>hates women
>hates Jews
>hates Israel
>hates gays
>hates everyone who disagrees with them
>hates communism
>hates atheism
What is so bad bout Islam again??
>hates everything
>religion of peace
shitskin religion and culture. any self respecting white man should oppose it out of principle
The people who follow it
>is incompatible with Western Civilization
>is dumb a fucking rock - arab blood
>anti-normal morality
The fact that Turks are Muslims tells you everything you need to know about Islam
I'm starting to think this way too. I'm going to order a translated Quran and see how I like it, and then maybe even convert. Something within myself is drawn to it.
I have a beard, will other muslims take me seriously even though I'm white?
No one ever said Islam itself is bad in it's core. It's great for Arabs - But we have cultural responsiblity to fight against it as our history, culture, religion commands us to do so. + Islamic morality and Western Morality differs a great deal
>hates me
>hates women
This is wrong, it hates womens nature not women. You can hate the sin but not the sinner.
Do you have any more pictures like this?
Islam itself never claimed to be a religion of peace, ever. It's you cucks who called it that name tbqhwyfam.
sage you faggots are going to pay for always spamming these threads
Islam is a shitskin religion, therefore completely degenerate
>hates women
>hates Jews
>hates Israel
>hates gays
>hates communism
>hates atheism
This is Sup Forums in a nutshell. Sup Forums should be loving Islam.
what good is your principles when your governments cucks over to these neanderthals might as well join them only reason society has not come to a screeching halt is people are still willing to to advocate sanity just let the whole thing collapse already so we can rebuild and remove voting rights to women WHICH IS THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS SHIT
>12 replies already
I fucking hate pol. All of you should literally kill yourselves.
The religion is good on most issues. The only problem is that they are not white. The vast majority anyway.
Hamdullilah that beard will be of no disadvantage.
This is the faggiest instruction pic I've ever seen.
So... If Isam hates the jews. Why are the elite jews flooding the west with mudshits and pushing for Sharia law?
Screw those goatfuckers, each and every one
defeatist cunt. at least go down fighting instead of just switching to the (currently) winning team
Too many blacks desu.
>hates everything bad but loves and advocates for peace.
> therefore religion of peace
The problem is not Islam, but Marxism.
>What is so bad bout Islam again??
Same thing as last time we had this thread.
>>hates everyone who disagrees with them
literally butthurt cucks, nice try shilling roach.
>hates women
Sorry I love my nan, my mom my sister and my wife, and if I ever have a daughter I'll love her as well. And never would I ever want them to wear a human trashbag over themselves because some cuck can't hold his dick in his pants. Yes modesty is great, but it's only good when it comes from free will to do so.
Now fuck off to your shithole, roach. When will Erdogan block Sup Forums for you already?
>Too many blacks desu.
>Screw those goatfuckers, each and every one
This is quality shit here, pol. You guys should be fucking proud.
>islam hates women
>islam literally worships vagina which creates men
>vagina makes people so it must be divine thing lets put it on a tomb of muhammad and worship it
islam is paganism disguised as monotheism using abrahamic teachings to spread and convert people or lure them in.
>hates communism
>hates atheism
only got 2 right, frindo.
What would happen if a dude converted, did all the Muslim stuff but keeps eating bacon and drinking wine?
Hates Communism?!
Hates Atheism?
You apparently have never trolled Muslims, Communists, and Atheists....they will ALL group together, and attack Christians/America.
So will fucking Nazis.
You guys are slowly puzzling out,
you are all allies though.
That's progress (kek), at least.
That's fine.
the most anti european thing on this fucking planet is europe itself
stop being blind you faggot cuck
>dress so slutty that your pussy is on full display
>cover it with your purse like you have some sort of modesty
Why do roasties do this shit? They don't have any dignity to preserve.
>>hates everyone who disagrees with them
Islam hates everyone who isn't a complete moron.
