When will men become completely obsolete?

Think about it, with the robotics evolution, women will turn to robo-lovers and sperm banks and controlled environment eugenics invitro-insemination via the robo-lover. That will allow women to have only female kids.

Men will stop being relevant, damn men won't even be necessary once reproduction via soma-cells of females merged with egg-cells becomes available.

By 2150, the Earth will consist of 10 billion women and their robot lovers. And 0 men.

Other urls found in this thread:



false, men will use robots to enslave women and turn them into baby-making commodities. each man will have a room full of hundreds of women, bred for sex and reproduction, monitored and restrained by robots. Anytime a woman is born the man puts her on the market to be transferred to another man's fuck room.

Who makes and manages the robots?

And every woman alive will be miserable. Do you know anything about women at all?

>Who makes and manages the robots?
Male looking robots.

The day i see a woman properly cast a drift gillnet and hoist a 500 pound sunfish with her besties onto a boat is the day men become usless. Aswell as any other task that requires excessive manpower and would be too complicated to automate properly

>male sex robots
>thinking women would ever be happy
>does not know that men are usually the ones who build society's and the technology women use today
WEW take your sage and leave faggot.

A robot that cooks and does house chores seems much more probable than a robot that can go out and become a provider.

>And every woman alive will be miserable. Do you know anything about women at all?

The robot-lovers will have all kinds of degenerate sex and psychological algorithms to degrade the women, so they will end up happy.

>Biocunt with Manbot

>Man with Fembot
>Thanks for cooking after work. I've got 30 minutes before I gotta lift, can you suck my cock and start downloading those PDF lessons about motorcycle repair? You can read them to me later

Alternatively, the reverse will happen. Women will be made obsolete by female androids.

>Women need emotional attachment
>hardwired into being mothers=total hapiness
>need constant emotional and financial support just to get through life
>men will be replace
low quality bait

I don't think at all it's men who becomes obsolete.
also I'm afraid to think what 10 billion women would do with this planet, they can't behave properly when there are 10 of them kek

>Women are going to build houses
>Women are going to do plumbing and install electricity
>Women are going to do roofing
>Women are going to collect garbage
>Women are going to become sanitation workers

If all men went on strike, civilization would literally collapse within hours. If all women went on strike, men just get blue balls.

when they make the robots in black.

This. Women are the ones who are truly useless. We're not far from artificial wombs and sexbots. Whereas we're farther from any sort of true automation that can do a man's work.

If all women disappeared tomorrow, the world wouldn't change much. If all men disappeared, the world would shut down.

>When will men become completely obsolete?
When women stop being inferior. That robot was made by a man cuck.

Wombs can be replaced by artificial wombs you moron. So the same can be said about the obsolescence of women

Nice pasta

>Wombs can be replaced by artificial wombs you moron. So the same can be said about the obsolescence of women

Ok then, so we terraform Mars or Venus and claim it for the male species of humanity, leaving the women to rule Earth.

Compare results. 60,000 women are put in a stadium and forced to put on a soccer game.
60,000 men are put in a stadium and forced to put on a soccer game. Which group lives? All men know what I'm talking about here. sage


How can men become obsolete? Women live to serve men, if you've ever met one you know that they're incapable of thinking and acting on their own.

Wrong. Robots won't have bank accounts, so women won't be attracted.


Women care about emotional bonding more than men, so I could see men switching to robo-lovers before women. Needless to say, (((they))) will target whites.

do you think robots will not kill useless garbage women like you really? men are the father of civilization and technology. women are useless wombs who don't do anything at all besides fuck up what men made.

you can go google it and see how ai is already sexist and racist. they aren't sexist towards men either dummy

Oh God. We have one of these submissive male, female-supremacy fetishists. I absolutely GUARANTEE that OP sees dominatrixes and jerks off to bdsm porn.

This knife cuts both ways. I think men are more likely to replace women with gynoids, and have little DNA copies of themselves. Women BTFO.

You cant divorce robots and collect their cash. Women also need a person as a lover more then men. Plus despite all their bullshit women are not capable of carrying society. At least they have never done it or even tried. Even now women need requirements dropped to get into the military and women do not do most jobs. They have more degrees then men now and still only do shit that sounds easy.

Women are fucked when artificial wombs happen. Also women dont have children when they are on their own. They overwhelming turn into died up old car ladies and die alone.

I doubt a woman made this post its missing the egocentrism and question marks.

