200 Years Together - Aleksander Solzhenitsyn

"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."

- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.

'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.

FULL ENGLISH LINK: (can preview and read without downloading it, if you want.)


JIDF will be here shortly to discredit and dis-info, so be prepared for serious COINTEL shitposting

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Oy vey no interest today?

how is it banned if i can buy for 295 ru on ozon

In Russian, but not in english

Also is ozon book a full version with all chapters?

Never heard Jordan Peterson mention this one. Bump



From the book:
>Because YevSek (Jewish section of the communist party) “inherited
specific hatred toward petty Jewish bourgeoisie cultivated by earlier Jewish
socialist parties and saw their own purpose in fighting it, its policy in the
beginning of NEP was substantially different from the general party line”.
During the second part of NEP, the “YevSek attempted to complete the
dismantling of Jewish bourgeoisie, which began with “War Communism”.

If all the Jews are in it together, why do they hate each other so much?

>If all the Jews are in it together, why do they hate each other so much?

the entire history of the Jews is the people fighting with the Rabbinate, but always returning to the control of the Rabbis.


Wait so this was anonymously translated by randoms? How the hell can we be sure that it's accurate in any way?

every ethnic group has infighting, it just so happens that when this group fights between themselves the white man finds himself in the middle.


Nice. Currently reading The Gulag Archipelago - not actually that impressed by it so far desu, just a long and lengthy account about how literally everyone gets arrested. Hopefully it'll grow on me though. If so, I'll read this one after.

Already read the user-translation last week.

You think we could enshrine white identity in a religion like that?


>JIDF will be here shortly to discredit and dis-info, so be prepared for serious COINTEL shitposting
How does Santa Claus know he's at a Jewish house? There is a parking meter on the roof, a free candy sign on the door, and foreskins all over the yard.

I read One Day in the Life of whatever.
It wasn't that great.

thanks user

some double spacing between paragraphs would be swell




Added to the must read list

>The Gulag Archipelago
90% anecdote. No doubt the Stalinist regime was bad but it reads like he just made shit up as he went along


>One Day in the Life of
I am curious, what were you expecting to be great about a story of misery?


Who did the English translation? And can a bi-lingual take a look at both the original Russian and this one to see if the Engllish version is accurate?

>"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."

Fuck. I have a banned book fetish and now I have to read this shit. I hope it isn't long.

>downloading things from random links on Sup Forums

>taking the word of random proxies as proof that it is safe

Mods, why are you supporting illegal material?

Entire threads on 4*2gag full of people scrutinizing it. Go there for a bit if you're uncomfertable. They also have a real download, untampered on 8/pdf/.

>I hope it isn't long

Lel...435 pages in french...have fun Bubba...