I'm a high school teacher. What movies do I show? What books do I let them read? How do I turn them into kike hating NatSocs?
How do I redpill my students Sup Forums?
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Teach them to fucking hate commies. Then mention thr economic success of nazi germany before the war and contrast the two. Just dont go over board with nazi sympathy if you value your job.
What subject(s) do you teach?
I just reported you to the Swedish Bureau of Education you closet fascist
Subjects wherein I have to include culture, language, and religion.
please don't turn them into nazis.
what is your subject, even?
Mention the origins of traditional societies and why they developed. Don't be too obvious, but try to make it very clear why their model works and why it's good for everyone.
Not much you can do there really, at least not that I can think of.
This is tricky. I'd advise being honest about Islamic history, while covering it by emphasizing Christian stuff like the conversion of Saxony or the Northern Crusades. But then emphasize how Christianity reformed, and don't do that for Islam. Don't explicitly say Islam didn't, but leave it as a conspicuous absence.
teach them the truth
You don't get it. Swedish school is 100% cultural marxist, feminist, faggot indoctrination. It has to stop.
I'd be careful with this subject or it's jail time for you.
yeah, i agree with that.
but you don't need to go all the way to NatSoc for that.
also, what is your subject?
You can't teach them the truth. So overwhelm them with the jew narratives. Teach them about the holocoaster, babies stuffed into soccer balls, the survivors that only made it because the nazis ran out of gas, the jews locked into cage matches with bears and eagles - all that outlandish rubbish.
It's a stretch, but first I'd assign Animal Farm by George Orwell as it illustrates fairly simply the distinction between master morality and slave morality. After, I'd give them a simplified version of Nietzsche's critique of those two very same moralities. Thirdly, I'd plant a pill of mistrust as to the mainstream media. Lastly I'd ask them to consider the vested interests of the few who own these media outlets, what their biases might be, and if what they give the students to "understand" is really in their best interests.
segregate the student with assigned seating.slowly move one student a day.whites on one side everyone else on the other.
show them the 2 intervices from "Thomas Schuman" ( Yuri Bezmenov )
bevore that, show em the massmurderings of the communists.
Bezmenov intervies serve, to connect the massmurderings to actual todays happenings.
>What books do I let them read?
Animal Farm.
finally translated into english
Ha en lektion i källkritik där du delar ut kontroversiella citat från judar. En del ska vara sanna och en del falska. Låt eleverna ta reda på om deras respektive judecitat är falskt eller sant.
My World History teacher showed us this video when I was in high school. Huge redpills for a school.
This video was before the "refugee crisis" too.
Sargon of akkad
Show them the greatest story never told.
För du har väl SO eller?
AUTOMATION will Save Western Economies, NOT Immigration:
the US Navy Carrier Fleets are Obsolete:
Muslims have RIGHTS | ISLAM does NOT:
Women Love to Objectify Themselves: Here's Why:
Gulag Archipelago for commie-hate, and Storm of Steel to remind your male students that being a man is admirable.
Are you stupid or something?
You could show documents.
Movies tend to have Jewish influense.
Jordan Peterson
It also won't get you fired.
They live
Any from cronemberg (fuck the spelling)
Citizen Kane
Then some documentaries, get them with some cool stuff
1984, BNW
Both are decent reads and easy to understand.
I enjoyed 1984 more, but BNW has its own message. 1984 speaks against government control, and BNW against hedonism
1984 and how it relates to current Swedistan.
Make them evaluate the truth of some statements and stats from "hatesites", like stats on immigrant crime, jewish dominance in media, race and iq et.c. Do it as a source criticism assignment that i know are so trendy in school nowadays. Use facts like pic related.
>when breaking Sup Forums global rules goes meta
I managed to dodge the bullet but the school system is fucked beyond belief.
natsoc = anti european
Automation will kill the working class. You dunst.
Peterson paints a very accurate and bleak picture of commies.
Just teach them to appreciate strength and accomplishment. Teach them about Nietzsche's idea of "ressentement." I can imagine avenues for this lesson in character through psychology, history, English, the arts...
am leaf
Carefully, or they'll replace you.
You can't do any good if you're ousted. You'll have to be very subtle.
The way home is a Good start . Better dead then red
Movies: Triumph of the will and Birth of a nation.
Books: On jews and their lies, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Mein Kampf
Show both perspectives, mention some people's beliefs.
Gräv gropar låt dem välja att falla i. Så frön som de kan vattna. Ge dem frågeställningar i form av " är det verkligen så? " även fast du antyder att de är de ända sanna. Starta deras nyfikenhet samt intresse med att få dem att vilja veta.
How old are your students?
Communist genocides and teaching the extreme difference between Hegelian Socialism, National "Socialism" and International Socialism. You shouldn't praise either one, just give a rundown of why they differed and disagreed.
Also you can teach the greatest killers were all Jews if you make them into "atheists" raised Jewish in a repressive Christian society who hated them.
In other words make the Jews sound like victims who turned into Atheists so the kids at least KNOW it was Jews who ran the death camps and founded World Socialism (Maoism, South African cannibal terrorist communism, Che's murder guerrilla communism, Soviet Republic of Bavaria, Stalin/Leninism = All Jewish founded Communism)
Just give the little fuck bags a weekly warning not to go anywhere near Sup Forums That'll fucking do it.
