I'm really enjoying your new FBI director, America
I'm really enjoying your new FBI director, America
please explain to me trans-racism? can i be asian if i really want to?
White boy BTFO
>I'm really enjoying your new FBI director, America
Me too.
hes not white either, hes just a retard, and retards are not race related.
please explain what is going on.
i seriously hope they hire DACjr, at least nominate him so we get a week of confirmation hearings where Democrats shit their pants
Reminder he shaves his widows peak because black don't have hair like that
Really makes
Me think
White people are infiltrating pro black groups just like Jews are infiltrating pro white groups
>Reverse where's Waldo?
>im sure he's going to make the fbi great again
Why do conservatives, often portrayed as "old and out of touch" have the strongest Twitter game?
He's pretty fly for a white guy...
>"By 9th grade, I am fully and completely black... most of my friends from HS would tell you I'm the blackest guy they know" - Shaun King
The only man Sup Forums agrees is white.
because they don't write like 12 y/o with autism
seriously most timelines on shitter give me a headache, especially from ppl my age
>a fucking leaf
is sheriff clarke even being considered?
Who is this?
Gimme a quick rundown, did not go here for a week.
because they are capable of wit and humor, unlike most leftists these days.
i really think the manatee ball theory is true. i always loved comedy but i couldnt be a funny person myself until i let go of my fear of hurting feelings.
he supposedly got a position in the Dept. of Homeland Security but then there was a weird non-confirmation by the spokesperson. maybe it just isn't official yet.
A whigger who ended being absorbed by his own obsessions and delusions.
Guys I already read through the documents OP linked and it turns out it's just another big juicy nothingburger, it had no substance but it sure made me sleepy... I'm so very tired... why don't we all grab a snack and take a nap? this story isn't going anywhere. we have time to sleep...
but in all serious this tweet is unfortunately fake and we can let OP get the twitter codes
>manatee ball theory
what the fuck are you rambling on about?
was a south park show "explaining" how family guy jokes are made
>A white black pastor that fucks over black people
this diversity is killing my sides
He definitely has nigger in him. You can see it in his face from a mile away. I wouldn't be surprised if he's under 25% though.
it's 100% in the facial hair and haircut
any white guy with dark hair could go to a black barbershop and come out looking just as black as him
Not a bad episode user, check it out
link faggot
He looks like a puertorican octaroon.
Well said
Nah, they need kind of a wide nose like he has as well.
Is he constantly flexing his nostril muscles or has he literally permanentely stretched his nostrils somehow?
Imagine if there were a white conservative journalist who pretended to be black for his entire career for brownie points? Or even worse a black conservative journalist who pretended to be white? Leftists would probably have them killed.
Yes. Then it's not cultural appropriation so you're all cleared for victim status.
Probably plastic surgery.
you see this SJW's and /leftypol/, this is how you properly transnigger.
get it right you fucking fruit baskets.
it's white boi, nog
You guys wanna have some real fun check out this nigger muslim on facebook. Look up Yahaya Ba Sele. He's also a commie. It is hilarious when you get this barely literate ape riled up. He's also an openly living pedophile who lusts after little white girls.
If he ever comes back to KY I'm kicking his black ass.
That's a big coke bottle.
Ill sucker punch the fuck out of him if I ever see em IRL
Massively underrated
Stand with Sheriff Clarke.
>sucker punch
No better than niggers
> assively underrated
God what a pathetic liberal pussy body that is. Looks like he's never lifted anything in his life.
I'm guessing the only thing he's lifted is a glass of beer or semen.
>it's not real
so true it hurts
>literally jroc in real life
>tfw I will never be as white as that guy
Why even live?
Skinny-fat is the WORST body type of all. It literally makes jewsh features pale in comparison.
>manatee ball theory
the fuck is that
that episode where he came to terms with being white and then started wearing polo shirts and khakis was great.
You have to admire the way he posts shit with no source as if it is fact.
clarke is making the point that King probably identified as a white kid growing up.
>my friend went to Mosul and said it was more
This is actually worse than CNN reporting.
And he retweets himself
No shit man! I want to sometimes be a nigger for surveillance purposes and then be an evil lone wolf wealthy white male the rest of the time. Too bad there aren't any realistic nigger costumes out there, and not all niggers believe the gorilla suit, tho I mainly use it for tar and feathering mudshaks with goofy shit like a pie in the face or fake parking tickets they waste gas for trying to pay for.
>FBI Director
wait what? I thought he was put on homeland security
That's a fake tweet. Wish it was real. Funny but sadly fake.
tfw his friend goes to the exact site of where the bomb hit in the midst of all the violence and counted all the bodies
Literraly a white nigger, the first trans nigger
Homie, let's sell nostril gauges. Like those prolapsed ear faggots.
>put David Clarke on google
>he's literally the new black Hitler who harrasses people on planes, plagiarized his thesis, is an all around ass hole OMG I CAN'T EVEN
fucking Christ.
It's like the media and Google live in another dimension where everything is wrong.
>smiling in photo
White guy confirmed
Truth hits harder
I couldn't agree more.
His nose isn't wide.
i giggled audibly. you've earned this (you). well done.
>It's like the media and Google live in another dimension where everything is wrong.
That's the world they want to create and they know it's wrong. Their purpose is to convince the masses that it's right.
worst part of this were the literal thousands of facebook comments from women saying "omg I couldn't tell them apart either!!"
It can happen to you cuz it happened to me
Hmm, almost like some sort of plot or something
whiteboi dont know how we do baka baka baka