Tell me this won't make your cry and violently stir the passion you have in your heart for your people and your past.
New Murdoch Murdoch
Other urls found in this thread:
Murdoch Murdoch is good shit
Good lads and lass
They used the word "Hispanic" instead of "Mestizo" in their san jose video so I don't think they are actual race realist
I think they're frauds
Heil Murdoch
>that Goebbels reference
Fuck I love Murdoch Murdoch
I did not expect the SA stuff
going from nihilist to ambition caused by ideology is exactly what happened to me
thank you Adolf
Most uplifting video they've made
hold tight brother
Now as good as TLSOIW
That was golden
this is some seriously beautiful post-ironic shit.
He's come so far since he started
Don't Heil me. Heil Victory.
WTF I felt feelings again.
>TFW Mestizo
>Tfw I support you guys in your fight for survival
>Tfw get hated anyway
K-Keep it up..
Great video
Murdoch is really improving
autism right here
God bless these glorious faggots.
powerful stuff. gives me hope for the white race
Ride The Tiger
fuckin hell these are good
I've honestly watched this a dozen time. I need to stop. It's a bit too overwhelming for me.
perfection... always worth the looong wait
Reminder that even though this is a good video, the Boers are still facing genocide.
Remember to give them support, even if you just spread the word of their plight.
You have just as much (if not more) right to the Americas as the treacherous yanks, my little indigenous mexigoblin hombre. Do not be ashamed.
this is so good!
Does anyone know where i can find good sources for paganism and things of Norse mythology i guess i could lurk through content by Red Ice tv and the guests they have had on to be pointed in the right direction,
Is there a reading list anyone has got? how are the books put together because my thinking is comparing it to Christianity in the sense they had one book but paganism isn't like that is it?
isn't many stories originally they were not even written down? what should i get my hands on for the basic gestalt im really interested in it
God damn these goys are great.
Honestly fighting back tears.
>t. butt hurt beaner
I understand this is bait, but i really find it hard that someone is this retarded to make this, hopefully it's a false flag.
debate me, you will lose. ive been slaughtering right wingers on this website all night
It's amazing that you can fill a 6:54 video with absolutely nothing
Reported the video for obvious racism
>murdoch murdoch
nu-Sup Forums incarnate
you can't bump your own thread newfag
how so?
ill fucking knock you out
>right wing
the literal definition of left wing.
>replies with a shitpost and expects himself to be taken seriously
Sweet this just made my Friday.
Inb4 I read all the kikes flock to this thread to discredit and divide pol.
Murdoch is the best thing i came across
NOT a fucking argument, Bitch Ass
Why do you believe in freedom to guns but not freedom to universal healthcare
Marry me Murdoch Chan
>presuming I support gun ownership
get raked leaf
>there are smart black people too haha checkmate racists
>what do you mean blacks with an IQ over 100 only make up 20% of the black population
>bell curves don't exist shut up lalalala
This is amazing. Thanks for sharing brother. Hope is still strong as always
lalalala shut the fuck up racist, make racists afraid again we own the streets and we will own this website soon
You wanna say that to my fucking face, leaf? I've raked THOUSANDS of your kind in less than an hour.
Maybe you could look through Varg Vikernes sources?
no you haven't
and this "freedom to universal heathcare" is about as stupid as it gets.
I pay for my guns. Why can't you pay a doctor ?
no you have to go back, this land belongs to People of Color, not whites.
havent watch it yet but incase it gets delet I love u murdoch
The post-election tide has served them well.
you've already lost by betraying your people. unless of course you're a shitskin in which case i dont care about your opinion either way
>tfw that face montage reminds me i'll never be white
>tfw those phenotypes could go extinct soon
w-wake up, white people
What if all the white people in the world joined together as one united race with the shared purpose of securing the existence of our people and a future for our children... That would be so beautiful, we could preserve our distinction and our beauty. We could focus on ourselves for once and look out for each other. I love Murdoch Murdoch so much.
what's the song in this? i think it's from gladiator but idk
the future is mixed and beautiful , whites need to go quitely into the night so this future can happen
wonder what they do to keep their identity a secret.
said that they record both online and have physical meetups.
think someone tried to narrow down their accents, bit it didn't get too far
not on my watch you seditious kike
this isnt shitposting like you think it is
this is cuckposting
Right in the feels
there shoudl be a way to see if people are actually ironic or genuine so posts like this can be reported t othe government so they can be monitered for potential hate speech
Honestly inspired me to be better. For our people and a future for our children.
time for operation leaf bonfire
Then what happens?
they've gotten really good, any the second to last video he used the song I requested for him to use
day of the rake when?
Reminder that Murdoch Murdoch are controlled opposition.
Proof: they have a girl in their videos. There's no girls who would voice Nazi characters like that unironically.
This is still pretty funny though it's one of my favorites of his actually
they have too good of a grasp on memes to be controlled op
REAL controlled op is pretty obvious, like Maynestreem Meteor man
>video about Manchester bombing attack
>"What could be more triggering than my face on a T-shirt?!? xD"
Uh the majority of the national socialist party was Women. Hence why Hitler never entertained the idea of removing womens suffrage, but that voting rights be equally taken away.
Just fucking beautiful an amassing video
The women were in there for the socialist, not for the national.
So you're saying when we were tribalistic peoples, womens concerns and responsibility were that of the \children and immediate surroundings instead of the bigger picture?
That's fine. Then appeal to concerns of the family and child raising. Conservatives do the opposite by constantly attacking social programs and promoting hyper individualism.
Holy shit such advanced shitposting like this is rare even from a leaf
In France, the lefties were once the ones campaigning against women's suffrage because women were too right-wing and would "vote with the priests".
Fact of the matter is, women will go along with what the majority of men tell them, as long as those men are strong and authoritative.
I didn't tear up at all while watching the new Murdoch Murdoch vid; even though ANC Negers are genociding Whites