How do i move to georgia?

How do i move to georgia?
The south will rise again, ok.

I hope you can handle the heat, it's fucking hot here. Also depends where you gonna be living

The south has been lost to niggers for years. We're next.

Georgia is alright, lived there for a couple years for a job. Where you wanna live?

Have fun in nigger land

Georgia is the most based state outside its degenerate capital. Even their football team colors match nazi germany

Luxembourg right? What's your opinion on your prime ministers boyfriend posing in the pictures with the wives. I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, yeah, georgias great. I suggest joining the military for citizenship

It's basically the same as moving anywhere else, except you come here?

Lol.. sorry, what do you mean?

Stay away from Atlanta

I'd recommend an airplane since the sea ports are shit.

The South is too cucked to do any rising atm but I've been stuck working outside of Atlanta for the last four years and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Niggers seem to be concentrated in the downtown areas and in the southern bits of the state where the cotton plantations used to be. The whites are friendly and not quite as bible-beating as they're billed from the outside.

Sorry, I'm a retard, didn't see the flag..

Atlanta is an international city, You might be able to come straight here..

Then take it back, retard. They will only spread.

Its us or them.

Its actually hilarious how little people know about the bible down here.

Maybe if we started reading them again we'd be less lost as a people.

Athens is absolutely not based and completely degenerate. Clarke county is the most liberal place in GA despite it's relative whiteness compared to counties like Fulton. I did some design work for Caterpillar when they moved their plat out that way, spent a few months living in downtown Athens. It was like Portland got transplanted into the south with more minorities to shit the place up.

*Not implying you should stay in Atlanta..

Come here we're empty

get h1b sponsored by home depot

Not hard to find people who are familiar with the bible. It's just that half of them are not the least bit evangelical and the other half seem to be into that new-age cucked evangelism where they mostly want to save browns and not convert whites. They might be assuming most whites are already saved.


fuck that, too hot

I'm gonna go with either Virginia or Montana once I'm out of uni and can afford it

im kurd, will i get beaten up?

No but you'll be forced to clean roads

Montana is where I'm from originally. Wonderful place to live but staying constantly employed there is a challenge unless you're in certain industries and/or public sector. I'm a civil engineer so I had to move away for a while. Hoping to get back in the next few years if I can.

Don't know anything about VA except it's pretty much ground-zero for the social engineers in DC and they've already turned the state blue/purple. I would recommend caution moving to a blue state right now due to the amazing ability of blue states to wreck middle-class neighborhoods in the last few decades.

Most people don't look at it from the right perspective and have been brainwashed to be pacifist. The commandment is Thou shalt not MURDER. Killing is fine. Murder implies the person was innocent. When you change this to kill it completely changes the implications of the commandment. Its a book of tried and true arguments and discussions on life, but people don't really read these discussions intimately or none at all because they think they know them from a young age. Its mostly older people who would be more familiar here.

Is Georgia (country) nice place?
You seem to have a lot of free space considering your low population of 3.2 million

Yeah that's what I mean about new age evangelicals. They're where mega-church meets progressive activism. It's a potent brew of really misguided idealism. Don't know what the answers is but I see a lot of whites that are just going to smaller and more local churches if they go at all. That's probably the best out though. I was raised in a small conservative Lutheran parish in Montana. Old traditions die hard when your pastor answers to a congregation that knows him well. It's the big number churches that get away with pushing weird shit because nobody feels powerful enough to stand up and say that's bullshit liberalism and not christian.

Heil Dawgs

you don't. We don't need any more transplants.

Please make white families in Georgia, we need them badly.

Atlanta and athens are filled with shitskins, but toccoa and places like it are fairly comfy. the only niggers ive seen work in fast food, all 5 of them.

You want to move to the east of Atlanta, preferably all the way to Athens. Athens is a nice college town with plenty of culture (and a decent chunk of retarded liberals) but completely surrounded by red-blooded folks with beautiful rolling country. You can get as urban or rural as you like around there, and it's pretty nice. Cheap cost of living, great food from all the local farms.

>Is Georgia (country) nice place?
It really is , there's just so much free space and amazing nature plus it's warm here

athens is 70% shitskins and rhe only reason it looks white is because of uga.

i havent been though so i wouldnt know. the NW side of georgia is overwhelmingly based whites.

there are no decent white women, only in north georgia and thats already basically 100% white

Athens is a fucking ghetto with some nice bars and fraternity houses

Fuck the dawgs tho

why do anons keep talking about athens? ive never even been there but north west GA is almost nothing but based whites and comfy farmland

Any opinions on Savannah?

