BREAKING: In Revolting Slap To Muslims, Tillerson Cancels 18-Year Tradition Of Ramadan Event

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has declined a request to host an event to mark Islam's holy month of Ramadan, two U.S. officials said, apparently breaking with a bipartisan tradition in place with few exceptions for nearly 20 years.

Since 1999, Republican and Democratic secretaries of state have nearly always hosted either an iftar dinner to break the day's fast during Ramadan or a reception marking the Eid al-Fitr holiday at the end of the month, at the State Department.


How does Christmas go in Saudia Arabia or Egypt? They should be licking Rex's fucking shoes based solely on the fact that we aren't slaughtering them in the fucking streets.

What's the point? Arm the Saudis, but cancel Ramadan event. I don't get it.




Also like it or not, Saudi Arabia is a US ally.

There's nothing wrong with being Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist.

>t. Saudi
Fuck off sandnigger KSA isn't an ally.

>What's the point? Arm the Saudis, but cancel Ramadan event. I don't get it.
so some pissed off mudshits will be sent over to cause some trouble, the US is already waiting and watching for it, and then when it's known that they're saudis Trump drops the fucking hammer.

at least, one would hope.

Literally is. Google it.

They paid for those arms.

We aint catering events for 1% the population.


Now if only we could get honaka cancelled

How horrifying, doesn't he understand that if we don't celebrate Islamic holidays they'll blow us up and then we'll have nobody to blame but ourselves?

You are confusing ally with USEFULL idiots . US is ally with SAUDI cause they hate iran , cause israel hates iran , so if israel hates iran then whoever hates iran its an "ally" .

>Does 9/11

Being muslim means that you take part in and actively help propagate a backwards, violent ideology with a hideous human rights record. There's plenty of things wrong with being muslim.

>Still no proof
t. Angry American looking for someone to blame

The US government loves Saudi Arabia. You guys can argue that all you want, but there's always some bullshit presser or deal going on, even after the WTC attacks. That's some stupid shit, I'll agree, but it's definitely happening through Dem or Republican rule. The government itself obviously sees KSA as an ally.

this. the admin keeps redeeming themselves

libs expect people to unquestioningly love muslims
but love is something achieved, its not something
you just do or just fall into like a pit. until islamic terrorism stops its going to work against their faith

if it stops, only then can people begin the process towards love and respect

oy vey literally another crusade

They'll love them until they're personally affected by it. Ever had a Muslim come up to you with your partner and hiss at her to cover her hair, in your own neighborhood nonetheless? And to see the police squirm when you reported the harassment?

That's the exact scenario that turned me from liberal to right leaning nearly over night

>an iftar dinner to break the day's fast

So is it fucking breakfast or dinner?

Iran is going to cause Saudi Arabia to collapse by funneling second rate weapons to proxies.

haha get fucked muzzies. we should really nuke them all.

>Still no proof
Gee the fact all but 3 were Saudi nationals.

>The US Governmentry loves Saudi Arabia
This is why the AngloShpere will collapse & London will go the way of Johannesburg. You think the Government represents you. That's why all you pussy faggots chalk Manchester up to "UK did a bad thing in Iraq". Get blacked faggot.


inb4 we're all getting our hopes up over fake news

theres nothing holy about ramadan

>>Still no proof
>Gee the fact all but 3 were Saudi nationals.
Gee, I guess the fact that the vast majority of terrorist attacks SINCE 9/11 have been by Americans means the government needs to turn on Americans, right? Retard.
>>The US Governmentry loves Saudi Arabia
>This is why the AngloShpere will collapse & London will go the way of Johannesburg. You think the Government represents you. That's why all you pussy faggots chalk Manchester up to "UK did a bad thing in Iraq". Get blacked faggot.
Nice projecting, moron.

> at State Dept
Exactly how pozzed is State, really?

So all that arms money the US gave to the Saudis will be used to arm/train radicals and sent them to the states to kill people.

Good, fuck those shitskin goat fuckers. They are not welcome here.

>Since 1999
>nearly always


Fucking hell, is there nothing more important going on?

Any excuse to take a jab at the opposition

Say this in front of a typical leftist and they will act like you just praised Hitler himself.
Solid point, if anything.
People that persecute our biggest faiths (and others) in their countries should not be pandered to.

Must not be any new Russia leaks to sperg out over.

Kek it'll be neither this year

Good, fuck them. Until all muslims go back to their own countries and help get rid of ISIS they can all go fuck themselves. Christians are doing the job they're supposed to be doing

>Arm the Saudis
because trump's predecessor armed the iranians

ive not had that experience but i had two female muslim flatmates at uni in england, while i was on an exchange program from the states.

she was actually very cool but one day she went into hysterics because she feared her brothers would find out she was getting drunk with two american boys. she was terrified that they would slash her face and beat the shit out of her. that was in 1995.

i also dated a turkish girl from instanbul while living in nyc, she was absolutely ripped in half emotionally, raised muslim and clearly abused by her former husband and family. she so wanted to find peace internally. she was trying to leave islam. i couldnt handle dating her. no idea what happened to her.

Their men are mostly total nutjobs. It's all about control by fear.
Seeing the constant scare tactics from these people growing up coincides totally with how the "movement" operates globally. You can't buy the excuses when you see how they act when left to themselves.