What was life like in America (or any western world for that matter) before 9/11?
What was life like in America (or any western world for that matter) before 9/11?
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Like now, but with more news and current affairs. Ever since then it's been cold-war style propaganda from every screen on earth.
A lot better before right wing retard Republicans took control under top conservative thinker George Dubya Bush.
>republican national security
People weren't afraid of everything.
The government wasn't afraid of everyone.
It was cozy
We trusted each other more and there wasn't as much security everywhere
Like bags of sand.
as if the tech boom of the 90s had absolutely nothing to do with it right?
CNN before 9/11. It always was fake news.
Note that there's no news ticker at the bottom. That was invented on 9/11 to deliver emergency headlines to viewers.
Making fun of trannies was mainstream.
That looks beautiful
muh tech boom lol u fucking retards are hilarious. honestly my favorite right wing retard meme
Bush had even faster computers, internet and more dotcoms. Still crashed the economy
definetely the last 15 years humanity as a whole has degraded
it was happier
and I dont mind degeneracy, it has always been like that..
I am talking about the people, they were happier and less angry
Every single channel was all 9/11 24/7 for days. It was so weird. It took like a week to get back to normal.
Yeah, I don't know how to look at a stock chart either.
James Carville holy lol, found another braindead leaf
People weren't so stressed out. There was security but only to prevent niggers from nigging. The local business and brick and mortar store still existed. You could go to the mall and see tons of people buying tons of stuff.
My daily worst case scenario was a car crash, not a shooting or a bombing, or a automobile pedestrian terrorist attack.
Nowhere near as many Mexicans but they were starting to drop in.
The new Millennium celebrations were really fun and security was just there to control the drunks not prevent mass casualty events.
Kids still played outside.
Comfy as fuck really.
commie killing nig rapping paradise already at its zenith
The Based Bill Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com?
Answer that bitch.
Based and white.
lol u right wing retards really do only look at the pictures. You morons can't even read
God I hate you fucking retarded cucks, burn in hell you fucking leaf.
How many of them do you think died by now?
they should just 'tax the rich' like 100%, can you imagine how many jobs that would create
Alot less Muslims flooding into our countries before (((they))) attacked us.
On the 10th anniversary, CNN aired their original rebroadcast from 9/11.
It's interesting to see the broadcast go from strange curiosity to horror
Great image, saved. thanks for caring about America you fucking leaf.
2008 was 10 years ago chang
>how right wing retards argue
No but the millionaire and billionaires elites that u right wing cucks worship and obey sure as shit don't need (((tax cuts)))
Wasn't there a time when they actually reported real news?
People were more worried about their computers bugging out at the turn of the millennium than they were about terrorists. Shit was comfy.
Trump will get us back to par in no time
You could fuck around and embarrass yourself without having to worry about being judged by retards on social media.
haha americans so dumb life is great when only 1 country on the planet is diverse
wtf america help us you're literally obliged to SAVE OUR SOULS but also stop being racist we were diverse first you idiots look at all these immigrants we have we're gonna be better than america now but help us too lol
It was colorful and loud. The future was chrome and electric green, never sterile, plastic white. The hip young people didn't wear beards or glasses. People weren't scared.
I seriously worry another 9/11 type attack is gunna happen. This is what happens when u elect a retard to be in charge of national security
>faster computers
You realize it's about growth from the mean, right?
But you trolling.
>you will never stand on top of WTC
>inb4 right wing dindus
I miss doing retarded shit, now everyone is a anti fun douchebag.None the less, people were actually fucking outside doing something.
well higher taxes for the rich was one of the things Clinton did right. But NAFTA did more damage than anything else. One of the reasons Bush's tax cuts didn't work. The Trickle down only works (and it only slightly works anyways) in a closed system. All the trickle down went to other countries.
Slow. Cool. Happy.
This is the right answer.
Plus, you could travel and go to events without being treated like a criminal for wanting to be there.
We stopped an al-Qaeda Millennium bomb plot.
Blame Canada.
>blaming Based Bill for shit Republicans did
I'm about to blow your mind.
Watch this
I'm not saying you, but it honestly amazes me how right wingers rewrite history with fake news.
Why are we still talking about this retarded monkey in 2017?He was a fuckup, just let it go.
Trump is Bush 2.0 You retards will one day dindu Trump just as hard as u now dindu bush
The news changed for a long time here. I remember every single piece of news on the news networks was related to 9/11, Bin Laden, or Afghanistan. I remember watching the news daily when I'd get home from school and one day they suddenly talked about something different and it was like five fucking years later.
Was allowed into the cockpit during a flight and then invited back for the landing doubt any kids after 9/11 will ever get that exp.
