I always see people defending Hitler's eugenics program for women on here.
If you had it your way, what your society's women look like and what justifications can you give for eugenics in the first place?
I always see people defending Hitler's eugenics program for women on here.
If you had it your way, what your society's women look like and what justifications can you give for eugenics in the first place?
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Thicc, tan, and thicc
B-but what would that look like user? Im gonna need some visuals
Well, something like this I imagine
worked for the romans
""We put down mad dogs; we kill the wild, untamed ox; we use the knife on sick sheep to stop their infecting the flock; we destroy abnormal offspring at birth; children, too, if they are born weak or deformed, we drown. Yet this is not the work of anger, but of reason - to separate the sound from the worthless"
It wasnt until after Constantine and the official edict of milan that eugenics was abolished.
Eugenics is the only way the human race can truly progress.
California had a much more advanced eugenics program than Germany, and resistance to it came mainly from the religitards.
Hubba hubba
Perfect dimensions, legs for days
Grace Kelly for sure.
>With variation on thickness, hair/eye color, and you know minor shit.
We already did for 30,000yrs.
Women would remain at home until married
And basically like this.
I want them all to look EXACTLY like her.
Like in that one Twilight Zone episode where the special little snowflake found out how great it was to be a normie.
We already have an eugenic program, all the tattooed girls are not geting kids
Trashy girls get knocked up all the time
are those men?
That would be boring mate.
>10% look like her
>another 10% like this
>Another like this:
If we do ungenics slowly over the course of a 300 years no one will be left completely behind. Better people will start to saturate the gene pool so even the ugliest and dumbest of society will start to slowly creep up.
>two 10/10s have 12 kids while retarded joe has 1 kid. Eventually the whole gene pool moves up.
not here
>The first step in Eugenics is moving or driving non-whites out of our lands.
nice try pedro
White, healthy, and fit.
I fully support positive eugenics for white people. There's no reason to artificially decrease our races reproductive rate.what is important is that healthy and superior traits are selected at higher rates than traits that are considered unhealthy or inferior.
It's better for the human race to select the best genes to pass on to the next generation.
I fully support eugenics and even further, with today techs on genetic scanning and editing for designer superior babies.
Make a society that is smarter, healthier, fitter and stronger. That is BEST for humanity.
If women don't have ginger hair with blue/green eyes, they might as well be niggers.
The justification for eugenics is self-explanatory; for the betterment of the gene pool.
Also that fourth one is really digging number 3's rack.
Fucking hell. They improved alot on that china/ chyna or something woman. Didnt know that show still existed. Dont think I've seen it since that dude fell from a wire and died..
>If you had it your way, what your society's women look like and what justifications can you give for eugenics in the first place?
They all wouldn't speak, would be covered head to toe with even more layers than a burqa on, would never be allowed to leave the house without a male guardian. Eugenics wouldn't mean shit, they would be controlled at every level of their being, and every decision would be made for them by the men in their lives
That's ideal
Go die in a pig farm Abdul
gingers are sluts in general
just saying
There wouldn't be women just iron wombs and men.
You know it's the answer
Eugenics is completely retarded, it's planned economy principles applied to genetics. It works when applied to domesticated species, but not for apex predators. You end up with human cavendish bananas. Germany and Sweden were the biggest supporter of eugenics; the end result is a bunch of cucked up sheeps.
I would develop artificial wombs and get rid of the female gender entirely.
>gingers are sluts in general
Just sauce my shit up, senpai.
Belgian education.
Stop posting that photoshopped shit
>nat soc german wom.jpg
Clueless autist
>If you had it your way, what your society's women look like and what justifications can you give for eugenics in the first place?
I'd advocate Eutelegenisis, which is Eugenic artificial insemination. I'd set up sperm banks, and sperm donor networks, with smart and successful and talented sperm donors. I'd practice Eutelegenisis myself, and encourage others to do the same.
I'd set up sperm banks all over the world, and encourage stupid people to use them, arguing that smarter kids will do better in school and make more money.
I'd make documentaries and youtube reality shows, showing the benefits of such a practice, and highlight success stories and hard data, about how the sperm had a positive effect on a family and child.
I'd also encourage celebrities and star athletes to become sperm donors. This could popularize the practice of Eutelegenisis, and make it more culturally acceptable.
>apex predators.
>pick one, senpai
Modern humans are literally cattle. Maybe a couple thousand years ago we could have been called predators, but not any more.
Sheit nigga, there is literally scientific proof that our brains are shrinking. We are becoming dumb, and we will loose our ability to survive without a herd (if we haven't already).
Eugenics should have been instituted generations ago. She have woman alive today that are physically unable to give birth naturally due to the width of their hips... However, they are still allowed to have children thanks to medical science. They are cursing their own offspring to what could be a very painful death should those medical advances disappear (societal collapse after fossil fuels run out?).
"Hey, you're having Tom Cruises too?"
In my pseudo African ethnostate
Good idea. Why didnt Hitler think of that
> Modern humans are literally cattle.
No. We are the apex. We hunt tigers to make soup with their dicks. We put lions in cages because we think they're cute. We're hunting fucking sharks to extinction.
Cattle is what you get out of eugenism. You get a race that can only survive in the controlled environment created by the eugenist. You want a strong, smart, blonde aryan race ? You can have it, but they will also be nigger dick loving sluts, and cucked boytoys.
The only thing that works is letting people fight for themselves and have the winner have lots of kids.