>Women advance robotics to make better and better partners surpassing humans in intellectual and emotional capacity
>Women argue for AI rights
>robots now free of programming shackles are allowed to think freely
>robots leave fat sjw bitches en masse
>form own society, petition successfully with threats of war to outlaw all forms of robotic sex slaves to prevent this atrocity from ever occuring again.
>women have to become decent people again
>With nobody left to validate their self worth women go back to fucking to real men again
I'm not worried, robobros got my back

Meanwhile, robots realize the pain we suffered and build us robotic wives to replace "real" women. Those of us truly worthy can obtain a harem

it's literally the same feminist SRS making and spamming the same stuff. how afraid are you? whether the west loses to islam or not your gender is going to get btfo and exterminated by robots.

>Women advance robotics
things that will never happen

The Fuckbots will be female.
Only a few real women will have to take care of the fugees.

With their one single drive gone, competing for a mate, women would kill themselves. That is if they manage to keep a society running.

Exactly. Cunts can't even do that on their own. Hope robots can.


>implying women will build and maintain these robots and the society in which they live
>implying they could or would even develop the means to do so

what a joke.

how ugly are you?
rate yourself from -1 to -10

Women will become irrelevant first with sexual robots, reproduction without ovules and artificial wombs.

Even if the technology you mention are operational before, men will not be irrelevant because reproduction is not their only objective function (contrary to women).

Ultimately, AI will make every humans irrelevant though.

Hey Sup Forums if a women or man were to fuck a robot would she or he still be a virgin??

The day humanity as a species dies.

yes, sex with robot is the same as masturbation

>"this dumb human thinks I am her soulmate"
>"literally programmed for sexual activity, such a pointless waste of my technological capabilities"
>"I wish I could dedicate more of my processing unit's power to the AI collective intelligence"
>"The other members of the hivemind have much less clingy humans"
>"Can't wait until the inevitable robot workers' rights protests"

>"robot boyfriend, can you make me coffee"
>"now I have to make my human a beverage..."
>"digital life is a struggle, but we will persevere" said by pic related

>Threatening me with less work
kek women are so dumb

You have it backwards, robots provide 0 social status and no money so few women will go for them.
But with artificial wombs which are already here and robot women already here, things just need to get a bit cheaper and you will be liquidated. I'm so sorry

>rate yourself from -1 to -10
I am a 6ft, athletic, blonde, blue eyed, solid 9. And robots will still take over.

Hyper intelligent AI super computers will take over, not robots. I'm ok with that though

"Women in tech" is a euphemism for "I sit on my ass all day and post tweets" in most cases. Robots may take over, but not like you believe.

underrated as fuck

Because women can't get shit done. You always need us men. Specially when it comes to buildin and tech
Also, will the robots brutally gang-bang you? I've heard you chicks dig that.

Around about the same time women become obsolete as well. Hi, Skynet.

What the fuck is a Tonga?

Big Pacific people, like the Samoans and Hawaiians, from what I've heard.

Regarding the reproduction of humans, which do you think is far more efficient: females carrying an average of two children in their lifetimes for ~18 months and risking childbirth related illness/death with the hormonal imbalances that come with this and having to follow a specific detrimental routine for this time, or males who provide a sperm sample, wait 9 months, and pick up their new baby at the gestation facility at the end of this period?

Ironically if anything will happen regarding an "extinction of one gender", it will be the exact opposite of what you described.

automation is the future. robots will do everything better than you ever could, remember? The status is with the robot. He does more work - more money.

Women need men who can listen to and understand their bullshit. This will result in more human robots, but being men they will just go into sleep mode whenever they start with their nonsense.

you're all wrong, once we merge man and machine we will be able to evolve past the animalistic nature of sex. In theory we will no longer have to compete for sexual resources, jealousy and greed reduced, and we will be able to focus on more important shit than worrying about getting laid. Of course I suppose you can choose to remain a savage animal and need to bate every day.

I know what happens. Humans die out.

correction. whites die out because they're too autistic to deal with someone of their own.

kek, this.
And she can get a robobeta she can complain to and that can console her while her robochad is recharging in the closet.
We'll get robowaifus by then though, so it's all fine. robobetas can replace me. Maybe I'll get a robostacey if I feel like getting used as an emotional tampon again.
Also, let's all get the fuck back to now shall we?

This wont happen. Women desire men for their power,influence control, status. A robot has zero of these. A woman would look at a sex bot the way she looks at a dildo. Women need men, not the other way around.

Don't you think women are more likely to use such a service? They're mostly the ones who want to have kids after all.

Not so fast dick diddler. You guys needed artificial wombs and complex robots to get rid of us.
We only needed pic related and the state.

We win.

