>So, you're here for the job interview for the engineering dept? I'll be conducting the interview - I'm HR Associate Misty Regalia, my pronouns are Xir/They. Welcome. What are your pronouns?
So, you're here for the job interview for the engineering dept...
Pronoun-free of course. Wishing for a native language so new lexicon can be invented on-site. Only British people are allowed to invent new words... so guessing that's where Mistys come from, right? That's so cool!
My pronouns are nig/nog
That office looks familiar
Drumpf is going down.
Hello nice to meet you xir my prefered pronoun is "god emperor".
Let me start by telling you what would happen if you visited the middle east...
>Actually blocking out his name
Isn't that guy a well known streamer?
Beat me to it!
Can someone expect those earrings and the glasses? Like I get the beard and some of the tattoos, those can be edgy, I even get stud earrings,but what the shit is with those glasses and the black earlobe earrings they wear?
Sorry I meant to say "can someone explain"
This is what our society is headed too soon. Think of that. We joke of this but some people take it serious
"I'm normal."
>It is a "I will have to do ALL the job" episode.
They are just being retarded. Lots of people actually have those black ear things and some even go to higher extremes proportion wise.
Look up body modifications, these ear things fall into that category.
As far as i know its literally all about visuals and no other meaning, they simply, somehow, enjoy looking like that.
It's a hipster thing. You probably haven't ever heard of it. Or you wouldn't understand.
My name is not of importance, I identify as nothing, the degree is useless because based on outdated methods. I partied my brain away and never did an internship, because being high on credit was way more anti establishment. Here is my poop, I put it in this box, now give me 15K/month so I can pay back 15 years of partying. btw, who is the coke Nigger around here?
People enjoy stretching out their ears because it's hip or something I guess.
hello gavin
How long until somebody puts the fidget spinner bearings inside of gauge earrings?
I'm not joking, they are designed to be mid-level managers and instill culture of fear amid the work drones.
All human resource departments need to be shut down