So roaches are absolutely save.
the muslims
>tfw we're going to be siding with you shitfuckers when you face off with iran
kill me
Yea and you get to fuck goats. Fuck off.
I hate when Westerners misuse the Koran, interpreting it and the Hadiths literally. It's metaphorical, stupid.
Please archive sites renowned for bad journalism and clickbait. Thank you.
Among those who have recognized the crisis of the modern world, and who have also abandoned the idea that modern civilization is the civilization par excellence, the zenith and measure of all others, some have turned their eyes to the East. They see there, to a certain degree, a traditional and spiritual orientation to life that has long ceased to exist ίη the West as the basis for the effec- tive organization of the various realms of existence. They have even wondered whether the East might furnish useful reference points for a revival and reintegration of the West. It is important to have a clear view of the domain to which such a proposition might apply. If it is simply a matter of doctrines and "intellectual" contacts, the attempt is legitimate. But one should take note that valid examples and pQints of reference are to be found, at least partially, ίη our own traditional past, without having to turn to non-European civilizations. Not much is to be gained by any of this, however. It would be a matter of conversations at a high level between isolated individuals, cultivators of metaphysical systems. If one is more concerned with real influences that have a powerful effect οη existence, one should have ηο illusions about them. The East itself is now following ίη our footsteps, ever more subject to the ideas and influences that have led us to the point at which we find ourselves, "modernizing" itself and adopting our own secular and materialistic forms of life. What is still left of Eastern traditions and character is steadily losing ground and becoming marginalized. The liquidation of "colonialism" and the material independence that Eastern peoples are acquiring vis-a-vis Europe are closely accompanied by an ever more blatant subjection to the ideas, the mores, and the "advanced" and "progressive" mentality οί the West.
You are a Murtad then, you left islam by eating forbidden pork, also you cant enter heaven if you ate pork on purpose.
Based οη the doctrine οί cycles, it may be that anything οί value from the point οί view οί a man οί Tradition, either ίη the East or elsewhere, concerns a residual legacy that survives, υρ to a point, not because it belongs to areas that are truly untouched by the principle οί decline, but merely because this process is still ίη an early phase there. For such civilizations it is οηlΥ a matter οί time before they find them- selves at the same point as ourselves, knowing the same problems and the same phenomena οί dissolution under the sign οί "progress" and modernity. The tempo may even be much faster ίη the East. We have the example οί China, which in-two decades has traveled the whole way from an imperial, traditional civilization to a materialistic and atheist communist regime-a journey that the Europeans took centuries to accomplish.
tl;dr we need european traditionalism
>implying it was for free
You can refund the half trillion anytime fám.
this is what they trying to do, you are big stupid strong golem.
So you are muslim? Sounds just like every faggot here.
Islam is a religion of strength and pride. as a side effect it strikes fear into the hearts of the enemies.
It's a foreign religion. Emphasis is on foreign.
Muslims are actually some of the most redpilled people on the planet.
Reported to your government for encouraging kafir behaviour.
Enjoy your 80 lashes, Matmoud, you've earned them.
>I hate when Westerners misuse the Koran, interpreting it and the Hadiths literally. It's metaphorical, stupid.
>I hate when Westerners misuse the Koran,
what is Isis, and islamic terror and the belief in the hadith that says you'll go to heaven no matter what if you kill an infidel in '''defence''' of islam
nice double standard, so it's only alright to interprate it literally when you do it but when we point out its wrong you go all 'but its just a metaphor stoopeed'
Exactly. They are a lot like us. So, they are our competitors. They do not wish to be companions or otherwise peacefully coexist.
Hopefully Rand does that. I respect your people, but your brand of Islam is utter shit and I don't want it anywhere near America
You dumb sandnigger. Muzzies kill because there is only one interpretation of the Quran. They kill each other when another sect tries to interpret something differently
Then he'd be an apostate, whose only means of getting to heaven, is to blow people the fuck up.
now perhaps you understand why Islam is bad.
