Please stay safe everyone
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We're prepared
I got my hand on my nuts, and my eye on the prize.
Stay safe.
Guys, all of the Muslims use the church hall directly across the road from me for Ramadan. Massive crows of them appear there in the middle of the night. I am scared.
Repeating numbers gets the number of days into Ramadan before the first allah ackbar
Does everyone have their ramadan bombathon 2017 bracket?
Is she /ourhijabi/
What holiday is it in the UK?
Is it just a bank holiday?
Well frankly, you should be more worried about the Muslims who are at home making bombs to make Allah proud than the ones who are basically attending church.
Constant vigilance, but don't be stupid.
Bank holiday Monday so it is a three day weekend essentially.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this
Hoping we'll get a Ramadan Bombathon counter again this year.
There was an attack in Egypt today so 0.
Someone should bomb and shoot up some mosques while their blessed month is in effect.
Wonder what would happen if I just like walked in there drunk. Loads of drunk students walk past that place at night time too lol, so drunk students etc will be walking by there.
I hope there is a large stampede at Mecca.
Why though? You kill a 100 Mudslimes and there are still millions left. Meanwhile you've given the opposition a pass on any Islamic terrorism.
We're not fighting a war for peoples lives, we're fighting a war for peoples minds.
Do it on periscope
sarsour literally means cockroach in arabic
in every single dialect
>basically attending church
>implying this isn't where they meet to get their ideas
No different than black churches.
she was the woman that organized MOW
I'mm GOINGG Innn bOOOyyyyysss!
This, you have to wait until you have the full support of the populace.
"Blessed". Fucking boom city everywhere you go. GG europe.
I'm eating pork tonight
>implying this isn't where they meet to get their ideas
Not what I was implying.
Some mosques are without a doubt the hotbeds of terrorism. But just some random place (reported by user) where Muslims gather for their shitty holiday? No, that's not where your attention should be.
If my id ends in 1488 the final happening in history will be happening in Ramadan.
I'm getting really bored with the "Muslims kill everything in sight," plot in the theatre that is our modern reality. Can the script writers (who activate the Kabobs) put some new twists in the story? Perhaps in the next installment, the victims could try to fight back or something. This whole world full of pussies that wait around to die is boring as fuck.
Happy Ramadan Bombathon!
Will they break last years high score?
The month for fasting and blasting has arrived.
Islam's holiest days are also the time of the year that TROP
tracks and compares terrorism in the name of every religion.
We even throw in Islamofauxbia, for good measure!
Our Ramadan Bombathon 2017 scorecard starts Sunday.
>tfw going to visit my Muslim "friend's" house tomorrow night to fuck his wife raw again.
thicc arab girls are bretty good
What was last years high score? Fucking sick that I'm even asking but what the hell .. we are living in sick times.
Pulse Nightclub
I just hope there are no spoilers
She hates Jews and Israel at least as much as Sup Forums.
>Pulse Nightclub
Holy shit, that was already a year ago?
Time sure flies.
Oh you sly devil.
I was literally at the sarsour protest yesterday, so no.
>mfw if she says anything she gets stoned to death
win win
>Meanwhile you've given the opposition a pass on any Islamic terrorism
>you have to wait until you have the full support of the populace.
You'll get the full support of the people pretty quick when there's a non-stop stream of Islamic terrorist attacks. Right now it's still below the threshold, upping the ante would solve that quickly enough.
I hate mudslimes more than Jews / Israel.
Only workable plot twist at this point is the copycat killer.
Mexican suicide squads maybe?
They had a decent showing in their final preseason match in Manchester, so anything less than 2000 this year would certainly be a disappointment to their side.
Why are liberals and leftists always defending Islam?
They have nothing but scorn for Christians who oppose the LGBT agenda. But Muslims oppose the LGBT agenda even more. To the point, in many Islamic countries, of killing gays.
Feminists attack Christianity for its alleged mistreatment of women. But Islam treats women far, far worse than anything seen in the West.
Similarly, Muslims in general support traditional sexual morality and oppose abortion. And, unlike Christians, in Islamic countries, they would likely punish the leftists who are agreeing with them for their secularism and unbelief.
When a terrorist turns out to be a Muslim, those on the left make a point of saying that we shouldn’t blame all Muslims, which is true enough. And yet when a Christian does something that offends them, they don’t make the same caution against over-generalization about Christianity. Indeed, they often tar all Christians with the same brush.
ANOTHER THOUGHT: The left is worried that Christians are going to establish a theocracy. But establishing societies ruled by the Q’uran is a major goal of Islam, and Islamic States really are theocracies.
The left is always on the alert for “Islamaphobia.” While being oblivious to their own “Christophobia.”
Why is this?
I suspect the left’s tradition of anti-colonialism is part of the answer, but it can hardly account for the continuation of these sentiments in the new post-Marxist climate of gender politics.
I realize the question could be turned around: Why don’t Christians ally themselves with Muslims, since they agree on all of this retrograde morality?
Secularists, assuming all religions are just about morality and are thus all the same, can’t understand religious differences. Islam is a religion of pure Law, with no Gospel of grace, redemption, and forgiveness. So, for Christians, whose faith is built on the Gospel, see a vast chasm between them.
>there is a more or less quite muslim in my group in army
>we will have shooting practise next week
I will keep the fucker in sight all the time and my magazine ready to load.
Thanks for reminding me pol, I almost trusted him.
When will we see some jihad? It usually picks up around this time
An how do ye pull that off?
