>you see this statue of Obama being built in Washington DC to commemorate one of the best presidents the U.S. has ever had
How do you react?
>you see this statue of Obama being built in Washington DC to commemorate one of the best presidents the U.S. has ever had
How do you react?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't react. I took the black pill.
>which one of you retards said only muslims can suicide bomb?
wth? why is he white? thats rasict!
Can't stop me from vandalizing it
What did he even do?
Obamacare and.....?
by which calendar?
will he spitshine Lincolns boots or something?
He did very little as president, and pretty much everything he did accomplish was removed by Trump, everyone will remember him only because he was a half-nigger
Not care because it's just a rock
Would be nice to see Trump statue tho
>Lincoln freed niggers
>His monument gets replaced by a nigger
He had this coming.
I hate Obama because he was a nigger. I can't actually name anything bad he did in office, though.
Another kind of monument would be fine too
Like, I dunno, some kind of giant structure that actually serves a purpose
...and racebaiting
...and enabling terrorism
...and vilifying gun owners
...and enabling SJW to take over universities
...and wearing mom jeans
As a Nobel peace prize receiver he ordered to bomb another Nobel prize owner (a doc or something)
theres that
>"first world" problems
Presidents should get statues. Calling him "one of the best" is a huge stretch. But I don't have any problem with him getting statues or busts or paintings.
We've only had 45 presidents, they should all get statues, we have plenty of room.
Started catastrophic wars that devastated the middle east and put the entire world into turmoil by pushing the narrative that we must accept the refugees who harbor those who wish to blow us up
virtually nothing, but he served the Rothschilds which is the real reason.
>naturalized 13 million illegals
>intentionally caused the refugee crisis with an ill advised Libyan campaign, removing the troops from Iraq/then ignoring ISIS for two years while they conquered territory and got influence and a few other geopolitical "mistakes" which appear to have been made intentionally.
What about that is actually great? nothing much, but it is the Rothschilds agenda and so therefore it is great!
Woodrow Wilson fucked us forever. Damn it Woodrow!
>for those who don't know, he signed off on the federal reserve which is when the Rothschilds gained 100% control of the USA's money and therefore the country itself.
>I hate Obama because he was a nigger. I can't actually name anything bad he did in office, though.
Congrats. You just gave the sole reason why conservatives/republicans hate him.
They should erect a monument to the murdered police officers who fell during his presidency. That way, when people visit it, they'll remember him for the racebaiting piece of shit he is/was.
>Started catastrophic wars that devastated the middle east and put the entire world into turmoil by pushing the narrative that we must accept the refugees who harbor those who wish to blow us up
You're confusing Obama with GW Bush.
If this is the thinking in 2050, I doubt our "civilization" will be capable of building monuments to that level of technical skill.
I walk up to the statue and call him a nigger like I did for the 8 years he was president and walk away
Bush started a campfire, Obama kept pouring gasoline on it until it burned the fucking forest down. Don't push the destruction of Libya and the destabilization of the greater ME on GW.
What did he do that makes him the one the GOAT? Put a nigger on the 20 dollar bill? Collect your digital data? Drone some sandniggers? Affirmative action? Enabling BLM? Fag marriage? American decline accelerated under him, not to mention he was just as much of a populist as Trump, only on the other side.
illegal immigration reform by Obongo
What do you think Trump is gonna do?
Keep flaming the burnt down fire or pour water on the remains once and for all?
I immediately go to Mahmoud the Kingdom of Heaven Martyrs Brigade Youth Camp commander that I work for on the location of the old Washington Monument (That was taken down because..slaves) and ask if he has seen it we share a laugh about how any infidel could ask such a question when it is obvious B. Hussien is the greatest President ever. I also then proudly donate again to the Rushmore redo project.
Killed Osama.
Literally all he did.
Imagine if Trump had Obongo's record after his presidency. You think the media would call him a good president?
Why do people even have snap?
theyve killed me by then if theyre pulling this shit
i go and fucking break it
it legit doesn't matter.
he could end poverty around the world and make world peace happen and he will literally be worse then hitler in all history books causing a second holocaust and 3rd shoah all at the same time just because someones feefees were hurt.
i legit cannot wait for the human race to go extinct, nobody deserves to live.
>causes more problem then any other president
>but he's the greatest president
lmfao, fucking libcucks are such delusional retards
I suppose we'd have to cut the 3rd world aid that we'd paid in our near endless ww2 gratitude. But at this stage, we just can't keep feeding your niggers on the gibs programme king nigger startet. Sorry.
>America still existing
it'll be a monument featuring him in a cage.
it'll stand forever as a reminder to never vote a nog into office again.
Edgy teenager detected
black while president
Take a note out of Obama's book, drone it.
It was the Jews man. Iraq and Syria bordering Israel have been at war for almost a century. The jews staged the 9/11 false flag (in cooperation with larry silverstein - who got 4 billion in insurance compensation filed specifically including terrorism only months prior to the attack) to justify the US going to war with Iraq and were able to because they hold our economy hostage using our federal reserve (janet yellen, current head is a jew) plus coordinated dumping and selling stock currency manipulation. And now we're currently doing the same thing in Syria using the chemical weapon false flag. Same story. The jews want land and will take it away from others like they did to the Palestinians.
P.s quality post I deserve to shill - buy tickers: uslv, ugld, jnug. Stocks are 75% overvalued multpl.com
>who got 4 billion in insurance compensation filed
He get almost 10 billion and then sued the plane company a few years ago, that case is still not over but will give him almost 5 billion.
You learn something depressing everyday.
Any non nazi sympathizers lurking please read pic related (1.5 hour read). Read Mein Kampf and Hitler's legitimate complaints about the Jews, then connect it to reality today. It's the same tactics over and over again.
>Obama Will Go Down
To Gay.
He dindu nuffin. No really I'm being completely serious, he dindu nuffin.
but by the liberal's point of view, what was his greatest accomplishments to deserve such honor, besides being black?
they won't build a monument to the first nigger elected President--a foreign national--after he's also the first President thrown in prison for sedition and treason.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not know this? It's been discussed here for over six months, now.
Oh, wait a second... did you start posting before your lurking period was completed? Because that would certainly explain why you sound bluepilled as fuck.
The rules are there for a reason: they help keep you from humiliating yourself publicly. You need to leave this board. We're not interested in your ideas, and if we were we know to go directly to your slave owners' website and read your opinions straight from the source: you have made yourself worthless by signing up with the Globalists. They only need your warm body for it's vote.
Just got back from DC. They need more public restrooms, so this will be an excellent addition. We can help paint him brown with our poo!
> Being a cool black guy.
> Not an old white guy.
> You really need more?
>one of the best presidents the U.S. has ever had
well thats just an outright lie
lel underrated
Wake up because that will literally never happen.
Obama was worse than Carter.
will never happen.
besides, the U.S. doesn't build statues anymore, we just destroy them.
Take a lesson out of the Mudslimes: Wreck it.