does he deserve all the hate?
Honest opinion on Richard Spencer?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's a dorky opportunist and on balance is an embarrassment
Yup, you do too, because you're both flaming homosexuals.
he can get the succ
If he stopped all the cringey KKK/Nazi LARPing shit he'd actually be useful for the movement
he deserves his milkies! He needs his milkies!
How much does jidf pay you to make these threads?
>this is humor to lefties
how would that even work
honestly, it isn't that far off from the original. he should lay off the estro
Low test cuck
HELL YEAH he deserves all the hate he gets!!!!
same bullshit racist
different face
with a smile and friendly attitude
I unsubscribed from's rss feed today. That site sucks. Too much cuck material. Too many articles that align with his pan european faggotry, a 10,000 word essay on why we need to make Iran great again by the site's co-founder and Iranian shitskin Jason Jorjani, and a lot of shitty writing. Radix was a much better site, but this ideologyless, mainstreaming retard had to create this site instead so he could appeal to whatever kind of faggot that shit appeals to. If he wants the altright to be about identity and not explicitly about white nationalism, then it's faggotry and I want nothing to do with it. He doesn't he even identify as a white nationalist. Fuck him.
Whoah, this real?
>he deserves his milkies! He needs his milkies!
Show some respect!
His milkshakes bring all the bois to the yard.
she really wants him
just as real as the OP
you should fight antifa.
i think he is a cuck.
>Euro Fags Judging /our guy/ by using MSM
Read his work, listen to his vlogs, he's a solid person who does want to see a better future for all white people.
>does he deserve all the hate
Any Right Whinger who is pro white automatically gets hate.
I am. You should join me.
this thread stinks the high heavens of the JIDF Jewess cunt from her bullshit headquarters Jew'ing the Goy out of money. Tsk. Tsk.
Controlled opposition
He's controlled opposition, and a shill.
Literally never appeared once during the Primaries. Not once. Not one meme. Nothing.
Then pulled that "Heil Trump" shit with the Atlantic a week after the election.
Bought and paid.
Nah. He's a bookish intellectual and a good person. He's not der Fuhrer by any means though.
He should eat more fiber. Poor guy is always constipated.
Nah. The non-violent front men are not the ones you have to worry about nigger. Consider him a lawyer giving niggers and decent "plea agreement" that most of us suggest they sign.
>anyone making fun of muh e-celeb is a lefty
This isn't your hugbox, faggot
Plant cuck
Richard Spencer is a hero.
This. Most of the people here who shit on him are c.ucks or kikes.
He's been hosting white nationalist conferences and writing articles since the 2000s
Don't you DARE speak negatively about the Jewish people!
They've been through enough with the holocaust and even today face anti-semitism!
If I EVER see you speak about G-d's Chosen People in such a vulgar manner again...
I WILL notify Richard Spencer and write a strongly worded letter to the ADL.
You have been warned, goy.
yeah bluepills just never heard of him because MSM doesn't like to give WN any spotlight. Unless they try to scare people away from things gaining traction (alt-right), then they plaster negative images all over, but only in waves. Can't have normies think it's normal/acceptable.
It's not tho. It's not just the same neo-nazi's in suits now. The Alt-Right is a new movement, filled with millennials, and it's growing. And it's YOUR fault. The left made identity politics socially acceptable in modern politics, you shifted the overton window. You pointed the finger at whites, and blamed them for all the social problems in the modern world, you made them a conscious racial group. You bragged about their rising minority status, and how great it will be.
And you expected them to do nothing. You expected them to take, sit back, and apologize. Fade into history and be eliminated.
People like Richard Spencer provide an alternative to a problem you created.
>Spencer is active irl
>bash him and hate him for stupid reasons
>we should stick to Sup Forums and online boards only
I hate this place sometimes
look at all these "alt right" "spokespeople" that appeared out of fucking nowhere
He's never said that.
His aim is to get political office. He's said on numerous occasions that brining up the JQ will jeopardise your chances of getting into the political world. I think his strategy is to get into politics and then slowly move forward from there.
he's /ourguy/.
If you're a true white nationalist you wouldn't bash other whites with similar ideologies.
would you suckle his teet to save the white race?
He's explained all of this. Do some research, fag.
>he explained all of this
>its exactly like it sounds
You goys ready for Alt-Zionism!?
Shabbat shalom!
Yes. The fucker couldn't even answer what "white" means, like all white nationalists.
White nationalism is cancer. They are SJW-tier, but actually worse since they discredit National Socialism and steal symbols for their racist crap.
How long would you have to suckle? And is it a hairy teet or hairless?
im all for white nationalism, but he's a terrible speaker/leader
those things are fucking huge
He's saying that a white ethnostate would be achieved in a similar way to Israel.
lol /leftypol/ shill or just very very stupid?
I'm confused. I'm Spencer for or against a white ethnostate?
Yeah he sucks shit and his speeches are cringey
Controlled oppo for sure
>The fucker couldn't even answer what "white" means
that's mostly how Trump won the election. You don't need to be overly specific and scare people away when you're still so small.
Not gonna lie, I love Spencer but these make me kek every time
The first rule is I'm not supposed to talk about it. And the second rule is I'm not supposed to talk about it.
yeah the anti-spencer memers put a lot of effort, sort of like MAYNESTREEM METEOR
Yeah, he does. He's a dick and a shock artist who does dickish, shock artist things for attention and has found a way to monetize his dickish shock artistry. No substance.