>Bank holiday terror attack
But Mossad agents can't work on sabbath
all arabs do
you are retarded
>BREAKING NEWS: Place de republique in #Paris evaccuated to to bomb threat. Big police activty, big area sealed off. More soon...
>BREAKING NEWS: Reports of a huge explosion in #Malmö, media reports a lot of police at scene and a big area sealed off. More soon...
God speed
>tfw I munch on his personal stash of cashew nuts and drink their childrens Capri suns after a finished session
Their 17 yr old qt daughter has also been giving me quite the looks, maybe I'll make it a family tradition.
Ramadan feels like a roller coaster when you're as far detached from reality as I am
>You'll get the full support of the people pretty quick when there's a non-stop stream of Islamic terrorist attacks
>upping the ante would solve that quickly enough.
Your first mistake is underestimating your opponent.
Lets say you start your own wave of terrorist attacks on the Muslim populace; then they stop all attacks.
You already had hard time with the public opinion; this is just the final nail in the coffin. You are literally worse than ISIS. Good game, Muslims won.
Redemption and Forgiveness is part of that pure law
"Whether you reveal a good act or keep it hidden, or pardon an evil act, Allah is Ever-Pardoning, All-Powerful. (Surat An-Nisa, 149)"
"Make allowances for people, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant. (Surat Al-A‘raf, 199)"
"That is so. And if anyone inflicts an injury the same as the one done to him and then is again oppressed, Allah will come to his aid. Allah is All-Pardoning, Ever-Forgiving. (Surat Al-Hajj, 60)"
"Those of you possessing affluence and ample wealth should not make oaths that they will not give to their relatives and the very poor and those who have made hijra in the way of Allah.* They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat An-Nur, 22)"
The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with Allah. Certainly He does not love wrongdoers. (Surat Ash-Shura, 40)"
Although I do agree with the fact that leftists are defending us. We hate leftists and they are a poison to us, but that doesn't make us based.
The leftists are focusing so much on the flaws of Christianity even though Christianity keeps on changing to fit their complaints, but run to the defense of us who have had our laws unchanged for centuries with their dyed hair and nose piercings.
Damn, that was a bad one... as far as I remember Obama let the terrorists wive who was in on it run.
I have stocked up on bacon. I stand in solidarity with my Muslim brothers by eating bacon everyday of Ramadan
Also it's haram to fight/kill during ramadan unless you're waging a defensive war
Plus Daesh is rothschild puppet
We aren't watching, but the Lord is watching.
>basically attending church
By charming the entire family.
>Going to London tomorrow
Avenge me if anything happens, Sup Forums.
The idea isn't to stop muslim attacks, it's to provoke them into committing more. And you don't bomb their mosques here, you do it in their native countries. America would disavow the violence but the muzzies would still be infuriated and commit mass revenge attacks.
Read the followups too, I hate repeating myself.
>>tfw I munch on his personal stash of cashew nuts and drink their childrens Capri suns after a finished session
>Their 17 yr old qt daughter has also been giving me quite the looks, maybe I'll make it a family tradition.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Go fuck yourself
hmm, why are the terrorists not using your tactics?
they want to lose?
Ramadan always reminds me that I ought to get a concealed carry permit.
You never know when kebab will come at you in a peaceful manner.
>The idea isn't to stop muslim attacks, it's to provoke them into committing more
Yes, I understood that. What you clearly didn't understand was the point about underestimating your opponents. All they'd have to do at that point would be to stop the attacks and they would win.
Bottom left looks like Tim Curry
Who's /safe and comfy/ here?
Terror only hits inner city people anyway
Fucking hell, I can't find the latest news about Malmö explosions by casual search, because there are so fucking many incidents of shootings and other stuff.
>All they'd have to do at that point would be to stop the attacks and they would win.
If they stopped the attacks (which they wouldn't and won't) then we'd still win.
>hmm, why are the terrorists not using your tactics?
Because their fucking starting position is not the same as ours.
Do ANY of you have any inkling of strategy?
Isn't basically anything for them a "defensive war" though?
Seems like its nothing big anyway, just a normal day in Rosengard: twitter.com
Kek all of you are the equivalent of right wing sjws. You shut your eyes and ears and scream Islam. Then you claim about some inevitable race war. Keep screeching children, you are completely impotent and your wet dreams will never come true.
You will get eaten by the left one day and fall further into the pit of degeneracy. I actually pity how cucked you've gotten. Sad
No, she just hates jews. She also hates whites and thinks Islam should be accepted in the West so fuck her.
If hating jews is all it takes to be down with Sup Forums we would just be trading Jewish overlords for hairy Muslim overlords. Both Muslims and Jews can go fuck themselves.
Thanks, I found it ony my own, sadly nothing big.
My main point is that I didn't realize how much has been going on there, I read it on Sup Forums but never confirmed for myself
The Poos will take care of you in due time Paki.
The North Koreans are much more likely to nuke you before anything happens to us
Kek go ahead. Don't forget if you eat 5kg of pork in a sitting during Ramadan a Muslim spontaneously dies
No problemo.
Bonus article:
70 cars burned in less than 3 months. And that's only in Malmö.
Total number in sweden I think is 3 or 4 times as many.
When we getting the ramalamadingdong kill counter up?
>tfw the only thing where I am is a ton of Catholic Latrinos
Guess I don't have much to worry about other than diarrhea.
Holy shit, you better make sure to hide that from the police.
Youre probably very safe lad, there not going to bomb other pakis, if shit really starts kicking off first place id go for shelter is the local mosque.
Vegas is scared.
I can't laugh anymore. Feel bad
Oh shit. I had forgotten it's almost terror month.