So far as I've seen the whole state is pretty white except downtown areas. Niggers can't function without handouts so they've clustered around the few places you can find urban liberals.

I actually saw a ace of spades sticker on some bitches car the other day, I hate this hellhole.

Ow, my heart.

w2c farmqt

I was thinking of just opening up a tavern in a small town. That or (very different I know) criminal justice with the goal of hitting detective

I originally wanted to be a (history) teacher since 9th grade cause I've always delved into the past and the present out of raw interest, which led me to this humble origami board. Sadly my long term investigations and studies have led me to unkosher views on history, and I feel like state/federal curriculums leave out too much as well as pumping guilt into young white kids. So I had to toss that. I'll probably homeschool though

Step 1 move to Georgia
Step 2 be in Georgia

A giant black slum with a few expensive districts that contain old-money mansions and shopping.

They are already starting that diversity shit aren't they?Last time I was there it was a bunch of asians which is better then niggers I guess.

Virgin Techfag detected,

really ghetto

I'd bet you could do a tavern anywhere tourists are around. LEO is probably a long-shot in MT at-least. They're pretty tight up there as far as hiring local boys and with not many job to go around.

Homeschooling is WAY easier in MT than VA though. MT basically doesn't restrict homeschooling at all. You do whatever you want and they won't fuck with you at the state level. VA could be similar but since it's blue owned now they're probably making homeschooling difficult.

Get on a NS train. Get off at the Schiphol station in Amsterdam. Walk up to the ticket counter of your favorite airline, probably KLM, I'm guessing. Buy a plane ticket to Atlanta. Get on plane going to Atlanta. Make sure you leave ALL your pot behind. They will have dogs sniffing for it when you get off the plane. But you're native Dutch right? Pot is for those money spending tourists.

Glad I could help! Anything else you wanted to know?

It was a port for the cotton trade so I think it's probably been full of negros for a long time.

Really wish we could nuke nigger states.

northeast and southwest/mid south GA are still pretty good. Helen, Dahlonega, Clarkesville, Dawsonville, etc.

the "hot spots" like Atlanta, Savannah, Athens, etc. are extreme YMMV case by case depending on what side of the train tracks you choose to live and work. There's actually some really, really good spots for affluent people of all races, but the nigga-moment places are pretty hard to miss if you know the signs (unneccesary rim sizes, everyone at a workplace has severely tinted windows on their vehicles, NO pet variations --- just chained pitbulls for miles, bailbond shops practically every 2 blocks, the only kids "playing" outside after certain hours are just marking territory, etc.).

been living here a few decades now. decent education opportunities, and prob one of the best deep south states to raise a family if you're into that. just don't be a dumbass trying to skimp on rent. you get what you put in here.

Put them all in Mississippi, already black majority, and fire away.

I sort of wanted a more country area where it's a small town where the folks know each other. Is that economically unfeasible? Thanks for tips

Also I looked a bit into Montana homeschool laws, you have to teach certain categories but it seems largely laizze faire. the one thing that made me raise a brow was that you're required to teach the contributions of natives, especially local tribes. I can just tell the kids look, we gotta bs this to appease Uncle Sam

>just don't be a dumbass trying to skimp on rent. you get what you put in here.
Yeah that's about the size of it. I've seen spotless whitopia neighborhoods down here and I've also seen unbelievable shit nigger slums. Sometimes they're less than 15 mins drive from one another. A little unnerving when I first moved down here from solid white Montana.

I would watch a few episodes of Bar Rescue, if I were you.

too bad russia is forcing you to release abkhazia

If it's Atlanta, only by niggers. But there are a lot of niggers in Atlanta.

Shit that's not a bad idea. Thanks user

For a real small-town rural area in MT? Yeah prob nothing like a market up there for a tavern. Maybe if you brought in tourists from your own advertising you could swing it, but locals wouldn't appreciate that much unless you get them on board first.

Yeah, the native shit is not that big a deal. Not much to even teach or learn and it's mild poz compared to the usual.

Yeah niggers will pretty much beat up anyone, including other niggers, anytime and or any reason.

Yeah but they keep in line. And you really should live just outside of Athens and drive in when you want a concert or to eat fancier. I love Watkinsville personally.

Yeah, I live on the edge between athens and winterville personally. Only a few blacks in my neighborhood, and one group of chinks. I'm glad to be out of the duplex slums. Being lower middle class feels good man.