I think he's trying to say Ethonationalism is for the weak, and you should colonize other nations.
I can see his point, but he's not making it very well. He's saying this shit likely because he's cucking, and not because he thinks we should colonize the entire world.
how is this news
I'm an Aryanist. White nationalism is retarded because "white" doesn't mean anything, it's a social construct invented during colonialism. Hitler didn't subscribe to the "white" crap.
People should be judged as individuals, its stupid to create groups like "white" and lump drastically different people together in it.
>Hitler didn't subscribe to the "white" crap.
He mostly did but he called it "Aryan". Anglos were always considered "aryan" - white.
>I think he's trying to say Ethonationalism is for the weak, and you should colonize other nations.
so Globalism then?
lol /leftycuck/ sure is getting creative
I like Richard Spencer. He's the only one standing up for white interests.
Yeah but (((Globalism))) is Jewish domination of the world, If it's whites dominating the world, is that a bad thing?
And the Jews only want to globalize existing white countries so they can control them. Think of all the virgin third world land we could expand and colonize to.
Whites build civilizations, Jews destroy them.
Hellloooo T_D
Jewish plant to serve as media scapegoat. Look at search term history for "alt right" and "richard spencer." this guy was a literally who until the mainstream media picked up on the alt right label and started applying it to conservatives
>not seeing a shill for what he is
I'm afraid you might have actual autism
>If it's whites dominating the world, is that a bad thing?
The Alt-Right is preaching Globalism for whites.
ANTIFA preaches Globalism for communists.
Jews preach Globalism for the Jews.
It's the exact same lie told slightly differently depending on the audience.
No one group should rule the world -- the world is not meant to be ruled but cared for.
Besides, no political platform can succeed until you do two things:
>End the power of Israel
>by waking up the world to the Truth
This is why some form of National Socialism is required at this time.
He's an opportunist attention-whoring faggot and doesn't represent me.
Completely controlled opp. Apparently (((TRS))) convinced him to do the heil at that conference. Here's someone that can actually convert normies and isn't an embarrassment.
God Bless
End the increasing concentration of power
You seem like the average pozzed libertarian/ancap from reddit who still doesn't get it and still hasn't broken free of the programming. You should go back there.
He's in favour of the creation of an entirely new nation. He's referring to ethno-nationalism in the sense of ethno-nationalism within existing nations, which he sees as counterproductive to our cause.
Are you trying to imply ANTIFA, the communist, and the Jews aren't all the same people?
And Independent western empires is what we should have, we can share the ruling responsibility. And hey, the colonys may reach a point where they are able to become independent western nations.
But we need to take pride in our ability to build successful civilizations. And if third world shitters have their own first world nations to live in, they won't some here.
Same as his taste in women
nice ad hominems. do I accept your defeat now or would you like to explain what exactly you disagree with?
>im against the current nations
>lets create a new one..
>a global one..
He didn't even hail anybody. He just raised his glass. It's obvious you didn't even watch the video are just regurgitating whatever faux outage CNN instructs you to. Fuck off back to /r/thedonald
>Are you trying to imply ANTIFA, the communist, and the Jews aren't all the same people?
I'm implying ANTIFA, the communists, the Alt-Right and the many considered to be the "Jewish People" in Israel an abroad are all deceived by the Rabbinate. I'm implying many of these people can be woke up. I'm implying that many Jews would reject Judaism is they knew the Truth.
Save the world or destroy it.
Fuck off retard. The (((media))) takes everything out of context. Saying Hail Trump, Hail our people is retarded. And of course (((Enoch))) was there to raise his hand in salute. Absolutely controlled opposition made to make WN's look bad. kys
>caring about how baby boomer legacy media portrays WN
Lmao you don't get it at all. You probably still think all we have to do is to do is vote to get ourselves out of this mess.
The hail trump, hail our people thing was stupid. Larping as hitler doesn't do any good.
> “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!
How retarded are you? Does no one here believe in subterfuge? That's why its ridiculous when slam """"civic nationalism"""". Unfortunately, we have to win over enough normies to win elections. The lugenpresse is going to lie at every opportunity, so we can't give them ammo. However, all of that shit is in name only, it de facto is leading to a white nation and positive results for whites. How do (((they))) succeed all the time? Not by revealing their true intentions to the goyim as some retards would have us do.
Why are you responding you fucking cuck? You are a nigger loving piece of shit from Reddit kys
>tfw too intelligent for niggers
>Unfortunately, we have to win over enough normies to win elections.
There aren't any elections left to win my friend. If you think it can all be solved with slick entyism into the Republican party and watered down bullshit and Richard Spencer saying hail our people at a WN think tank impedes this (long after Trump secured the election) you SERIOUSLY need to fuck off back to /r/thedonald
You don't blow your load early. Obviously we are heading to wear we can just Heil Hitler openly soon, but not yet. By LARPing so soon all you do is make the goal harder to acheive. Do you think the kikes told anyone about the Samson option before they had a state and nukes? No, we should act the same way.
Because I'm trying to make progress you fucking faggot. It's a subtle redpill designed to appeal to a leftist. I'm trying to make him start questing his positions. That's how it starts.
I think he's an attention whore, but the dude's alright.
you need SOME added benefit to make yourself so much of a target. They already targeted someone in his personal circle and urged ending rent or something. at least getting some attention for all of this is a fair deal.
He gives always some good arguments, and try to protect europid heritage, that's good, how can you dislike that? only if you're not even european.