Reports of a Car drivinto into a subway running over people in Berlin.
Reports of a Car drivinto into a subway running over people in Berlin.
nothingburger. just a random drunk guy.
Shut it, toothpaste.
Oh no, that sucks.
Yeah shut it. Can't you see exposing his lies are just going against his narrative? Let the right wing sjws screech about Islam. At least the left wingers actually manage to accomplish shit. Pathetic
Muslim here. Its hilarious. Germany needs more refugees. Ya Merkel Yaaaaaa.
Its sad that a terrorist attack has to have at least 10 dead to be relevant
Ramadan Bombathon begins...
these attacks are quite frequent,
but they are still relatively small
compared to the likes of McVeigh
in OK
I let vun out by accident, ja? It vas ein auto-fahrt
Just confirmed it was only a balloon. Go to sleep you need some rest.
uno farto @ 9:11
Try harder Mo, your times running out.
I will say it again because it's so true.
Well done Allies you defeated the wrong enemy in WWII. Now Europe pays the price. Getting jewed left right and centre.
Happy Ramadan Bombathon everyone!
what's going on here?
Is it the ramadan yet in Europe?
lol Auto Fahrt
Nice try, Achmed.
It's the parcel for living in a big city
they deserve it for electing merkel
>auto fart
I'm going to rub it in the face of the people who have argued with me, can someone confirm before I fall into a trap
>Auto fährt
Can someone explain the context of part and parcel?
it was just a gas leak
It's a quote from the emir of Londonistan, Sadiq Kahn (PBUH)
It was an accident, no panic! Driving down the subway stairs, this could happen to anyone
I'm safe at this point you will only pray for shitskins
I hate it when that happens.
It's from the Koran.
>European cars are such shit that they randomly explode
I wonder who drove the car
Is #Ramadan going to be a thing now.
Yeah, I totally always just veer off the road and happen to get the car perfectly between the barriers of a subway entrance, completely just not noticing the pedestrians I'm mowing down.
Could happen to anyone really.
Quintessentially British post m8.
Calm down, it was just drunk Margot Käßmann returning home from the Church Assembly
>Admit it was terrorists
>Make up excuse it was inferior german engineering that led to the accident
Krauts must be sweating bullets
A car swerved to avoid a bicycle. You guys were hoping sooo much it was another attack in order to further your belief. Haha.
Does this apply to all of Europe now? I feel like it does.
happens all the time
It has been for a while. Muslims get a bit more.... explosive during Ramadan.
>ITT faggots are falling for Jewish shilling intended to desensitize the bad goyim for real muslim attacks with constant fake muslim screeching about literally nothing happengings without any muslims or muslim motives involved
not related to Sup Forums
He can't keep getting away with it !
I'm glad the God Emporer Trump banned shitty krautwagons.
Maybe we should call it
what is an auto fart?
It's always been this way.
The only two differences is that
1.) They're more bold these days.
2.) People are starting to notice that mass murders are happening.
Europeans are fucking sheep.
They'll literally before deciding to defend themselves or their families.
It will take a hardened right-wing backlash to save Europe at this point.
Leftists are traitors and I look forward to their mass executions by the Muslims.
At which point in time Deus Vult may begin.
Have babies and learn to shoot a rifle.
Shit's gonna get hairy.
but muh virgins
What is this in English?
Ramadanchan is here
Google translated the article and got this under the article.
Rare finger? what?
What's so funny?
The verb drive. Or rather drove.
*Fährt it means drive and has the same word stem as ferry for example
I fucking agree with everything in here kill them alll
In English, a fart is when you blow assgas.
I bought it was funny the first time I learned that word too.
Thank you Asianon.
Thank you Heinz.
Aye-aye lemurs have long fingers, and given that's an aye-aye lemur I'm assuming the German nickname for them is "finger"
>auto fahrt
Nice thread to illustrate just how stupid you cucks actually are.
it's only just begun this will be a ramadan to beat 2016 i think.
To blame everything that happens on Islam does more harm then good you idiots. If you spread lies people will close their eyes from the truth too. Just stay rational & report facts and stop all the bullshit if you actually want to change something about the situation. Miscommunication is the main reason why the situation is where its at.
it was just a reckless drunk arab. don't worry about this its part of living in a major capital
if german doesn't set blinker he should consider the gulag. but if drunk minority drives into metro its no big deal i mean. accidents happen right?
is this an actual happening or just another ruse like in Malmo?
nothing going on, just an accident
somehow we make it an Ä when conjugating. "fahren" is the base verb. "I drive" Ich fahre "you drive" du fährst "it drives" es fährt. Auto is an it and it's in present because news headlines like to write it that way (e.g.: country declares war, and not country has declare war)
>driving a car into the subway
lel i used to do this in GTA
the article states the driver tried to swerve away from a bicyclists. Bicyclists on the streets are cancer.
(er/sie/es) fährt = (he/she/it) drives
They should just fucking cut off the head of the queen on live TV so that every bong wakes the fuck up. A small price to pay.
Part? Or parcel?
>Muh horseshoe
Must suck to be the enemy of the Jew in this world
A responsible citizen this, had a few drinks and decided to take the underground home - he simply + obviously forgot he still had the car with him.