Can someone shed some light on North Africans ancestry ? They can't be 100% arabs. I mean look a this dude, I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me he's italian
Can someone shed some light on North Africans ancestry ? They can't be 100% arabs. I mean look a this dude...
That's true. Italians aren't white confirmed.
They're fucking Berber and other miscellaneous races from North Africa, maybe 0-5% Arab due to rape babies from the conquests.
Karthage was the cultural center of North Africa for centuries. I consider Phoenicians an ancient European nation.
wouldn't be surprised if someone told me he was French either
They're just lighter semites
This. Modern italians are mixed arabs and many of north africans mixed negroes and arabs.
they're all kabyle
also because most of the north africans in france are algerians, don't forget the vandals ruled over them for some time.
>Phoenicians an ancient European nation.
Phoenicians are semitic my dude.
Yes but berbers descended from whick population besides arabs ?
A vast majority are arabs, and white arabs both exist and are commonplace. A lot of muslims that come here to america are white, and about half of the time they are from north africa. Depending on how you interpret it, berber and miscellanious races are also arab I myself am 50% berber 50% white american (german ancestry). Also ramadan is tomorrow.
Just because they speak Arabic doesn't mean they are Arab.
Arab is a language group.
North africa was bleaches out from the Macedonians first and the Mediterraneans second.
Some of them are nearly white.
The unholy union of Finland-America deciding who is white.
mfw i'm barely whiter than that guy
Southern Italians are Greek. Their genes were not mixed with muslims because they built fortress towns during the years of invasions, kinda like Minis Tirith. Gerace is one example and ive been there. They only moved back to the shores when the Muslims were defeated.
s. Italians are similar to Greek islanders, mainland Greeks though are more northern and often in PCAs plot near Tuscans
>Southern Italians are Greek.
No. They are mixed with Arberesh wich are Albanians.
Pic above: Reconstruction of a Scandinavian village
Pic below: Streets of present day Rome
Fix your shit, spagettibro. I want to drink expensive espresso and eat focaccia without niggers screaming and trying to sell me totally legit Burberry umbrellas... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING SUNNY DAY!
Else, you cool.
Fuck.. Fucking monitor.... It was France...
You suck dude.
Levantine - which are non-arab semitic. jew cousins, basically (lebs, syrians)
some north Africans have even Nordid skulls
>Slavery on the Barbary Coast (see Barbary slave trade) was a form of unfree labour which existed between the 16th and 18th centuries in the Barbary Coast area of North Africa.
>According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries.[1][2] However, these numbers have been refuted by other historians, such as David Earle, author of The Corsairs of Malta and Barbary and The Pirate Wars.
>From bases on the Barbary coast, North Africa, the Barbary pirates raided ships traveling through the Mediterranean and along the northern and western coasts of Africa, plundering their cargo and enslaving the people they captured. From at least 1500, the pirates also conducted raids along seaside towns of Italy, Spain, France, England, the Netherlands and as far away as Iceland, capturing men, women and children. On some occasions, settlements such as Baltimore, Ireland were abandoned following the raid, only being resettled many years later. Between 1609 and 1616, England alone had 466 merchant ships lost to Barbary pirates
Maybe this has something to do with it ?
Only one of those got past the stage captured in your picture.
Who cares, he looks Mediterranean white, hopefully he doesn't behave like a nigger - he's white.
There are native Italians in Sicily who are far more dark skinned than this guy.
They're the same people as ancient Egyptians basically.
1. germanic invasion of north africa?
2. expulsion of muslims was on religious basis, so a lot of coverted whites were expelled into north africa?
france raped and killed over 3 million arabs in north africa.
I'm 50% berber 50% white american (irish ancestry), it's always hard to explain that I'm half african, but not black or arab african.
definitely more negroid with that neoteny and moderate prognathism
facial indices are also different
in that area of Africa there's some significant R1b, maybe they have some remote natufian/levantine ancestry
Pic related your average moroccan.
I can see from a distance he's not Italian, but I can understand that a burger or nordcuck couldn't tell the difference. Btw, that's the reason why those drunken tourists get raped and robbed so easily by (((((Italians)))) in Rome.
Nice mascara dude
>hard to explain
people just don't give a shit aboutyour snowflake ancestry
They had it coming
France also had this coming