Shortly after 9/11 shopping in cardiff for clothes and was stopped and searched under some anti terror law at the train station on the way home. So much for my white privilege.
remember how they played the planes crashing into the buildings over and over and over
wew what a time to be alive
>a time when they actually reported real news
Cable news was never legitimate.
I remember this fake news pushed hard.
Then talk about Trump then you troglodyte, I heard enough about that retarded cocksucker during the 2000's.
do u have that pic of the front cover of the handbook showing the plane going into the tower?
>tfw just old enough to have taken a plane before 9/11
it was so COMFY
based obama killed that goatfucker
Sure it wasn't, but they did at least report something relevant back then.
2:30 a.m at a 7-11 near Disney World, in 1987:
Pre-9/11 was like an extension of the 90's for me. Felt pretty much the same. 9/11 and social media in 2008 were the death knell for everything.
Thanks Israel and Jews.
It's the same retarded trickle down tax cut for the rich policies all over again. Sprinkled in with a little muh mexicans muh mooselambs to spice things up. I honestly can't believe people are falling for it all over again.
Except at least Bush started with a budget surplus and a $4T national debt (that was about to be paid off completely btw). Now Trump is starting with a $20T national debt a $550B budget surplus and he wants to massive tax cuts for the rich. Utterly retarded bro. You can't trust Republicans with money.
i killed a sasquatch once but then i threw it in the ocean and didn't take any pictures because, you know, sasquatch tradition
believe me?
gameboys and happy meals, basically
shit really changed after 9/11, I was but a young lad but the times were never the same.
>you will never re-live 9/11
Kill me. Nothing has ever topped it.
Peter Arnett and his lib buddies got canned from CNN in 98 for pushing a fake story about the US using Sarin on it's own troops during Vietnam. SOF outed them. Then there was FR vs CBS and Dan Rather with the fake Bush ANG Documents story.
That was an actual attempt to influence an election with forged/hacked documents.
how close r u to cracking pizzagate?
Israel does what they want. If they need U.S security to have a gap at particular times and places, it will have a gap.
Mossad colluded with Al Qaeda for 9/11.
Also, this one picks up right after as shit is going down youtube.com
CANR, Maurice Barill and Charles Bouchard were in charge of NORAD during Global Guardian '01.
Didn't that raid happen just before the election or something big? if i remember right he needed the boost in popularity at the time.
you fucking leafnigger...Bush gets boomed after MUH CLINTONS and then for the next goddamn 7 years NO ATTACKS on US soil...if anything happens we have Onigger to blame
Will the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Golden State Warriors again this year?
say it ain't so
no really, sasquatch was holed up in a CIA safe house in Abbotabad, i swooped in with my stealth helicopter and whacked him
>government of canada
you mean faked his death so he can walk freely again?
The 90s were GOAT
The 80s were better, but in the 90s you had ALL the stuff from the 80s already, and now the internet.
I've seen video games evolve from moving squares around a 2D maze to what we have today, and all that's left to come still.
I was born in 83, allow me to oldfag for a moment if you will
>Member renting games and having strangers saved games on the cartridges?
>Member when games were on cartridges?
>Member AOL chat rooms?
>Member when The Simpsons was good?
>Member when you could search "baby" on Ebay and find hundreds of babies for sale?
>Member when wifi first came out? And laptops had the little antenas?
>Member flip phones?
>Member watching baseball?
>Member Mel Brooks movies?
>Member Chris Farley?
>Member 90s CGI in movies?
>Member "Alternative" music?
>Member Waco and the Branch Dividians?
>Member Monica Lewinsky?
>Member animated Batman show?
>Member Nicktoons?
>Republican national security
Top fucking kek. Right wing retards sure do worship failure
Lebron is garbage
yes, obamas rating were rock bottom at that point
>member having a budget surplus and jobs everywhere!
>may 2011
>right before the big election
not as low as trump's
The attack was designed, organized, and trained under clinton. The attackers were here long before bush.
Fuck off.
>all those fucking gasps as the second plane hit live on air
Nothing. Nothing will ever top it. Even the meteor that killed the dinosaurs wasn't as big.
Yeah, I mentioned the internet boom that created all that.
Remember when you couldn't advertise prescription medication on TV?
bush was the idiot son of an asshole
it was the Cheney/Rumsfeld administration and they pulled the wool over your eyes if you believe the boxcutter conspiracy theory
>still believes polls
i don't know. never been there. from what i heard it was really better. after 911 things went downhill.
>ywn have a mountain bunker with everything you need and several hundred T-850 Terminators and some T-1000's too so you can be a war lord after the U.S dies
>the T-1000's can also shapeshift to look and sound like any woman you want and you can fuck them whenever you want
about 5
Inane, with stupid people focused on a variety of stupid problems instead of everything orbiting Terrorism.
u just referenced obama's approval rating. Are you autistic?
>trump is a shit president
>right wing retards can't believe he has terrible approval