That Canadian cuck is always covering up for the real Cultural Marxists of the Wiemar Republic so he can shit on "le Nazis". Fuck him.
Go back to arguing with trannies you beta mytho-emo
End each session with a episode of murdoch murdoch.
pfff, fuck off Alt-Kike
Offer all the sexy girls foot massages
Telling them about the talmud is a good start.
i think you missunderstood my post
german crime statistics
>Birth of a nation
But thats anti-axis, pro-kike propaganda.
Honestly - the easiest way to redpill them is to teach them critical thinking skills.
Make them read brave new world, 1984, and fahrenheit 451. If the memes are headlines about your country are true at all, then relating those three books to the current state of sweden should be a piece of cake. Then maybe you could suggest the camp of the saints, which is a pretty hefty redpill that shouldn't be taken by people who aren't ready for it
It would be better if you teach them to question main media, political correctness and the government. Show them that things arent as they appear to be and to be independent thinkers.
Kek. This could be done by disguising it as teaching them "propoganda" and how to spot it but in reality just planting seeds
Make them aknowledge neutral facts like IQ (studies explaining and proving what it defines and genetics related to it), fact t hat people simply aren't equal, some indisputable facts that logically lead to race realism. Redpill them on dysgenics by simply explaning mechanisms leading to it without specifically mention i ng the thing itself.
To sum it up:
Provide them the information that implicates the thesis you want to prove without necessarily spelling it out.
I REALLY regret not being told to read these when in high school. They should all be mandatory reading in the entire western world.
Grooming kids to any extent to hold your beliefs is exactly what you faggots bitch about the left doing. I suggest hanging yourself.
Book: Brave new world.
Film: Gattaca.
Teach them moral values, especially christian values.
Have a discussion on genocide. Make sure to include the fact that it is not necessary to outright murder people in order to be guilty of the crime of genocide. Ask the students whether some historical genocides are more important than others. Get them wondering why the mass killings by the Russian Bolsheviks are not taught to school children.
Tell them to be the opposite of a Swede
is automation or immigration? pick one
You should be fired. No teacher should preach a political ideology. You're supposed to teach students to think for themselves, and if that means they wind up disagreeing with you politically, so be it. Do your fucking job.
Dont go for the "low hanging fruit" and start with the sjw´s first.
Carefuly plant an idea in their mind and they will Think its their own. women and faggots are impossible to redpill with hard proof and need this method or else they will reject it because they dont like the facts
basicly go inception style
All 6 hours of The Greatest Story Never Told
>tfw studying to be a teacher and would go to jail for this
Vem är det som skriver detta? Är det du, "Nordisk Uppror" på twitter?
Read Rudyard Kipling's short story "The Wax Moth".
it's impossible honestly. Redpilling happens mostly through personal experience not through someone trying to change your mind.
However you could try by showing facts about islam. A map with the countries with death penalty for homosexuality is a good start.
Really trying to accomodate islam into the leftist ideology requires extreme mental gymnastics.
Also be careful of 1984 thought police.
>High school teacher
>On Sup Forums
Dude, what city do you teach in?
well hitler was a great speaker.
Tell them to read Solzhenitsyn
don't try to teach an ideology.
teach the Socratic method and introduce them to the trivium.
time will do the rest.
The war the jews started in Germany.
A. Solzhenitsyn is simply a must.
Mention the number of Russians killed by ((Trosky)).
Mention cultural marxism leading figure ((Jacques Derrida))
Mention Palestine's treatment by the IDF.
Have them connect the dots.
For you
Tell them never never never to visit Sup Forums
Talk honestly and objectively about islamic terrorism. If a "pure mind" gets objective facts about islam, it will immediately recognize how fucking terrible and evil islam is. its only after years of being told that they are "misunderstood" and that hating them makes you bad that we start believing that nonsense.
GTFO nazi scum. Asking for a redpill? Get help. I cant stand these nazi kids. I need pure autism and shit not your pseudo race war cause tyrone is better at pe than you wow lurking lurker. You want to be better than chad? Than work out. Period.
> We have an average iq of 15k in this board.
No, you don't. Do your homework and don't waste your time with video games. Stop trying to be a nazi hipster and feel responsible for your life.
Well if you do any American history you can show them this little gem. Kids love cartoons.
Start with Last Son of the West. Swedes are all weebs, right?
It works. My history teacher in High School did this. He taught us about the Holodomor, and made us understand how commies took over Russia by using radio and newspaper takeovers to control media and etc, and emphasized the things that Hitler did that were good for Germany. And aside from that he taught us about the bad stuff, but it pretty much worked.
Just teach them history.
Maybe start with Weimar...
show them swedish women getting raped by sand niggers
>I'm a high school teacher.
Larping underage faggot detected
Make sure they understand that Fascism was a reaction to communism rising in Germany, and that their anti-semitism was "strong overreaction" to Jewish involvement in the communist movement and blah blah #notallkikes
Show them all of the Crimes and atrocities of Marxists over the years and then subtly show every so often that this key figure or that key figure happened to be a JEW and go "hmm thats a weird coincidence"
Just repeat that formula over and over again and eventually the most intelligent and perceptive of your students will research themselves and get redpilled. The ones who dont get it are too stupid and no amount of redpilling will change them.
>Stop trying to be a nazi hipster and feel responsible for your life.
He's a fucking teacher lol, what more responsibility does he need? Kys kraut