Wtf happened to this phenotype?

wtf happened to this phenotype?

It used to be the pinnacle of European beauty and power and yet has succumbed to a kikes spin on what is beautiful and powerful.

Slavic rape happened

I don't know what you are talking about, this type is very common here in Brazil.

idk, i know Poles who look like this. Probably even more balts with this phenotype

The death of millions of the best whites in the span of 50 years. The Great Wars.

And mass

Haha, you wanna kiss that pretty boy on the mouth you big faggot.

That's a nose from the grinch movie it even has a split in the middle for each nostril, look closely. Also that chin isn't going to end up on every son but that underbite sure as hell is.

I mean blond men are like my turn on thing but this is just not a good example. I bet you chose him because he's tall.

OP stop trolling, everyone knows jews are the most aesthetic race.

Pretty sad if this bitch looks master race of anything. I'd slap that faggot around and steal his bitch.

This, after fall of Germany and poland under USSR, every single women and kids were raped by Mongoloid slavs

Yeah, I was about to reply with something about WW2 and you beat me to it. It is just that aesthetic/phenotype is ingrained into me from a young age. It destroys me not seeing it flourish. I used to have platinum blonde hair when young, but now it is a darker blonde. Having blonde while long is so fucking rare, I dare anyone to jewgle the phenotype and find a blonde male.

And this reaction is the pure example of an insecure actual faggot who thrives in a judaic world. What a genuine loser.

Denmark is still full of this phenotype. Sweden and Norway even more. God i love, the aryan race. That is just objective beauty.

I actually have blonde hair, though i am an adult. In the summer it becomes completely white. Like actually white.

>tfw a potato nigger is carrying the white race

Tfw had blond hair as a kid but now brown hair hazel eyes.

Keep strong and find a decent blonde girl. In before Varg posting, the guy has an actual point.

M8, you don't how much this means to me. There is still hope.

Like I said to the Dane, keep strong and hopefully the likes of the Golden One can make a group where we can start making moves back into having power and wealth again.

>I used to have platinum blonde hair when young, but now it is a darker blonde

fuck man; I bet the jews did this..

Gunna' marry a blonde girl and have 4-5 blonde kids

Twinks don't reproduce

lol! This is legit how some of the Sup Forums-tards think.
Alex Jones to the Bones.

That actor is a jew

I have found a girl with as blonde hair as mine. And trust me. We are going to be pumping out a LOT of white babies.

Yeah.. But if you get kids, with a blonde girl, your kids are going to have blonde hair for life.

Why, do you want to have gay sex with that guy or something?


American culture won and now you have to be tan nigger-like to be beautiful.

Every fucking thread...

Fuck yeah, Denmark gives you a shitload of money and vacation time so you can conceive, right?

>jelly af

Two WW's happened.

My wife will get 4 weaks before giving birth, 14 weaks after as vacation. Then we are free to split 32 weeks of vacation between us after that. On top of that i get 2 weak right after the birth. And in our case, it is going to be paid leave, because of my position. So yeah... lifes good.

>be NS
>believe in prevalence of the fittest
>get cucked by literal Mongols

I'm the same, blue eyes and 6ft tall. My great grandparents emigrated here from Germany in 1899.
Don't plan on being around much longer though

Understood and I know his hair isn't natual, but the long blonde hair he portrays is part of the point I am making.

Trips of truth.

Nothing better than spending time with your newborn. Not that I have, but something makes me want to just lie on the couch with my woman watching the kid. To think my pal never did that, nor did his girlfriend.

The absolute state of parenthood in Europe.

Honestly, the slavs ain't too bad... I actually like all the slavs that i have met. They are quite allright.

Tbh burgers should have European anchor babies in case US goes fully blacked.

I know, what you mean. I haven't taken any of the vacation actually. The taxes are so high here, that i need to work like hell to get my family to the point i want them to. Private school is expensive, you know... So i don't get to see them often enough either...

Btw, its not called vacation is it? Its called something else... Maternity leave?

That's my phenotype, desu. Only slightly deeper nose ridge.

not even slavs, there was a literal mongol horde that the soviets had come in and rape them

>wtf happened to this phenotype?

75% of the young German male population was killed during WWII, and most of them never had any children.

Why have that when you can have this?

if you think that the majority of women who birth a baby of a rapist and not kill that bastardized child with their own hands you must be fucking deluded.

Yeah, America could do with another round of fresh blood. Wouldn't mind doing my duty and popping a few Anglo babies in there.

Yeah, Maternity leave. If you can get private then you should be alright.

I have the chin and lips, but the Keltic phenotype kicks in in the forehead area. Mine in more "cylindrical" than robust.

Those front two look like my old pals from Secondary School. Basha and Chris.

No I don't think so, and many of the women raped were murdered afterwards but the mongols still left a small impression on the overall genetic makeup of the region

Who is that? MILO?

