I mean, look at this shit
What do you think of Ubisoft pandering to SJW's?
Other urls found in this thread:
>pandering to SJW's
you cucks sure are as easily triggered as your beloved SJWs
Nazis were always "the bad guys" this shit is nothing new.
Its like the classic american movie where the main villain is some russian fuck speaking in broken english.
>Its like the classic american movie where the main villain is some russian fuck speaking in broken english.
these cucks aren't old enough to remember that
Send this to the German government so that the game gets banned there and Ubishit loses shekels.
More like Ubishit. They've already killed Assassins Creed and Splinter Cell, maybe Rainbow Six too
>ban everything that triggers me
oh hi SJW
Either way caring about this is absolutely silly.
In this game i played as a joke wed separate players into 3 tiers.
t1 playing the game and grinding for items
t2 playing the auction game and buying everything
t3 not playing the game but sitting in the forums following patch notes and talking shit about them
People that care about this are t3, dont like it dont buy it dont buy it dont talk about it.
This is on a level of concerned parents thinking playing GTA will make every child go out and start hitting people with cars.
This nigger knows what's what.
Ubisoft has been shit for years already.
If you want to fight these, don't go at it directly. Instead, spread the meme that the game will be bad because Ubisoft games are always shit.
Why are people so obsessed with violence?
lol, reminds me of this
The graphics of the game are actually what get me the most upset, theyre kinda shitty
You can call it whatever the fuck you want. I will continue keeping my money while pointing and laughing.
>implying it's a meme
why are there no sights on his rifle
>>implying it's a meme
Memes tend to be true as often as they are false.
>why are there no sights on his rifle
Jesus aims for him.
>I mean, look at this shit
Nobody would see it afte the downgrade.
Im so triggered, they have millions of dollars to produce a fucking shooting game but are so backassward liberal that they dont even know sights go on guns.
Take your meaningless non-political shitposting over to where it belongs:
It's not just violence, it's exciting adventure which includes violence.
>belong to Christian cult
>have long hair and tattoos
I hate quebec so much
I agree, he should really have a foregrip on that rifle. I'm triggered
>primary enemies are alt-right/far right religious trump supporters
>you play a black, back from the Iraq war
>primary love interest is a white women
It's 2011+6, can we just stop playing video games now kids? Stick with classical theatre, music, art/poetry prior to 1914, and nonfiction books.
Even poltards who cry about this will still buy the game, and everything else Ubisoft shits out. You pathetic cucks have literally zero fortitude, all you care about are your shiny video games and other trinkets.
I could honsetly give two fucks about who were killing, the last two (except that fucking neanderthal one) games were fun as shit, full of things to do, and had an interesting story.
So what if theyre killing Nazis, how many dozens of killing Nazi games have been made. Im interested in seeing them develop an "American landscape" seems fun to me.
The only ones assblasted are the ones upset that there Nazis are getting mercd (they also lost a world war if you dont remember). Realize, Nazis, skinheads, etc are a social pariah and are and always will be treated as such. They are involved in gun running (generally to gangs too, go figure), drug dealing, theft, and prostitution. Just like every other hood rat gangbanger fucking retard.
>Will lunge from high hill and stab in face.
Wow, this is odd. Usually people who have swastika tattoos are completely sane, nonviolent individuals. Hence the reason there is no such thing as violent neo-nazis
I mean the point is that they aren't true Christians. Which is why they have long hair, which is why they have tattoos, which is why they are cruel and murder people.
So really Ubisoft isn't doing anything inherently wrong in terms of misrepresenting Christianity. Although, I have no doubt that idiotic sjws and teens playing the game will certainly interpret the game as such and correlate fictional cultists with Christianity.
Great people that share the love too man! I don't think they've ever gotten involved in the drug trade either
>source: hollywood
Umm, do they know that swatiska is not just about Nazis?
It is a good luck symbol, really, really old, way before Nazi Germany and stuff.
>I will continue keeping my money
then why are you whining?
why whine about something you don't wanna buy?
Sorry you guys are going out of business, maybe actually try to make good games and have stories that are more than just retarded pandering.
Can I play as the "bad guys"?
I'd love a game where I can play as an actual white supremacist doing white supremacist things with my white supremacist friends.
Seige was the best shooter last year.
>Implying user buys it
Fuck this propaganda bullshit. STOP BUYING THESE GAMES
>+100 exploration
go see for yourself idiot
any recent release had decent visuals and awful gameplay
the division, wildlands, Et cetera
I met a guy with a swastika tattoo on the back of his head in a restaurant once. Guy was in a wheelchair, seemed reasonable enough.
t. Jew
Nazis and cults in general are widely considered bad things. It's not "pandering to SJW's" to depict them as bad guys. They are bad guys.
Get off Sup Forums for a while, regain some perspective.
>no sights on the rifle
where do you see him whining? learn how this board works, newfag
>trying this hard to fit in
this entire thread is about triggered faggets whining about a video game
Mfw shooting racist nazis but my my post California magazine ban only holds five rounds due to recent legislation.
"Laws are to be upheld by educated and abiding black men like myself, I didn't get awarded a bachelor's degree in aeronautical science for behaving like a uncultured thug."
Trayvon thinks to himself as a hillbilly grumpf supporters rounds zip through his genetically muscular torso.
As he lay on the ground slowly bleeding out, his blonde haired and blue eyed girlfriend Tiffany rushes to his side clearly distraught "Trayvon!" she cries out.
