Marrying older women?

>be 28
>feel like I'm old
>80k yearly income
>dating girl my own age
>good waist to hip ratio
>pure white ancestry
>cooks for me daily and cleans my apartment sometimes
>nice to my family

Gonna maybe marry her because those qualities but everyone on Sup Forums is always talking about how you need to get an early 20s chick that you can boss around redpill due to her immaturity. How true is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

You have a good opportunity here, don't lose her.
Get married and have children ASAP.

Marry at 30

Early 20s chicks are a meme. Older chicks are less likely to divorce you too.

marry and have children you dumbass

Don't listen to the idiots on here. Just marry her and have children.

>finding a decent woman
>not marrying here despite you having the same age
>huur I want le young grill

>Older chicks are less likely to divorce you too.

They're also more likely to be looking for a meal ticket after riding the cock carousel in their prime.

Is gang raping a woman considered "marriage" in India?

marry/kids. godspeed op

Marriage is retarded. If you marry in the current year, you are setting yourself up for divorce rape. If you want to reproduce, wait 10 years until artificial wombs are available.


I'm 33 my wife is 39. No regrets

What happens when you marry her and she divorces you 5 years later because she is dissatisfied with the marriage? That's what happens to most couples, and the husband gets fucked in the ass with alimony and unfair divorce settlements.

Marry. Have a lot of children. Quick.

have a child first
see if she's good at being a mother
try before you buy, child support's cheaper than alimony

start breeding faggot

If your green text is all true, you won't find a better mate. Take her to church, marry her, start your family.

Older marriages are a meme. Used goods are more likely to divorce you.

The only women that are marriage material are virgins.

I'm in the same situation, user. She is a Christian so I assume she has not had many sexual partners before you and divorce is not an option for her. The statistics are on your side.
Marry her, live a purposeful life, and have lots of white children.

go MGTOW! All these cucks here will tell you its your duty to have kids even if it means she'll divorce rape you after 5 years. meanwhile tradcons and republicans are at the forefront of making family court even more in fovor of the woman.
Think of yourself and your happiness,dont become MGTOW the hard way!

Right, make sure the roasty stays toasty.


She still has almost 20 years of being able to have children

this. get a virgin and have authority over her like its supposed to be.


> getting married
> spending thousands to enter a legally binding contract where a woman is entitled to leave you and take half your things with her

Pre-nup OP, if she doesnt agree get outta there

you mean 10 years I suppose, we have enough retards as it is already

If she has children when she's younger there's less chance of the kids she has at 40+ being messed up

die young

#NoHymenNoDiamond -- PERIOD!

It's unlikely she hasn't gotten schlonged at that age OP. Divorce rates increase almost exponentially proportional to the number of sexual partners. I know somebody has the infographic here.

OP you're middleclass and could probably afford a nice vacation to some 3rd world country like Colombia and find yourself a nice young girl who can cook and clean.


my Mrs is same same yours but im 32. christian, doctorate, mother to my beautiful blonde haired blue eyed son etc.. shes

yet daily all i want is a younger woman to fuck.

who knows. must be genetic.

>Yes goy! Accept the eradication of your superior white genetics! MGTOW!

Marry attractive virgins in their late virgins. Unless you are a loser, then you won't even know they exist.

Just do whatever Sup Forums tells you to do.

Dont marry, pure tax reasons

Not a good idea. She's crazy and a liar.

At 28yrs old if you haven't figured out Jew worship is mind control there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you.

Good luck and don't let your sons die for Israel

mgtow is the ultimate cuckoldry tho

Roughly 34% of women who get married initiate a divorce. Thanks to no-fault divorce, they take their husbands to the cleaners even if they were ones who cheated for example.

Do those even exist anymore in the US

That's because most people are idiots with poor judgement. Don't be like them and you won't divorce


this point is moot because a woman of any age is likely to divorce, in fact a young dumb chick is more likely to divorce me imo

plot twist, I'm her first (no blood as proof but it definitely did feel like splitting something open when we first did it)

only if you cover yourself in poo tradition dictates

we've got more virgin women than you have virgin goats

Granted. But if you're having any doubts about getting married, it's best to figure out what's wrong. My cousin was with a girl for several years but he never married her. Then two years later he was married to another girl. Two beautiful children, happy marriage. The previous one just wasn't doing it for him.

