You can only post in this thread if you have the greatest head of state in the world and you love her like she was your granny
You can only post in this thread if you have the greatest head of state in the world and you love her like she was your...
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...well okay, but I love him like my gramps
can we borrow him for a bit, we got some degenerates and niggers to get rid of
fucking baboons get out of my queen thread
Does being a protectorate count?
Good save the queen
May is kind of like that horrible grandmother everyone in the family hates but we all put up with her when she comes around while the queen is the genuine, loving and caring one we all really like and can't wait to be basked in her company.
Why did she eat those canadian catholic kids?
she drinks the blood of infants, she has an arrest warrent on her for kidnapping children
Man, when she kicks the bucket probably sooner than later the butthurt of the eternal anglo will be insane.
A good chance to go cold turkey on Sup Forums and... well, all media in general for at least a month.
papist lies!!
off with is head!!
>Lizzy will die in your lifetime
Feels bad man. Not looking forward to King Charles desu
>You can only post in this thread if you have the greatest head of state in the world and you love her like she was your granny
OK, now, before you say anything. Here, have a cup of tea. I know you like that stuff. And it'll help you to avoid sore throat from your reeeeeee'ing.
The queen is an old, obsolete, worthless position. It is no higher than a common pleb. You britcucks act like she is some kind of important figure... She's a goddam sideshow. Oh... Yeah and we have the greatest head of state.
>greatest head of state
She saw fair Albion fall from the heights of the British Empire into its present state as a Paki rape colony where your daughters are gangraped and murdered and nothing is done about it. It all happened on her watch and the level of respect Brits pay that incompetent bint is unfathomable to me.
>implying the queen does anything other than waddle around being a burden on society.
I'd love her as my granny... if you know what I mean.
Charlie is a good lad, he's just misunderstood desu.
Did you watch that TV about what would happen if Charlie became king and he closes down parliament?
>yfw this thread is flooded by butthurt "Irish" republicunts
Its not our fault you couldn't even grow potatoes.
You love her like you'd love anyone that made you tea and richtea biscuits?
They successfully dodged the famine in fairness
God bless Lizzy! I said my attestation Oath to her and would follow her into battle against the corrupt government any day,
of course. And buttered crumpets too.