Trayvon glances at her as the light slowly dims in his onyx colored eyes "I got them, t-take my ebt card." he stammered, handing it to Tiffany in his final physical push "J-just make sure... Our mullato child can finally live in a world free of d-discrimination and hate, make sure your Swedish husband raises Tyrell right..." he groans as his watermelon flavored cigarillo falls from his lips and his body becomes limp.
The camera pans to show racist grumpf supporters strewn dead as Sven Larson hurdles over their scattered bodies and shouts out "Tiffany, I wish it were me who robbed the liquor store instead!"
The screen fades to black with white text, Sven and Tiffany settled in Montana and raised Tyrell to be a renowned nuclear physicist and civil rights activist, carrying his father Trayvons legacy.
Considering the current political climate where people want to "punch Nazis" and every supposed "Nazi" is actually a white person with the "wrong" opinion who aren't even Nazis, Nazi sympathizers, or Neo-Nazis, then yes, it is pandering to the SJW/Anifa crowd.
It is also playing off identity politics in order to provide free press for the game so they don't have to spend too much on advertising and rely on the already created divide in society where white people are the bad guys so its helping to manifest even more division for $$$, which is basically what most are capitalizing off of right now.
TL;DR: Ubisoft made this game to cash in on the identity politics narrative that white people who think the wrong way are Nazis, just like everyone else is doing out there. Everyone in this thread is helping them make money. Sage and hide.
How is tom Clancy seige so based but the new far cry looks so bad. I mean overall. The graphics and mechanics look like something from 2010
These people are supposed to be backwoods hillbillys and yet the leader has a manbun?
Try to join the klan in the south with a fucking manbun. Even the inbred klan cousin fuckers will laugh at you.
You fuckers are just as easily triggered as the SJW's. Fuck off and stop bitching some much you whiney little cunt.
Like in Deus Ex how you would earn skill points for exploration and exposition.
>ahuh you guys sure are triggered just like them SJWs right
>kinda makes you want to roll over and forget the SJWs exist
>just, ya know, let 'em keep plying that alimony and pushing for mandatory vasectomies
Idk man the game looks like a mixture between outlast 2 and state of decay, desu it looks pretty interesting i hope its not a pile of shit
Its shit
Exactly how many violent crimes are committed every year by neos?
I've literally met two my whole life and they were both lovely chaps.
Of course Hollywood has the world believing that a naughty tattoo or a cheeky haircut is tantamount to murder
>Nazis are bad guys
get off tv for awhile, read a book
there's no fucking sights on that gun reeeeeeeeeeee
just don't buy it, fucking leafs...
don't be fooled user. this is ubisoft agents posting this shit.
Yup, the only game made by Ubisoft (if not count the ones they bought) which could be played
Reminds me of Bethesda
I'm not even surprised you sjw fucks are offended
Video games are degenerate. Stop financing these kikes Ferraris.
So is the main character a nigger or what?
Bethesda didn't even make that game you fucking retard
fake and gay
yeah, shilling by controversy
Is he an SJW?
>be ubisoft
>hurr durrr fuck multiplayer lets make it fucked as possible on launch for every title
I won't buy this game.
Don't buy the game then. There's plenty of other games being made out there. It's gotten to where it's almost like one release a week these days.
first thing i saw too.
0/10 this game is fucking garbage trash, anti gun propaganda bullshit.
>buying ubisoft multiplayer games
Too bad it has hardly any content
it took me a few games to realise that they don't know what the internet is, how it works, what matchmaking is, or literally anything.
Sup Ubisoft marketer
I didn't buy BF Hardline, Watch Kangz 2, or Mafia 3 and many others didn't too. Those games flopped hard because of people like us.
Fixed the poster, it's better now.
are you retarded?
The entire game franchise is built around "Hey here's a cool ass gun. There are more cool ass guns over there. You should get them and maybe also do some objective stuff in between that if you want."
Missing sights is a massive fucking oversight though, but it really shouldn't surprise you at all if you've ever played vidya.
you forgot the
>numale beards
>nunazi haircuts
You do realise that it's not just SJWs who hate Nazis right?
Pretty much everyone on earth except for a very small minority of very misguided and misinformed young men hate the Nazis.
I know it can be easy to forget this after spending a certain amount of time on Sup Forums but your views are considered abhorrent to the vast majority of people.
Pleasing SJWs only means an automatic pirate from me
Fake and gay
Got me all excited you faggot.
The high elves are the Jews tho
> buying new games
Keep giving money to the people that want to destroy your family, culture, tribe, nation and race.
Worked out so well for the comics industry. Surely it will pay of with video games as well.
>haha silly feminists thinking games are sexists/racists, it's fucking fiction there are no microagressions
Sup Forums is pretty retarded sometimes. You had someone from Indonesia (Vaas) in 3 and from Hong Kong (Pagan Min) in 4. Stop being retarded
Saboteurs confirmed
pic related is the author
Falling for this.
Not pleasing your publisher(Bethesda), that gave you the game title and rights.
How fucking new are you kid
If you are over 18 you shouldn't be playing games. Become a fucking man, stop being a Chris Chan.
>Saboteurs confirmed
>pic related is the author
I was gonna make a comment about how it was not saboteurs, but simply people disliking shitty games, but then you went a head and did it for me.
Ubisoft ARE the SJWs
spoken like a true man, posting in some anime board full of strangers at 3:44 pm