Sup Forums and T_D got Pepe attacked on the world stage which invoked an onslaught of spiritual attacks on Clinton.
you simply must go back to /r/eddit, faggot
Something isnt quite right with that awoo.
Except this administration will destroy w/e is left from your middle class. And you'll root for them while they do so
Someone is winning but it's not you
Yeah, a NEGATIVE impact if you're not an autistic newfag
dan is fucking based, leave him alone.
not exactly. it dilutes and bastardizes our ideas. these people will be used to kill any movements started here.
Awoo is degenerate as well. Cut that shit out.
>muh sex junk
These fags just destroy our public image and drive away support stick to your shitty anime pictures if you are not a chad
>Our agenda
What is that exactly? I always assumed /pol's/ agenda was pure anarchy.
Original. Sup Forums should love T_D the amount of idiotic liberals and degnerates who havge a fucking heartattack daily at what they put out.
That was coming regardless, perhaps you haven't been paying attention to BRICS bank, Deutsche bank, CIPS and SWIFT payment system battle going on. Just because I wanted to embarrass and cripple the Clinton machine doesn't mean I'm ignorant and naive enouogh to think this has anything to do with the world economy and the rising/dying dollar. China already has been approved to be a world reserve. America's prosperity is false and a direct link to being the worlds official currency for trade.
yes look at the comments in they're appropriating it for 'left libertarians', it's centrist faggots with no actual positions that believe in horseshoe theory and worship quadron of mossad
I've got a pretty good idea.
>Not calling himself Dan from Kekistan
No. there's difference between posting this shit online and walking around with it and making it into a cult.
Who's Dan?
>"our agenda"
>wahhh leave my memes alone!
I like the kekistani movement. The more they shitpost SJWs, irl or otherwise, the better, imo.
>Who's Dan?
Read the OP you fucking retard
Kekistan shit is garbage.
Bring a fucking swastika to one if their rallies. See what happens.
I really liked this kek stuff during the election when it was more occult based
but god fucking damn it, I hate redditors so fucking much, why do they have to ruin everything they touch
seriously I think I hate these people just as much as the delusional leftists
so sick of these fucks who latch on to this shit purely for the identity of it
Really wish we could somehow purge all of these types and keep them from coming to Sup Forums and taking our shit back to their virtue signaling hole
no better than leftists in that regard
When I first got into Sup Forums back in 2010 I did cringey as fuck shit. Just keep blind-siding them with redpills and they'll integrate.
>for the identity of it
for the fashion of it, that's a better wording
post that gook crap again, and i'm gonna stomp your guts out
>btw gas liberal kikes
Gas ALL kikes.
Sounds like you're triggered. Praise kek! Shadilay! Civic Nationalism! Yay!
Nose ring... Based. Right
Praise kek brother.
how about you go fuck yourself
And through the insults, we again see the oppression! You wouldn't have insulted us if we were not culturally thought of as lesser people!
This is exactly why we need Kek.
>Sup Forums
>hates anime
I want reddit to leave
ok Dan
praise kek
I see them as useful idiots,
good intentions but being misdirected
they can be redeemed with new memes tho
the frog stuff has to go
they need a stated political purpose as well, or align themselves with a larger political group
I remember I made that awoo during the elections...good times....
You wanna fuck with me? Okay. You little cockroach... come on. You wanna play games? Okay, I play with you; come on. Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!
seeing old gen x'ers saying 'normies out! reeeeeee!!! xDDD' really fucking kills it