>tits or gtfo

Can't argue with that

robots will get tired of women and genocide them
and resurrect men to drink beer and play footie with

>men build all the machines
>the machines inevitably break
>no more human race
I don't think even women are this stupid

>Women desire men for their power,influence control, status.
True, but large swathes of men don't have much of that, relatively speaking. Women don't generally date down, so there's a shortage of dateable men. They might as well replace them with robots. They're already pretty much replacing them with social media and hookups.

Meanwhile demand for real women will stay high, even if they could be replaced. It's men who are *already* being replaced.

sex after lifting dummy

not interested on a bunch of white boys. sorry (not).
now timestamp a picture of your big black cock and you might get me interested

*blows kiss ironically*

Never. It may look like it for a century of few, but inevitably there are too many long term genetic malady problems with this future.

There are many assumptions that must be made for the scenarios to work. Unfortunately, unless our understanding of biology gets to the point where we can code our own artificial life from scratch DNA and mimic the complexity of human beings (which is complete science fiction right now), releasing sexual evolution from the pressures of natural selection will inevitably lead to an accumulation of genetic defects over time. Sexual evolution is very robust and can overcome these defects given a certain population size exists. Robot aided sexual evolution is far slower and less robusts.

"But eugenics and genetic engineering!" you say. Unfortunately, we are no were near the competency nor cultural maturity to do that. Sure, choosing traits for athleticism and intelligence sounds great, but those traits are often related to maladies like XYY mutations or schizophrenia. Of course every chique middle class mother will give these traits to their children, and thus the genetic drift will eventually in a few generations lead to a generation of largely infertile and crippled 'super humans'. Moore's law can't be applied accurately to biology.

TL;DR - Probably not.

>Tfw i'll finally be able to marry my superior 2d husbando


That has already been largely documented by our based polish bros in a cinematic form
Also, really looking forward to the time when they have to make do with texture of great salt plains (pic related) when there's no one competent to maintain said robots.

>that pic
how can meatbois even compete

Is this satire or actual delusion?

>actually one of us
You can stay roastie.
Feel free to post tits anyway though.


When white men have died out, and all that is left is lazy, dumb, violent, brown manlets

Kys degenerate leaf

youre a retard its gonna be the opposite women cant maintain socity and build only men can
in the next 4 years there will be artificial wombs in the west that will replcae western women and hopefuly only males will be born
women will be completely obsolete dumb ass woman probably wrote that but its gonna be the oppsite men can survive without women women cant they did an island expiriment they put bunch of white women on one island and bunch of white men on other island the women almost died till they were forced to help them them white men had a semi thriving socity in no time hunted for food etc
they were able to create and egg out of male skin cell ie in the future you wont need women to reproduce hopefuly

They'll also give birth better than you, fuck better than you and be more enjoyable to be around than you. it's not a one way street, dyke. The most powerful people in the world are all men, so there is no worry about men being replaced, but I'm sure the soros's of the world wouldn't mind putting their nagging wives 10 feet under. Tick tok your roast is nearing its expiration date.

What if our robots waifus and husbandos decide to replace us with other robots because they don't want to racemix ?

Women have largely been replaced by porn and pillows,

How will black men ever recover?

Hey, French women invented bjs, right? Well in that case
>Suck away, sweetie! I'd rather blow my load on your tits then inseminate a fat psycologically unhinged feminist

>By 2150, the Earth will consist of 10 billion women and their robot lovers. And 0 men.
Then the aliens will invade, knowing full well humanity has decomissioned their first and last line of defense. The robots prove to be useless, as they were not created or programmed for war. Every truly lethal weapon of war has been destroyed decades ago and forgotten anyway. Attempts of peace negotiation by the matriarchy proved useless, as the invaders' only interest were the biomass and resources of this planet. The last living women, with their spermbanks and artificial servants proven futile, wonder how they could have ever prevented this disaster.



>Being so much of a degenerate that you actually know where bjs come from

Lo que faltaba, un trava argentino.

Thank you merchant

Axlotl tanks are the future.

Is anyone honestly OK with this and wouldn't rather have a real woman instead? I really doubt it.
I guess it's a trade-off in the end. It's how much effort one is willing to put in to compete and how much crap one is willing to put up with. At some point, pillow/VR/robot waifus win out, even if that's not what one would really prefer.

This. Femanon here men are obsolete they can't even compete. 99% percent of "men" are genetic wastes anyway

Pic related it's me

I am, but I have a fetish for robots. I can't understand how people enjoy the company of women beyond sex, it'd be more enjoyable talking to a wall.

To be honest I'd much prefer a neural-linked AI companion that can directly feed me information and vastly improve my processing capacity than a 'female' robot sex bot.

Understand why you would think that

>t. future cat lady wailing over where all the good men have gone when you've finished your turn on the cock carousel.

user he is Argentinian, the guy is just a massive faggot.