Not the white race, but specifically white males, are the dominant specimen.
Not the white race, but specifically white males, are the dominant specimen
>dating app
All those woman are golddiggers obviosly they go after the white men
White men just look better, it's no secret.
This isn't the 1980's everyone uses dating apps because most millenials are socially retarded and can't approach irl.
Correct. But intelligence plays a big factor as well.
>Most men fancy Asian women
I thought it was just Sup Forumstards. I honestly don't get it. The average Asian woman is fucking hideous. Hapa females are top tier though
White women loves mud dick and BBC now
White women BTFO
This is no doubt for American women. American women are mostly brainwashed feminists. Asians are a lot more traditional and family oriented. They are also cute.
But obviously nothing is better than a traditional, beautiful Eastern European woman. Specifically Bulgarian/Hungarian/Romanian/Slovakian.
>tfw too hipster to be into Asian girls now that everybody's wants them, but not hipster enough to have any desire to "gentrify" a black girl
Asian women are seen as easier to fuck. That is all. White women are still more desirable.
Maybe in the philippines. I'm not surprised though, as the average filipino is about 4 feet tall.
Seriously though, things are trending that way, but only here and in the US. Never in Europe or South America.
>Asian men hungry for that sweet seƱorita booty
Seems weird that black women prefer black men. How will they know that they're not fucking their father who left them?
This isn't per capita you moron. Literally meaningless.
I honestly cannot wait for civil war to start so that I can have my men round up all the racemixers. I will have them face a simple choice: Climb into the bodyback, or be beaten to death with hammers. Those who climb in will be zipped up, and then buried alive.
Every single one. Every single racemixing trash one of them. I will shoot their kids in front of them and put blowtorches in their wives' mouths. There is no mercy for traitors, ever.
Seems weird that pol is white supremacist yet shill white genoxide
Being racist is a good thing and Asians are subhuman.
I just can't support that... I'm going to suggest exile.
>asian men dont go after asian women
Why is this Sup Forums? Someone redpill me on what's going on with Asian men not responding to Asian women.
Thats some intense edge youve got there m8
You do realize theres a huge chance one of your ancestors racemixed, right?
Well you can't blame them
>Women desire high status men
>Media constantly tells women that white men are the highest status.
Meanwhile irl
End JEW media
maybe there is hope after all
white men invented and built most of modern civilization the west and the tech around the world white women just laid there with their legs in the air cuz that's the only thing women know how to do later on white women got got rights and started destroying western civilisation and white men via homo nigger tv and porn propaganda and feminism voting left and being anti white male
thats why we should go back to times when women and nigs didnt have as much rights then the birth rate will be up
btw white men dominate almost in all fields if you realy wanna get into details
Maybe you should KYS
>I thought it was just Sup Forumstards. I honestly don't get it. The average Asian woman is fucking hideous. Hapa females are top tier though
All else being equal I prefer a slim, beautiful white woman to a slim, beautiful asian woman, but I think what is skewing white men to asian girls is:
1) White women's propensity to femcuntery (perception), and Asian girls' perceived traditional femininity
2) Obesity in the white female population
3) Men are better at evaluating their sexual options objectively, making Asian girls an easier choice (perception).
But why this?
>most men want asian women.
I'll never understand why. Gooks are fucking hideous in 90% of cases
i think in the west coz white women see asian women going for white guys white women cant have that so they westernize them and turn them to sjws anti white male ideas
This is wmaf
I find it funny that I'm Asian and I saw this guys post
Oy vey, why so antisemite bong?
End wmaf
Funny you are larp
yea, it's pretty disgusting. Almost as bad as coalburners
Why not
Kill atheism
white hoe?
We must stop the atheism
Love wmaf
Stop atheism
>implying women using dating apps aren't just looking for a beta provider after having her fun with Jamal Al-Aheed Rodrigez di Pietro
why are white men so proud of rising another man's child or slurping another man's sloppy seconds Sup Forums?
Because Asian men are cucks
Meanwhile irl
Kys loser
End wmaf
too many white guys in Aus going out with asian women. It is a disgrace to the Aussie race.
I like your indignation.
I mean when you realize these people are throwing away thousands of years of decent breeding for a 3 second orgasm, I say fuck them.
I'm glad their children often grow up to have identity issues and comorbid mental illnesses that often accompany miscegenation. .
Miscegenation is fucking evil.
I see 5 wmaf couples here in barcelona everyday, all tourists, white women has been poisoned and white males can't fight it without going to jail.
If things don't improve in this nation in the next 10 years I will too jump the hapa train.
And this is HOWNIT is
>21 posts
lol triggered chink detected
More like near certainty.
Is that why blacks stomp the fuck out of you?
loser racist
White men get UGLY ASIAN
Die wmaf
this one is a biker
the kid is cute but she could've been better
that's an emerican problem
lol I know this aussie who is dating asian woman, she is the oldest sibling. Only other sibling is younger brother in highschool. The poor kid has to witness his sister race mixing while he gets cucked.
Race mixing is a no go.
They are actually fucking completely average girls since the average Asian is very ugly.
This isnt politics or news. Fuck off with your off topic shit.
Proving that white men get ugly asian
So going by Sup Forums's standards the black females are the most non-degenerate?
End wmaf
but the hapas look top even when the mom is not
and that's what matters, to have a taller, smarter and more handsome offspring
Isn't she just complaining that the white guy got casted?
Nope, white men get average or above average Asian women, because most of them are butt-ugly.
End wmaf
the dude is also ugly though
but both can make a good looking hapa
I mean just look at fins, they are better looking than mongols aren't they?
They are all ugly, you doofus.
Stop making excuses
Ohhhh so lonely. Nobody wants a niggress.
>being used for dates
pick one. you just revealed you are a homosexual and a virgin
>dating: pay for everything, get nothing in return. white men fall here
>fuck buddy: can fuck the woman whenever he wants, can even impregnate her and the cuck micro dick white boi will pay for the offspring expenses while the fuck buddy can go away to fuck someone else. non whites fall here
enjoy being a wallet with legs pussy bitch
pic related
your own women betray you
>be white 7/10
>have Chinese wife 7/10
>kid comes out looking like a fat ugly Pacific Islander
>Finland's Nurse Association
bretty good man, this is ours
You can't take a random sample from a dating app, you need to include people who meet in the real world as well. Otherwise it is just the preferences of balding men, less attractive women, guys who are too shy to meet in real life.
End the racism
They all look like they have down syndrome
>B8 thread for HAPA h8
And everyone is falling for it.
There is attractive asians, there are unattractive asians.
There are attractive HAPAS and unattractive ones.
Don't let the Self hating Canadian cucks tell you otherwise.
They are just mad because they aren't white.