I can't fucking stand Ramadan/pol/ and that shit starts tomorrow. I live in a large metro area on the east coast. So naturally we do have a muslim population bigger than the rest of the states. I work at a restaurant and every single Ramadan tell head fucks flood my establishment two fucking minutes before closing and I have to stay 2 hours extra waiting for them to leave. What do I do Sup Forums? I'm considering getting a salt shaker thing but filling it with bacon bits and putting it in their food. Any ideas?
I can't fucking stand Ramadan/pol/ and that shit starts tomorrow. I live in a large metro area on the east coast...
Towel head*
At least you're not going to be killed because it's Ramadan like if you were in Europe.
try suicide bomb
What kind of restaurant?
so they can't drink or eat during sunlight hours , what if they have a job that's in the sun that's just dangerous not drinking water
Lower end italian restaurant. We sell pizzas and pastas and salads and shit
Mcdicks is open 24/7. Go there
Tell them you're having a month long special and the only menu item is a porchetta sandwich.
Flip the "open" sign to closed before sunset. Problem solved.
Open a tumblr account. There are huge amounts of muslims on tumblr,post nothing but pictures of food,porn and jews and tag it ramadan.islam,muslims,muslim,muhhamad ect. Oh my friends its a glorious thing.
Please do it
I don't run it. I'm a chef/clean if the teenage staff isn't around
tell them to piss off, are you cucked or something?
I don't own the place sadly
then wipe bacon grease on your hands and send muslims to hell
Is bacon grease haram?
Well damn son, I can just Grease the pans with it
grease your nuts with it and teabag salad bowls
You man. I just wanna send some sand niggers to hell. Not get a health inspection violation
>what if they have a job that's in the sun that's just dangerous not drinking water
you don't have to be hungry and thirsty all the time. you can pay 1 month of food cost of a poor family instead of fasting.
eating by mistake isn't haram, you infidels
Here's your (you)
Fuck off sandnigger
>What do I do Sup Forums?
Just double the price on the late night menu. They either stop coming or you take more of their money.
Eating by mistake everyday during breakfast halal?
Here's your (you), faggot.
Islam - the religion of honor killings, pedophiles and suicide vests.