Most american soldiers were german american with brown hair, and they won the war.

They killed them

Hey I look like that :D

It's literally only caused by environment, put some medis there for a few centuries and they'll look the same.

shhhhhh they will find out

Scandinavia is still of the Nordic stock

there's something weird about him, maybe it's the lips, too full
his brow seems also too weak on the sides

who wants to look like a german or swede

they are the biggest cucks in 2017

The entire world either hates or idolizes white people, especially white men. Yet if we keep this shit up that phenotype will go extinct.

no, genetics aren't caused by environments they are effected by the, it would take more than centuries it would take genetics and millennium...
you retard. if you don't understand the implications there then just kys

nigger cruise? mission illiterate

Bullshit, that's stormfag pseudo science.

Jewish "American" culture won you dumb frog.

>Probably even more balts with this phenotype
That's because the phenotype is centralized around the Baltic sea. It isn't just Nordic, human beings move along shorelines.

Never made it back from Stalingrad mate.

really thin nose is just as ugly as that hooked jew nose. It looks cute on girls but on guys they look deformed


>the aryan race
>Bar Refaeli

My hair turns kinda grayish white in the sun.

Proxy or are you really from Saudi? Do you practice Islam or are you secretly an apostate?

Aryan status here

It's actually everywhere in europe, it's just that this particular man has attractive parents and a perticularly straight nose.

Not sure what you are on about. Most American men (actual men) would refer to that look as 'gay as fuck'.

true there's nothing like a good american nose

OP said European beauty not spic-nigger beauty standards

Also is this considered blonde?

thats a jew retard

Well, the Mediterranean still has this

No. If you have to use a camera flash to see the individual blonde hairs then that is not blonde imo.

>wtf happened to this phenotype?

Imagine someone you know from the real life hearing you asking this.

>Mediterranean with most nordic features.

Watch your mouth faggot, you're talking to someone that was in the center of the combat in the Great Meme War.
You couldn't even cast a vote for God Emperor Trump, you degenerate.

Not our fault Europeans are gay as fuck.
But seriously people who look like that in the states are gay as fuck. They care more about their Instagram and Snapchat and hair and clothes than anything else.
I think it's the result of a mix of the rise of male models and female sexual liberation and the loss of the achievement based lifestyle of the US.
If you can just be really really ridiculously good looking and get oodles of pussy and that makes you content, why bother doing much else?
It's a shame really.

Look it up
Fedon Kefaleas, Greek TV star

N-n-no s-s-stupid leaf.

It became the default bad guy look for every Hollywood production ever.

>imagine the social repercussions for asking a question about a topic that interests you

I believe he's "Mediterranean", but the straight nose and blue eyes are very nordic features.

But you're an insecure mongrel though. This is understandable.

This is because White traitorous Americucks allowed kikes to spew this shit.

>the resident kike from Finland

Imagine when I actually do in a non autist way and it gets people thinking why White people are not breeding as much.

This man reminds me of Cilian Murphy

And why does Cilian Murphy look like Justin Trudeau?

>mfw whiter than europoors
Lel, fags

Those white babies will be degenerate pseudo rebels who will fuck every swarthy motherfucker just to feel special.
Enjoy having only half blacks or Arabs grandchildren

>Location: France
Pipe down, Ahmed.

People are diluted and think regressive r-selected subhumans look better but in reality they envy the racial pure Germanic and Nordic features. In the US they most no longer look purely white because of Hispanic mixing, alt-right idol Lauren Southern is a good example of a part bean that thinks she is white.

In all honesty, that guy doesn't look that great.
This is a better phenotype

>tfw know a guy who looks just like that
>tfw taller than him too
At least my inferior genes aren't totally worthless.

>tfw 6'4" Blond/Blue
Thank you to all the self-loathing anons in here giving me an ego boost. Sometimes I need a reminder that you're counting on me to sort myself out and pass on my genes. I'll try not to let you guys down.

>pinnacle of European beauty
Still is for women, guys like this look too feminine. Blonde hair is associated with youth, which is good if you're a women (fertility), less so for men (twink).

I should know

What you mean the bad guy of every 1980's movie?

(((Hollywood))) happened.

I can only imagine the amount of discrimination someone who looked like this would experience thanks to Jew propaganda.


Yet another gay thread on Sup Forums

post feet you fat cunt


he's got an archaic facial structure

German vs anglo.

I think Anglos are a lot better looking and seem to have a strong inbuilt prejudice/hate of german/Nordic people. Probably because of (((Jew))) propaganda when I was young making every Germanic person a fucking Evil villian without any refering qualities and.m

The Jews would never let themselves be portrayed like that. But don't seem to have a problem doing it to others.

Anglo German here. I love my people, and the liberal kikes deserve shanks.