>implying we don't drink with our government officials around Knightsbridge all the time when we visit London
mashallah you have been guided despite the many misconceptions about Islam. Check out digital mimbar for the basics and some Imran Hosein lectures. He's redpilled on global politics.
Wants to kill anyone who isn't a believer of Islam.... especially atheists.
If the money is refunded that'd be like $150,000 per Saudi family. What should I do with my shekels?
we should learn from muslims how to put white whores in their place and how to kick and enslave negro and brown refugees thats all
This board is super-stupid.
"Muzzies aren't so bad, because they support authoritarianism, against some of the same people as me, and white Christians....but I wnat to set whites FREE."
This is what the OP, and you idiots agreeing, really mean.
Dumbest shit I have read today.
And I just came from Twitter.
I agree with many fundamentals of islam and it's values, since most of their shit is stolen from Christians and Zoroastrians anyways, but the way they do it is too strict and violent for my taste. I understand these methods may have been needed in 7th century Arabia when the religion was just taking off, but they're not needed in the modern world.
rebuild all the shit you destroy
Because it encourages inbreeding which fundamentally weakens the genetic fabric of any people
I hate when Muslims exist.
They're trying SO HARD, to justify, agreeing with George Soros, on EVERYTHING.
Keep at it guys.
Pure kekalicious.
Are you guys scared of me?
That's it, isn't?
You should be.
Your punishment, must be more severe....
Declaring that you have saged a thread and advocating others to do so is against the rules.
I'm not going to report you this time but be aware others might do so.
Did I hear Islam?
Muslims are degenerate as people in the west.
I should smack your bot you naughty boy.
Duterte knows how to deal with mudslimes.
>Kills random civilians
>Women have to wear retarded clothes
>Rapes random women any time they get the chance
>Hates communism
Citation needed
>Hates people that don't worship a pedo false Prophet
>Hates freedom
>Hates the constitution
>Hates free markets
>translated Quran
The original Arabic is inspired by God. Read that.
I don't want to spoil you day but I heard that image depicts Christians in the Ottoman Empire.
Yeah Im gonna need some sauce with that
Not entirely true. There is nothing in the rules about advocating others to sage.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
The only thing you cannot do is say something along the lines of "i saged this thread." In this case he did but if he only said: "threads like this should be saged" it would be within rules.
>quickly we must return to the middle ages to solve current issues!
>totally not a lazy solution which will backfire guys!
Maybe you should go back to mudsliding or something.
Listen OP.
I'm not about to go into history but
1. Hitler considered the Iranians more Caucasian than the French.
2. Everyone agrees Iran would, today, be much more advanced than France had they not converted to Islam.
They look like modern day Turks.
And illustrating such shit is also quite gay.
>hates everyone who disagrees with them
Yeah, that's the problem. I don't think a child raping egoist could be god's prophet and that is enough to get me stoned or my head cut off. No thanks, you can keep your death cult in your sand countries
Because every muslim has the IQ of a bonobo
>funny hats
>moustaches on all of them
>olive skin
>rat faces
>big butts
Nope, they are roaches.
I have a problem with ppl fucking goat.
Feminism=Communism for girls
Progressives=Communism for Americans
BLM=Communism for blacks
Islam=Communism for Muslims.
Christianity=right-wing handbook for EVERYONE.
Does Allah actually tells in the auran, to go and murder innocent children who dosen't share the same faith as you do? I want this to be asnwered by a real muslim please.
The Quran*
The guy who told me said the text explains that these are Christian slaves forbidden from sex with Muslim women.
Not actually named Mohammed so I can't read it.
Embracing islam is like changing your rusted metal knife for one of stone. Of course it's going to do the work. But metal beats stone when is maintained
Iran went full retard reactionary (islamic revolution) in response to western imperialism.
People in this thread wanting to go full retard reactionary (converting to islam) in response to cultural marxism is pretty similar.