So now you're saying you found a 28 y/o virgin qt?

I highly doubt that, we get them while they are young, very unlikely that a lot of girls there are virgins, no matter the age

I mean goats are nice and all, but pretty little white girls are nicer, especially when your governments do nothing to stop us

>alimony and unfair divorce settlements.

Don't get married in a cucked state that hates men.

Some states are more based than others, unfortunately I don't have a definitive list of recommended states maybe someone can help me out here. The website above will help you understand your state's divorce laws.

>when your governments do nothing to stop us
We've been shoahing you sandniggers for like 16 years now. America hasn't been hit very hard by refugees

Negatron, we been dating 4 years. Did not have sex till a year in. She had one boyfriend before me but for only 3 months.

She went to some christian college that had bed checks, then moved back home. I met her after that.


How are things there with two governments? I read the Tripoli government wants to give up but the other one won't even talk to them. Are people still dying?

>4 years
>Christian college
>cooks and cleans

Dude, just seal the deal.

Not unless you sodomize her with a scaffolding pole

The refugees mostly target Europe, we have plenty of guys there since before the crisis my man

When we noticed that the average age of a virgin in Europe was getting up to almost 19 years old we had to do something, someone needed to fuck these girls, and we saw it as our duty to do it ourselves

And they live it

No, the civil war is mostly over, most of the conflict is political

And yeah the Tripoli government I'd losing much of its power, the other government the Tobruk government is standing strong, the national military is under them

I'm not european you doublenigger

As long as she is younger than you and can still bear children then yes

Wow, it's almost like you should defer to your own judgement in situations like this instead of relying on generalizations.

My gf is a year older than me (37/38). 12 years in without a hiccup. She pays half the bills and life is cozy. Fuck marriage and fuck having children.

Here is a tip:
Don't take advice from Sup Forums

I'm dating a 41 year old and I'm 29.

You might wanna try rereading it idiot

But what can you expect from a fucking weeb

here's a tip, fuck off toothpaste

You guys should be fine
That's fucked up

>talks about how rapefugees are fucking europeans as though it's a conquest
>to an american
like I give a shit about what's happening to europeans. they'll get sick of it and expel you soon enough

you struck gold bro good job on life

So much for white supremacy

She's hot though

>white supremacy
dumb meme. anglosphere will reign supreme

>tfw have to fight urge to fuck other women

Life is hell

It's might be a good relationship for you to be in. If you're that fucked up you're probably better off somewhere you might not accidentally have children.

Britain is among them moron

Jesus, is education there really that bad, I thought is wad just a meme

So when your 53 your wife will be 60.

Good job gay cunt.


It's only 10 years, bro. It's not like she's a granny lol.
I'm not gonna marry her anyway.


fuck off

This is a shill thread from a coal burning feminist cat whore trying to convince the pol vanguard in to cuckoldry for dry up cunts.

Don't fall for it my brethren, 17 y.o. fresh inny pussy master race er day

Aussie education everyone

You must be new here?

Half the time Sup Forums is crying about how they're gonna die alone and can't have sex with any women. The other half Sup Forums is asking how to save white women from fucking chad.

>Sort yourself out
>Clean your room
>Slay the dragon
>Dragons have gold
>Rescue your father from the underworld


But let me add, for fairness. Any man who uses virgins for hump and dump needs to be stoned.
They're not even good in sex. Get a roastie and gtfo.

It's great to see all the Stormfront faggots go off on MGTOW. About 50% of you WILL experience the virtues of Western family law ultimately if you choose to marry.

If having kids is a priority, you're going to pay for it, married or not. Family law will always protect the child. The right thought process is deciding on the coin flip of marriage. If you want a mom/dad environment, take the risk. If you believe kids turn out OK regardless, not having that paper will protect your assets from her (not the courts) a little better.

Here' the real redpill - once you're married she can sit on her ass all day long knowing full well she gets 50%+ of everything you pull in. Add in the cost of childcare, and you'll be directing 60%+ of your prime earning years to a woman and children.

So if passing on your genes through marriage helps to keep the Jews in check, go right ahead and pull the trigger. But statistically, 50% of those that choose to do so, will have no access to those funds ultimately because she's going to take them and try to get back on the carousal. Also, there's a real risk that your kids will end up hating your guts too. Choose carefully.