What's with the trend of ostracizing male consumers?

What's with the trend of ostracizing male consumers?

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They want to feel important because they aren't.

Males are all work, not watching the telescreens honey. Real work, not something you can play on face-book whilst drinking a long black.

its trendy and "progressive." and the people who follow that sort of bullshit also tend to be the ones wasting money at the theaters.

Don't women buy 80% of total things bought ?

they should black out the screen when any males show up

can a new york male-user show up to this shit and say "i identify as a woman". if they deny u entry u can probably sue bigly.

Men make money
women spend money
Men buy houses and cars.
Women buy everything else, especially entertainment

whatever. they can do the fuck they want. we have here men's evening and lady's evening for new movies all the time.

Please do this.
Turn up. Especially if you are a bearded skin head tatooed biker and claim you identify as a woman.
They give you one bit of bother get a pro bono solicitor and you WILL get a pay out. Probably.

The trend is to empower the weaker sex (women) so that they can finally pull the carpet from under men and tie it all into a system under their control.

They know they can more easily control women.
They know men long to build a haven away from this fucked up world with a woman.

So, they conquer the woman, give her shekels, lend her to vices and false propaganda and use women to bait and steer men away from their more significant paths and aspirations.

The target is always the man. Even when they target women, they only do so in order to get to men for men are the only ones with true strength.

Mad Max Fury...
Wonder Woman...

Always take note that they have to juxtapose an unrealistically powerful woman against unrealistically weakened men... It's always about relativity to the man.

Don't fall for it. Easiest thing to do is ignore and don't support it with your money. As women have no real power, they only gain it through men giving them attention and shekels.

Men ignored ghost busters (female edition) and it crashed in theaters... Same goes for this silly shit.

When bitches act dumb just ignore their silly asses. Problem : solved.

well their paycheck plus half of hubby's would be 75%. once you factor in how much more men get paid i bet it rounds up to 80%.

You want a shit show? Buy tickets and show up. When they don't let men in tell them you identify as a woman. How can they argue with that?

This doesn't even make sense economically.
>We're only going to let 50% of the population be able to pay to see the movie, instead of 100% of the population.

Yell "indistinctly" it means nothing. Not everything has to mean something to mean something.

Is this legal?

I don't really care about watching this movie but I'd like to take these womyn down a peg

Checked, and you are correct!

it's already a shit show.

its not so much that I have a problem with there being "women only" events, it's that we all damn well know that if there was a similar "mens only" cinema screening, or some other inconsequential event, there'd be a noisy uproar from the feminist retards and libshit SJWs.

It's like by all means, have some womens-only events, have 10 of them, but then do 1 or 2 men-only and see what happens

I would feel nothing if one of those screenings ended up like the aftermath of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

raise one to all the beta males out there who honestly show up hoping to get laid on ladies' night

You could do that but all the proceeds go to Planned Parenthood.

They're retarded because they don't want money from men for no real reason.

Because women are the only people stupid enough to fall for this shit. Watch a company try to pander to males and see how their sales remain unchanged. The same men who always bought their products are going to keep buying their products. Women have no concept of loyalty or allegiance, even when it comes to brands.They think to themselves, "Wow! They're really taking an interest in me! Maybe their product really is the best." Meanwhile a man will think, "I've been using the same brand for 20 years and it's worked fine. Why would I change because of an ad campaign?"

Also, some strong independent woman was probably given the fast pass to the top of the marketing department for diversity's sake.

They weren't going to pay if it weren't women only. They'd make men pay for their freeloading asses to see whats probably a mediocre movie.

Can you sue them for the discrimination based on gender?

Fury Road is a really shit example of empowered women. Everyone from Steampunk Kusanagi to the Muff Diving Biker Grans were not worth one half of two fucks compared to Max. Were it not for a man, their plan would have crashed and burned and Joe would be vindicated.


That's what I don't understand. A privately owned cake company told a faggot to go fuck themselves and a court ruled they illegally discriminated. But a privately owned drafthouse can straight up tell 50% of the population to fuck off and......nothing?

because empowering women is socially encouraged but discriminating against homos is considered bigotry and terrorism

they let all people in that identify as a woman. just identify as a woman if you want to see the next jewish propaganda film for women only.

Have a feeling they'll be begging anyone at all to watch their shit after opening weekend.

I propose a special day on the calendar where women will have to use only things invented by women.

Trying to lure the already lost male audience and also stay relevant,it's like b8 threads in 4 chan,it will work due to plenty of retards

I actually don't mind them doing that, but they legally aren't allowed to. That whole 'You don't have freedom of association' liberals keep riding on to try and bludgeon conservatives with.

I guess they don't want your business. So don't give it to them.


Women make up 85% of consumer purchased


Please someone do this

dumb bitches have money.
look at fashion.

>Women only screening
>Men outraged

Meanwhile, no one gives a flying fuck.

I always used to wonder why I kept seeing the news stories focusing on women in programming. The shirts with the slogan "women are the future" the feminizing of men.

Because if the movie inevitably fails they can blame it on sexist manchildren.
Like ghostbusters.

There is no outrage. I looked for it. There are just "reports of outrage"


really jostles the old dilithium crytals

Pretty much this as well. The three posts were written up as a set to sell their image and would be posted like that regardless if anyone even saw the first post.

its because the libshit demcuck SJWs would be outraged if it were reversed, if a cinema were advertising a "mens only" screening, so they just assume there MUST be outrage over this

do this

This doesn't really bother be any more, it feels like the battle's already been won and feminists and SJWs become more and more irrelevant by the day